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Cannabis and Anxiety and Depression Medications


Highlight...do NOT take another pill...

Go to the vitamin section..and pick up some all natural 5-htp supplements...seriously...

Take 50mg whenever you are feeling down/anxious/depressed......100mg is the regular dose but 50 works also...make sure its not the time release stuff...

I spent 15 years of my life on ssri's....basicly what they do...is create seratonin (the feel good chemical) in your brain....with TONS of fucked up side effects....

Seriously..I took myself off Zoloft recently...weened myself down to 12.5mg from 100mg and even STILL I have been dealing with the most insane fucking withdrawals imaginable....

SSRI's should be illegal...and 10% of the adult U.S. population is hooked on them...

5-HTP does the EXACT same thing as SSRI's without all the side effects...it is a precursor to seratonin...it enters your bloodstream and your brain converts it directly to seratonin and within 20 minutes you feel "better" have a good "outlook"...then to find yourself smiling for no reason and just saying to yourself...man...life is good...

I'd recommend not taking more than 100mg in a day....honestly take half a pill during the day when you start to feel shitty...and then take another before bed.....

Make sure you don't take it with your other anti depressants though...because there is such thing as overdosing on seratonin....its very rare and you would have to really over do it...but its possible...

Seriously though...5-htp is the real. Natures anti anxiety/anti depressant.

couldn't have said it better. I have taken at least 4 different ssri's over the past 4 yrs (some did nothing) and im 21.
my view on em:
they don't work till you get into higher doses
@ higher doses you WILL feel side effects (sexual, carelessness + many more)
dull emotions (zombify as someone put it) - and not just bad ones
seems that the only positive impact for me was ridding me of serioius depression (suicidal feelings etc..) interestingly they have never returned since my first bout with prozac
made me a bit of an asshole... by having such dull emotions.. not caring
they stop working after some time (there's a term for this)
withdrawal is horrible - lightning bolts really fucking suck!
I feel great for like a month after i stop taking them.. maybe due to relief because i am off... then symptoms return

my most recent battle:

i stopped zoloft - after 2 years... weened over the course of 8 weeks, in 25mg increments, and i was fine till i got to 0 and still felt the lightning bolts and other withdrawal symptoms.

felt great for a while, now im back to the anxious depressed me. My anxiety was horrible for a while, and i couldn't handle stuff, especially with a new job at which i need to seem extremely happy for (it's tough.. but fake it till you make it i guess). So i went to Dr. Pillz while i am trying to find the right therapist. He suggested SNRI's (SSRI + Neurepinephrine) - I am not down.. eventually he very reluctantly gave me a tiny script for klonopin.. thanks dude...... I told him i don't want meds that are with me for the long run, and will eventually BE my personality... Went back a month later, had taken all 15 of the .5mg kpins her Rxed. He says "if you are taking them near every day you should be on an SNRI" I still tell him no.. that the kpins work... noticeably and that they allow me the comfort to actually work on myself... and he goes into addiction etc. I have no history of addiction, and I tell him the SSRI's are the most physically addicting drug i have taken. I become completely dependent on them or i feel like complete SHIT.. he "explains" the difference. In the end i tell him ill think about the SNRI over the next month.. and he reluctantly gives me 15 pills.

Enough rambling from me.. hang in there dude. and try not to get into the "med loop" or the "med trap" as i tend to call it. It is tough to navigate and tough to get out of...

all that being said. Stinky Green and Super conductor are totally on point. hear them.
I personally do not find any relief from cannabis for depression, but being bipolar I am quite sensitive to sativa dominant strains, and with most indicas sometimes it seems I can never smoke enough. I have found that switching to hash has worked well for me, smoking less more often. GDP as been a staple strain for me for the past few years to help with anxiety, pain, and sleeping at night.

Basically after years of doctors trying to shove pills down my throat, and in the end I found that, changing my diet (cut out as much process food as possible) , taking daily walks, taking fish oil, and taking vitamin D, has greatly improved my overall mood and quality of life.

Good Luck in finding a solution that works well for you
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Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over


Anxiety/panic attacks/phobias are a fear of a fear, afraid of the next attack coming on. The root cause of the anxiety might be something so irrelevant that you might not even know it's the root cause, it is something that has happened in your past that has been slowly been building up in your sub-conscious until it has come to a point where it's now showing itself at a conscious level. My advice is for you to see a good hypnotherapist, they have a great record of curing these kind of problems. Counselors/talk therapists/psychologists work with your conscious mind and the hypnotherapist works with your sub-conscious where all the problems are located, a good hypnotherapist can fix you in just one session, it's pretty easy actually. A counselor will only ever teach you how to live with your disorder and give you control techniques but you will still have the root cause which needs to be eliminated for you to live a normal life.

I'd highly recommend anyone that suffers from anxiety attacks to seek out a good hypnotherapist, they really do great work and you'll thank me later.

I hope you get better soon.


unrelated to anxiety but related to 100g oz post.

As crazy as hypnotherapy sounds (to me)
and i always forget that i did this, but when i was a youngster i was SERIOUSLY afraid of dogs.. bad phobia... the result of a poodle attack when i was a baby (a poodle has been the family pet since i completed this therapy.. about 11 years back). i saw a shrink, who was also involved in hypnotherapy. I went for the hypno at some point.. thinking nothing of it at the time, and feeling pretty dumb about the whole thing. But very soon after that my fear completely subsided. Have been a huge dog lover ever since..

Idk if it was the hypno, the therapy, or actively working with dogs that got me over the fear... but i would be curious to see how some respond to hypno therapy for depression/anxiety... I would do it but im cynical about all things related to mental health :/
i used it to eliminate pain from an auto accident. it was one of my more interesting experiences. and it did work. the hypnosis done by someone who worked with surgery patients to minimize blood flow to the incisions.


Active member
Great Thread. Thanks to the brave thread starter for sharing his story.
Thanks to all the people that have contributed their experiences and advice.

Anxiety and Depression are unique to each individual and situation.
People reading this thread should remember this important fact.

Cannabis works for my OCD/anxiety disorder. It helps my depression, appetite/nausea, body aches, mood swings, ocd symptoms, panic attacks, sleep problems.

Peace and smiles outdoordreams


Active member
Hello Maxmurder, the best anti-anxiety strain I have ever come across was the Old man Piss pheno of GOD bud. It is a cutting from the island here in BC.
It took my anxiety away like no other. Still hoping to get that one back.

I also like haze crosses that uplift my spirits for my depressed days. (Sweetskunk, Seedsmans Haze)

I like a strong indica before bed. (Purple Kush, BC clone)

Im still searching for my appetite stimulating strain if anyone has suggestions.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Please consult your physician before stopping any medication. Sudden cold turkey can cause serious problems even death especially after long term use.

Barn Owl

Active member
Please consult your physician before stopping any medication. Sudden cold turkey can cause serious problems even death especially after long term use.

Be your own doctor. Depression is the kind of thing where you can actually get away with stopping your meds. In my case, the meds made it worse and the doctors would not tell me to stop. I had to find out myself. Stopping the meds could be risky, but people should also be able to figure out what works for them. Anxiety and depression meds can help some people, but they can also be a prison if you find a shit doctor that won't spend time with you. Face it, most doctors want a quick fix and won't spend more than 5 minutes with you.


New member
Be your own doctor. Depression is the kind of thing where you can actually get away with stopping your meds. In my case, the meds made it worse and the doctors would not tell me to stop. I had to find out myself. Stopping the meds could be risky, but people should also be able to figure out what works for them. Anxiety and depression meds can help some people, but they can also be a prison if you find a shit doctor that won't spend time with you. Face it, most doctors want a quick fix and won't spend more than 5 minutes with you.

Sorry to disagree but please nobody just stop your prescribed meds if your bi-polar and have an anxiety disorder. I got extremely sick going cold turkey (not on purpose) from my meds and I spent some time in the hospital because of it. My heart rate was so extreme and consistent they thought I was a speed head. Having been on prescribed meds I have went from 5 different pills to 2 1/2. Which is still more then I want to be on, but slower is better in these situations. Just like with smoking weed. I started smoking because my panic attacks and it has helped me cut the number of pills I take down. I am finally starting to figure out what types of strains or what combinations work for me at what times to give me the desired affect. I just started slow and moved on from there.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
does not matter anyone taking medications long term can die for stopping these meds. I would never tell anyone to stop taking there meds im not a doctor. If I stop my seizure meds I can have a seizure and die.. You need to talk to your doctor. If you do not want to take any medications you should be monitored and slowly taper off IMO. I would never take someones advice on a public forum if I should or should not take my meds..


Active member
It really depends on your specific medications. I have been on many and never did I have one that is unsafe to quit without tapering off.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Anyone thats been taking medication for a long time should never do that. If your not sure ask your doc. even if you have done it does not mean its OK. Any Benzo or Depression medication thats been in your system for a year(even less then that) I would not recommend stopping without consulting a doctor..
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Active member
So I went to see the doctor again today.

Blood work looks normal. I ask about Medical Marijuana, he says No, no I cant do that.
Then I ask what he thought about my use. He said, "does it work for you?" So I reply in length, and he says ohhh, then keep using it. So I asked him to sign, he said no no I cant do that. He is alright if another physician will sign for it. So he is sending to me to the head doctor to get examined. From there I will ask him to sign, if he says no, I will be contacting a friendly doctor to get a signature.

It is interesting that my doctor wants to me keep using it illegally.


Active member
That's cool, then! I mean, it feels like it means that he at least cares for your well-being, even if he not comfortable with his own signature personally being on that prescription. Some people are especially paranoid... I'd say based upon my observations that nearly everyone in the world has some kind of paranoia. I feel like it's often a sign of too much ego preventing the individual from seeing the limitless entropy of the universe and how many options may unfold, completely outside of direct control.

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