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cannabis butter



Anyone else have experience making MJ butter for use in cooking? I'm bout to go mix up a batch in the next few weeks to make some cookies and snacks and wanted to see if anyone has new techniques for me to try.....



hash oil.............come on guys I didn't goto weed college :)

i heard some stories on making oil, but sounded too much work for me. any lessons you can give on the process zepp?


Captain Expando
haha ok ... the only method I have used to make cannabutter includes 3 grams of hash oils per stick of butter.... a light simmer for about 10 minutes and storage in the fridge. I don't know how to make it with loose herb, sorry dude. I like to load mine with honey and get ripped up.

lord siva

Active member
I have used two techniques. The first one I have seen referred to as black butter and once you are done you will see why. This method is simple and all that you need are your fine ground scraps( remember you get out what you put in so higher quality shaker make the “Higher” baker), butter and a crock pot. Melt the butter {I use 1 stick per OZ of shake) and add the shake. Put the lid on set to low and go to sleep. Seriously go to sleep and take it off the heat in the morning. Let it get cool enough to handle without burning the flesh off your bones and strain it. I find that some silk screen works best for this since it is strong and able to take the wringing needed to extract all your butter from the plant matter.
The second method involves boiling the butter and scraps together in a pot of water. In a large stock pot bring a few quarts of water to boil and toss everything in for a few hours on ¾ heat (so it does not boil over). Then strain out most of the plant matter, so that you are left with a pot of water with oil floating on top. Cool this mixture overnight in a fridge and you can lift the butter free from the water. This method is said to make a cleaner butter.
I have tried both ways and it seems the only difference in the finale product is color. The taste may vary but I could not tell once it was cooked into food.
Hope this helps.


I used the method where we boil the cannabis scraps with the butter and filter through cheesecloth when completed. It seems to work well, but I was just curious if there are other methods.....I guess my cheesecloth method will be the one to use again....

No complaints last time


Sharp_Pain said:
hash oil.............come on guys I didn't goto weed college :)

i heard some stories on making oil, but sounded too much work for me. any lessons you can give on the process zepp?

easy sharp

go to my Trouble finding hexane thread...order a liter up have it delivered....once it arrives prepare two quart jars

lid on one, coffee filter on the other

get your shake and skuff it up and cover it in hexane, shake the shit out of it for 2 minutes and strain through into the second jar with the coffee filter

prepare a double boiler, empty the hexane with the thc in it into the double boiler and watch it evaporate away and leave your honey oil behind!
have you checked this out Sharp Pain

have you checked this out Sharp Pain

Highhhh Sharp
you might want check out making extract cookies,
real easy !
for the oil for cooking your talking about
check out the green alien tinture, easy to make,
After that you can bake or cook anything with it ,
just like using butter or oil.

For note of interest guys the cannaoil / cannabutter recipe is very strong in the end,
works alot better than butter frying pan method

I also have a concern here you guys are using Hexane :eek:
Ever read a report on that stuff and its vapors ???,

You must wear a mask thats supplies oxygen,
Not just the filtered type wont work at all
Hexane vapors cause permament nerve damage
very little - goes undectable in body :mad:
Also is cancer causing !!!,
I dont know much about this stuff but if I was a MS patient
or a Patient with nerve damage I would be very leary of using this product.
I would stick with the old and proven Butane or ISO methods.

I see your all upset at the prices of butane,
stops you from making your favorite honey oil.
I would too if I paid that, But listen up !
I cant say where,
It would be unkind to post their buiss on this site their straight buissness,
its a wholesale supply for I think 1.00 store types,
its in LA Calif. somewhere.
And are you ready for this you can buy the case 1 or a thousand
it dosnt matter,
Its .50 ea. (12 to a case) wholesale for large 500 mil cans of the " c." gas brand,
their Retail 1.00 EACH in the stores !
@ hidden stores everywhere just have to look
safe and cheap now
now go and search and you find like I did
& buy a case "online" for under $10.00 !!!.
Its the Bargin of the year !

(A Honey making tool, from the private LB. collection )


Hey SP,i use Kif for makin butter.You dont have to simmer it for a long time because its just Trichs no leaf matter and mixes fast with the butter.Its done pretty much the same way as you do with bud or trim but its faster and there is no cheesecloth cuz you dont strain anything.Tastes alittle better than the leaves,cuz sometimes you get that weedy taste,maybe from the Chlorifyll.Spelled wrong.


Active member
DancesWithWeed said:
Hey SP,i use Kif for makin butter.You dont have to simmer it for a long time because its just Trichs no leaf matter and mixes fast with the butter.Its done pretty much the same way as you do with bud or trim but its faster and there is no cheesecloth cuz you dont strain anything.Tastes alittle better than the leaves,cuz sometimes you get that weedy taste,maybe from the Chlorifyll.Spelled wrong.

yeapppp!!! hes right....i just made some kiff brownies today.....i used about the same amount of kiff as that for the whole pan...2 sticks of margerine and kiff simmer untill hash has been consumed into the butter and ur done...way easyer way more potent tasty...the mix smells like popcorn to me..but its the best.....i used about 3/4T of kiff


Active member
the_danimal said:
easy sharp

go to my Trouble finding hexane thread...order a liter up have it delivered....once it arrives prepare two quart jars

lid on one, coffee filter on the other

get your shake and skuff it up and cover it in hexane, shake the shit out of it for 2 minutes and strain through into the second jar with the coffee filter

prepare a double boiler, empty the hexane with the thc in it into the double boiler and watch it evaporate away and leave your honey oil behind!

whoAAAA no double boiler.......no FIRE!!!! u dont need fire...if u know the secret ....boiling hexane is not the key its not isopropyl...that has water and other bullshit in it...if u want to know the secret then just pm me..
secrets here ? well then,why the pm why not ?

secrets here ? well then,why the pm why not ?

Post it for all to have :chin: :eek: :friends: :friends: :friends: :wink:
