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Cannabiogen Destroyer phenotypes.

Red October

Active member
Hola amigos, esperaba que alguien aquí se hubiera encontrado con algo similar a esto con sus plántulas destructoras. Tengo dos plántulas que tienen hojas extendidas / separadas en el primer conjunto de hojas. Esto no es algo con lo que esté familiarizado y me parece extraño que dos plántulas tengan características similares al destructor.

Quería preguntar aquí, ya que el destructor todavía parece ser popular en España, pero no puedo encontrar muchas reseñas recientes en los foros en inglés. Usaré el traductor de Google para esto, así que espero que tenga sentido.

Here's the English version incase that makes no sense

Hey guys, was hoping someone here would have come across something similar to this with their destroyer seedlings. I have two seedlings that have splayed / separate leaves on the first set of leaves. This is not something I'm familiar with and I find it odd that two seedlings have similar characteristics from destroyer.

Wanted to ask here as destroyer still seems to be popular in Spain but can't find many recent reviews on it on the English forums. I'm going to use Google translate for this, so I hope it makes sense:biglaugh:

Many thanks


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Hola Red October,

He acabado un cultivo de Destroyer, hay poco meses. Semillas de 2012. Tenian el mismo aspecto, exactamente.

Es facil de encontrar las mejores plantas en Destroyer, las mejores son blanca de resina, y huelen mucho mas. Puedes ver differencia de qualidad desde el inicio de la flo.

Red October

Active member
Hola Red October,

He acabado un cultivo de Destroyer, hay poco meses. Semillas de 2012. Tenian el mismo aspecto, exactamente.

Es facil de encontrar las mejores plantas en Destroyer, las mejores son blanca de resina, y huelen mucho mas. Puedes ver differencia de qualidad desde el inicio de la flo.
thank you bordelik tribe, can you remember how these ones turned out? Where they more leaning toward a distinct parent or where they more a combination phenotype? Thanks again for your response, I'm very enthusiastic about growing these seeds and looking forward to seeing the different phenotypes.:friends:

gracias tribu bordelik, ¿puedes recordar cómo resultaron estos? ¿Dónde se inclinan más hacia un padre distinto o dónde más un fenotipo combinado? Gracias de nuevo por su respuesta, estoy muy entusiasmado con el cultivo de estas semillas y espero ver los diferentes fenotipos.
Hey Red October,

They were 4 girls from 10 regular seeds. 2 where really impressive, the two other, no smell, no taste.
One was smelling lemon, wood, and the other was a bit the same with apricot undertone.

Hard to choose a winner.

They were cut at 15 week of 12/12. Effect was super speed, for me it was too much. Really good when you're making or listening music, or for enjoy party, when you are in the garden, or in the forest. But not all day smoke for me, sometimes when i was nervous or angry, it was not giving me good sensation. But that's me.

Red October

Active member
Ola Montuno

They are doing well, I harvested one already in a pot. It was an 8 week pheno and not too powerful but has amazing structure and yeild for such a short flowering sativa. The other 4 females are busy flowering now and doing well, I've still got 4 males that I'll use to lighting pollinate and will retain 1 male that I'm pretty sure is one of the heavy foxtail phenos but I'll only be able to tell when I get to grow out some of the seeds, he was the one with the extra leaflet as shown in the above image.


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