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Cannabis and the Road to Recovery

Does anybody else have success stories of getting off of opiates?
What changes did you make in life to replace opiates?
How long did it take to feel normal again?

I know icmag has a lot pain management folk who have had or are currently experiencing the opiate scene and everything that comes with it.

I still use opiates from time to time but am no way full time wrapped up in the lifestyle of being loaded all day or any where even close to it. I don't have a desire to be full time because I like living, I like being stoned but more so I like just living and being in an environment where I don't feel an urge to get loaded all the time.

Everyone is different some people just cannot for the life of them stand any physical withdrawal symptoms that opiate use produces. So that's why they are addicted. The physical withdraw sucks but personally is no where near as hard as the mental for me. Fighting yourself on a daily to not get high is the hardest part. That's why smoking an 1/8 a day sometimes is necessary. I don't think there will ever be a going back or a normal state like before opiates but as long as you exercise, drink water, smoke ample amount of weed, maybe find some new hobbies and exercise to take your mind and idle hands off the junk. Don't dwell on the negative things, smoke more weed, don't let anything or one take your personal power away

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Does anybody else have success stories of getting off of opiates?
What changes did you make in life to replace opiates?
How long did it take to feel normal again?

First i went to prison (7th time), early parole to rehab (2nd one) (teen challenge/ for all ages not just teens)
One year in rehab, got out, got a job. never talked to old friends.
Payed my fines fast as i could.
Kept my nose to the grindstone till off parole and probation.
Then :smoweed:
6yrs clean this last Oct.



I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
mdk it took me about 6 months of clean time before i started being happy with myself. i had done drugs from such a young age that i didnt even know what i was like clean, and now i cant even imagine myself all messed up on that shit anymore. i did take suboxone for a few weeks, and i was in an outpatient program for a year. the biggest thing is getting to meetings and finding sober support. best of luck dude.

everyone is different
can't say that enough
I tried methadone maintenance, therapy, meetings all of it...for some people it works for, im not trying to put anyone else down at all but honestly none of that bullshit worked for me. I'd still rather be a junkie than in the sober tshirt crowd. What I mean by that is, I don't like the whole methadone or AA scenes...like if I'm gonna get high I'm gonna do the real thing, and the last thing I need is to talk about my bullshit or hear about other strangers drug antics and issues. I hate that more than anything, when I was a junkie I hated listening to other junkies bullshit, hated the lifestyle all I wanted was to be loaded and not think about the bullshit simple as that...

The AA circles would make me even more depressed, it wasn't getting me into a good environment personally it just confirmed my previous negative attitude. so it gets down to I just don't want to be apart of it at all, I don't want to hear about someones sober trip that's their business. Cold Turkey made more sense to me, I'm either on or I'm off...no bullshit in between

Any other opiophile's feel no need to use dope when they are in the forest or away from the city environment?


Kiss My Ring
:bow:used to bow before dilaudid and benzos, till i fell out of work and couldn't afford cobra.:shucks:

made my crutch something it was impossible for them to provide.:yay: phuck pharma...:ying:

moving up on three years no scripts; like i said...phuck pharma

the phony relationships at AA were pathetic in retrospect, but making coffee and cleaning up after a bunch of drunks was nothing, gave new meaning to the word rehab. oh and the markers...don't get me started. :jerkit:

keep on keeping on. :scripture:


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
yea i dont know, the meetings were good when i first started, honestly im really young and seeing a bunch of middle aged people with less then i have at 25 really made me realize i didnt want to be like that. i dont buy into all that bullshit, but you kow, you use it for whatever it does for you. some people it doesnt do anything, other people it saves lives. its a lot of corny shit but they defintely have a purpose.



Active member
feelin guilty over here...i just recently geeked, peaked and tweaked on a small pile of yak and a few pills

2 day party 4 day hangover but i'm clean since sunday !!