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Cannabis doesn't lower school grades, but tobacco does!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
To be ignored by DEA, police, idiot preachers and authoritative jerks in general.

The problem with all these studies is cause vs correlation. If a kid is fucking off with smoking or drinking, it tends to follow he gives a crap about school. Also he is more likely to be suffering from anxiety or worse mental conditions before he used anything.


ICMag Donor
What the seeker seeks,
The finder finds.

Cannabis, imo, is the tree of knowledge.
Look how scared the controllers are of this sacred plant becoming available in mass. They want complete control if every aspect of you & everything you desire.


I don't care if its legal right now, hasn't stopped me the last 19 years so.. But I would like it to be legal in my lifetime so I can stick my middle finger up at all those brain washed uneducated hypocrites who class me as a criminal, but smoke tobacco and drink alcohol, c*nts