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Canna coco


Sorry for the short ignoranty post but i cannot get on with this stuff,is it fill with nutes or not? I put three handfuls in a pint pot,tap water at 6.5, zero ppm, and get a nute reading of .4to .o6, my plants are slow, doing it by the book.

Whose, i don't know

Bud Bug

Sorry for the short ignoranty post but i cannot get on with this stuff,is it fill with nutes or not? I put three handfuls in a pint pot,tap water at 6.5, zero ppm, and get a nute reading of .4to .o6, my plants are slow, doing it by the book.

Whose, i don't know

Well I know someone who a month ago went with Canna Coco (360 bags) and Botanicare Coco (240 bags) They had to go partial with Canna as there was no more Botanicare Coco locally.

Now these guys have been using the Botanicare Coco for years and are quite experienced with growing in Coco (average 2+Lb per light every time)

What happened was that all of the beds that had the Canna Coco and parts of the Botanicare Coco beds that were filled in with the Canna Coco went yellow. They tried everything to get the plants to recover but nothing helped. Again even the plants where they used Canna to fill in the spots along with the Botanicare couldn't be fixed.

So basically the Canna beds were a write off (equvelant of 100+ bags of ProMix)

Couldn't figure out what happened possibly a bad batch of coco as according to the railer/wholesaler they took most of the shipment that the wholesaler received from Canna.

Having said that I know people who have used Canna Coco with no problems but that was years ago.


Active member
Canna Coco is pure coco, no additives at all. It's up to you to supply the plants w/ food.


hi as bunz said coco is inert theres nothing in it,its down to you to feed and water, start low and slowly build up to around ec 1.6 keep ph at around 5.8 but more info is needed ? stay lucky


I have a question about EC readings. In Rezdogs formula he goes with 6/9 for the most part. That is 6 millileters/ 9 millileters per gallon of water.

EC from what i've gathered is how much nutes are in your water before you feed.

So would using the 6/9 formula automatically make it the right EC?

I plan on using coco my next grow next month using Canna Coco as well using strictly his formula. I'm just confused on the EC thing.



Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
I have a question about EC readings. In Rezdogs formula he goes with 6/9 for the most part. That is 6 millileters/ 9 millileters per gallon of water.

EC from what i've gathered is how much nutes are in your water before you feed.

So would using the 6/9 formula automatically make it the right EC?

I plan on using coco my next grow next month using Canna Coco as well using strictly his formula. I'm just confused on the EC thing.


i do "the recipe" , im in canna coco. works fine. EC is a measurement of how much nutes is in the water. so in turn that 6/9 works well. i also calmag (still fine)
Im in the middle of changing to all canna nutes. not that im having problems w the GH nutes, just i want to match it up, and from what i hear. the taste from a canna nute grow as opposed to GH nute grow is huge, in cannas favor

herbal essences

Ec stands for electro conductivity, you adjust your ec depending on your plants stage of growth, the way i look at it is, its the consentration of your nutes in your water

Bud Bug

the taste from a canna nute grow as opposed to GH nute grow is huge, in cannas favor

Not sure about that as its still all chemicals unless you're using the Canna Bio line. Not too many people use it locally anymore (really have no idea why as it used to be really popular here) but a lot of drip feed guys use to like it as it didn't build up salts like GH/Adv/etc.. did on the drippers/feed lines.

I love Rhizotonic though. Kicks ass and you know Voodoo copied it.


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
yea, i was planning to go organic. :yes:
ill do a side by side report when im low on GH, and get my canna nutes.

rizatonic is great... smells like ass tho


What is in the canna?. It isn't inert, mine is not, my plants are shy, they don't like it. I'm treating coco has i have read/studied, but they don't grow, i would accept responsabilty (sp) if i knew it had no additives, it does not say on the bag.

herbal essences

libby if you explain your grow more we can possibly help otherwise its like feeling around in the dark you use canna coco? what type of nute lighting etc do you add any additives fill us in so we can fill you in


Active member
As easy as Rez's 6/9 formula is, using Canna Coco A&B is idiot proof. They have a page on their website where you input your info & the chart tells you exactly what to feed your plants. I did a bunch of reading before switching to coco and most recommended using "coco specific" nutes.



O.k.,When i said i do it by the book, i meant as reasonable advice off here and canna advice, basically, i want to know if canna has nutes or not?, once i find that answer off people with experience, i can go from there. thanks for getting back to me.

People on here have said it's inert, it isn't,Washed pebbles are, as is broken glass, crushed rock, (no limestone thanks).

I take it from now on, i must wash the canna??? at that price.?

Bud Bug

I take it from now on, i must wash the canna??? at that price.?

I just spoke with someone who use to used the Canna coco and he said that he would flush/dry it a few times and then soak it one more time with cal mag before he planted the plants.


Active member
Washing canna is a waste, its fine to use out of the bag. Water good once when you transplant and youll be fine.

Feed your plants. People mistake "inert" for the true meaning when referring to coco fiber, what they mean is it is non-nutritious for the plant. Meaning you won't be as likely to burn a plant when applying your liquid fertilizer, which is very easy to do in a hot soil mix.

This is a great property of coco, it also has little effect on ph, another reason people say it is "inert", but for the very fact that it can change pH, no matter how slightly, Coco is NOT INERT.

.04-.06 Ec is too low, thats why your plants are slow to grow. Get a good quality liquid fertilizer, I recommend pureblend pro, or the canna line. Both work good in coco.

There are also numerous Coco threads in this forum that could be of great value to you, do some browsing. Once you get a hang of it I'm sure you'll like it.

But remember Coco is a hydro medium, not soil, that means you need to supply everything the plant will need to grow, there is not N-P-K for the plant to use in sufficient quantity.


Active member
No offense but reading through your posts you haven't spent enough time researching, or you would have known you would need a liquid fertilizer program to use coco. The stickies at top are a great place to start.

Can you fill us in more?
What light?
Drain to waste? Recirculating?
Are they in a windowsill?
IC can't help you if you can't tell us what your even doing besides putting a plant in some coco, and watering it with plain water.
Like I said no offense, but how do you expect people to help you when there is not much to draw conclusions from? Read your posts and think if you could help somebody in the reverse situation.


Northern, cheers for that, i am a grower in soil, my cuts in soil are mint, better than iv'e ever had before, and iv'e bullied them.

Ok, will extra feed with canna, which i am using, for coco,10 days now, i normally go off what the plant asks for, not what the bottle says,

Will flood A plant with full nutrients tomorrow, 600w light, 3x4 foot area, good exhaust, RH at 5o%ish, temps at 80, 5-6 ft height to play with, plants are 2 foot high, in soil, 12 inch in coco, treat me as an educated grower as far as soil is concerned
