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Cannabinoids Induce Cancer Cell Proliferation...


Well the first thing that stood out to me was how retarded these doctors are.

"Smoking of THC is the most effective route of delivery, as THC is rapidly absorbed after inhalation, and the effects become fully apparent within minutes." This should say smoking is the fastest route of delivery not most effective.

That is not the most effective delivery of THC. This study is a J.O.K.E. Lastly THC why are they singling out THC what about the other cannabinoids.

Obviously the doctors arent retarded. That statement is though.
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Storm Crow

Active member
What it says....

What it says....

Just a matter of semantics, SDOG. "Effective" means having an effect. If speed of delivery is what you are looking for, then inhalation is the most effective, short of injection. And Jones, no one saw it because no one posted it! I DO miss a few! :yoinks:

And for those who don't speak "Sci" here's a translation to English!

We find that low doses of THC (like when we give low dosage THC pills) may speed the growth of some cancers, even though higher doses, like you get with smoking, has been shown to kill cancers. Cannabis-based drugs are now being used in several trial studies. Grand and Gandi found one case where a heavy pot smoker had trouble with his pancreas and blamed it on the pot. Smoking THC works better than other methods. Cannabis pills and suppositories give you anywhere between 1/8 to 3/8 as much THC in your system as smoking- which isn't enough and might cause the cancers to grow. But smoking DOES deliver enough! The level of dosage is important- we found taking deep hits and holding it, worked. We are worried that using Big Pharma's low dose THC pills/suppositories might cause some cancers to grow faster during studies

Well kids, the obvious answer is not to take the doc's expensive, but wimpy, THC pills (and suppositories :noway:), but toke good pot often so your THC levels stay up over 300 nM! :woohoo: This study also gives more credence to Rick Simpson's "Hemp oil" with its massive dose of cannabinoids to fight cancers.

Granny :joint:


There is a big difference between the herb with all its constituents and natural/synthetic cannabinoids alone.In this research they are talking about THC or synthetic derivatives, but we know since 2000 that the other cannabinoid CBD is actually far more important than THC.Thats the reason that some companies produce a whole plant extract instead of some Cannabinoids alone.So if you use medical Cannabis with THC & CBD in it could you also have the risk of developing cancer or pancreatitis??? :smoke:

Namaste :canabis:


Active member
More recent studies, including a major one from last year, show that cannabis cannabinoids can reduce tumors. Apparently this study only looked at ppl who already have LUNG CANCER and SMOKED their herb! Who advises a lung cancer patient to smoke anything? Duh!

So the ONLY truth from this study is to NOT force lung cancer victims to smoke cannabis (eat it instead - it forms another, even stronger metabolite and is safer to ingest)


Active member
I thought I read a report/study recently where people that smoke only cigarettes proved way more likely to develop lung cancer than those who smoke both cigarettes and MJ.


I'm pretty sure that I posted that study before. Either that or I linked to it.

It's possible that someone else posted it and I just commented on it.

This study shows that the impact of cannabinids, on cancer, are dose dependent.
Very important information.

What the study is short on is the impact of the other cannabinoids on cancer.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
That's some funny shit Storm, thanks for translating it for us!



Smoking cannabis, though tha fastest route fer induction, may be tha least effective in pain management and other related ailments. I'm wondering how and if tha study was conducted using oral cannabis and vapor to administer THC?




Elmanito, good point!
But not only other cannabinoids like cbd are important players in fighting cancer but also some of the terpenoids produced (not exclusivly) by cannabis.
Limonene, for example, the terpenoid that is responsible for lemony, citrus like smells is being considered to have potential value as a dietary anti-cancer tool in humans.


Jones, i'm aware from this fact, but there is not much info about this subject.
For more than 10 years i work with essential oils from different plants and i know that the essential oil from Cannabis could also be usefull for medical applications.
Cannabinoids are very related to the terpenes in the essential oil, just see the biosynthesis.
Not only D-Limonene which the lemon smell has anti-cancer properties but don't forget the flavonoids (Anthocyanin) in Cannabis like in some purple strains.


Namaste :canabis:


Thnx for your compliment

I've here your article in pdf-file.Easier to read with some graphs.

Another article about d-Limonene against heartburn

A strain like Lieu Hanh (Vietnam) is probably a good one with a much higher % of d-Limonene.The taste of the essential oil is very lemon.The scent is fresh spicy.I smoked it today, its very energetic, bit psychedelic and good mood improvement.

Namaste & cheers :canabis:

Beautiful pic, Elmanito.
Here's a very informative and pretty recent article on

D-limonene: safety and clinical applications


On page 6:

D-limonene is considered to be a chemical with fairly low toxicity. Studies have determined d-limonene does not pose a mutagenic, carcinogenic, or nephrotoxic risk to humans.
D-limonene has been clinically used to dissolve cholesterol-containing gallstones. It has also been used for relief of heartburn/GERD, because of its gastric acid neutralizing effect and improvement of peristalsis. D-limonene has well-established chemopreventive activity against many types of cancers. Evidence from a phase I clinical trial shows a partial response in a patient with breast cancer and stable disease for more than six months in three patients with colorectal cancer.

Older (1999) but less extensive:


Reference given in both articles yield even more information.

Storm Crow

Active member
Jones, hon, no prob! I was more poking fun at myself and the way I collect studies. (click the link in my sig and you'll see what I mean! lol I tend to "over-do" sometimes.)

And thank you for pointing the study out. That one is VERY important and I'm going to add it into my list!
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Elmanito, the heartburn article might be a life changer for me.
There're times when I have to pop anti acid medication like other people M&Ms.

Thank you.

No Thanks mate

Namaste :canabis:

P.S. Lieu Hanh is a hybrid of Neville's Haze x Vietnamese "Black"


It is important to remember what happens in vitro is not always what happens in vivo, as there are other cannabinoids that may be involved and when they touch putatively receptors cellular messages may be modulated and differ in responses.