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canna pk 13/14


i use pk 13/14 2 weeks after 12/12 flowering at 2ml per gall and gradually increase it to 5ml per gall for the rest of the grow and i still use my canna a+b ec at 1.6 ph at 5.8 and never go over ec 2.0 then flush phed water for the last week stay lucky


This thread is interesting to me so I thought I might chime in for what ever it is worth...

Pk 13/14 or 10/11 depending on which standards of measure you go by is basically just that, p and K...

Why it would only be needed for one week does seem odd. Also we have to realize that nutrient schedules are flawed if we assume they can be optimally applied for every single genetic grown....I am sure there can be a fail safe dose that will get you from point A to point B. Basically lets face it nutrient companies feeding schedules are just that, ( fail safe measures) set to give good results so long as you follow the chart. Which if it's easy enough and gives good results you come back to buy more....A far cry from dialing a plant in.....

Now if we want to take a nutrient and ultimately a genetic to it's peak potential then finding doses that are ideal for that genotype is going to have to be dealt with.

Just thinking about basic plant mechanics and how and when different supplements and nutrients are assimilated, it's seems are far cry from logic to assume that cannabis plants need more p and k only for one week and at exactly the 5th week......Horseshit in my opinion, but then again what the fuck do I know??????

I would like to see experiments with using 1/4 strength added with nutrients during weeks 3-5 every feeding maybe even weeks 3-6. Maybe even using it every other feeding during the same times ( 3-5 0r 3-6)... Seems more logical to do this than to atomically blast them with pk only for one week......

Just my two cents..
thats what i did this round anyways....used it 3 weeks in a row 5-8....5ml p/g

well im actually on my 5th week of using canna pk 13/14, i have burning on the bottom leaves. however, this could have been from Gravity. I recently was in quite a predicament. Not knowing the strain or length till maturity of my plant, i didnt know whether to lower/cut the PK or raise the PK, in my 8-9th week of flower. keep in mind i dont have a 7-8 week strain. probably more so like a 10-11. This was a stumping question in my book. i looked at the buds and came to the realization that i could really use MORE pk 13/14. my caylxes were plentiful and small, while using 3mL per gal pk 13/14 for 4 weeks. well i decided to bump up to 5mL per gal in my 10th weeek. they are really swelling now. crystals are popping up everywhere now.

i believe i was under nuting the PK, it seems like you can use the stuff a lot longer than the bottle recommends, 1 week, if used in moderation and it seems that when needing it, the plants like big dosages too.


I use PK13/14 from weeks 3-6+... First application at tail end of the stretch, then ramped up in dose until about 7-10 days from harvest.

I've tried using an organic aerated tea version of PK 13/14 as a sub for last applications of regPK. I use guano, bone meal, kelp & EJ meta K, citric acid & raw org. sugar cane, a bit of dolomite lime, and a bit of castings w/ humics.
Done to try imparting a bit of the organic smoothness to an otherwise 3/4 chem grown plant in coco.
Anyone tried something along these lines or are familiar with it? Do you think leaving a bit of this w/ all N eliminated after the flush would allow for a bit more growth & still achieve a reasonable flush for taste?
heres a question, how about with autoflowering plants? im going to be growing Easy Ryder and I was thinking about this, its already recommended to go easy with the nutes on these plants, so will I even bother using PK13/14, or, will I use it but in lower ammount than I usually would.