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canna A+B with canna coco cal-mag question and mom EC?

so i have read in one area that with the canna nutrient line i will needto add cal mag to my water source. my water source is .3 EC(after the tallboy) and the canna nutrient site says it should be .4 EC, so should i just all Botainicares Cal-Mag Plus iron to it until it is at .4 EC . Also my toilet gets rust in it, will this cause a problem in the grow? my dad just told me it was from the iron in the water.

second question, i switched my sweet tooth moms to canna A+B what a good mom maintence EC, i gave them EC .8 and the edges curled up a bit and the tips yellowed a bit up the sides.

and lastly my affgan/haze and blueberry are 1 week into flower right now, with the canna line how should i expect to stage out my nutrient ECs? like i just need a good idea.

sorry if my post is jumbled, chem dawg got me all high, well his genes did
thats the problem this is the first time i have flowered in coco so i have no idea what to go on. I guess i am just lost on how i should find the right EC for these guys? Start with EC .7? and then bump it .1 every day until i see burn at the tips or what?


no mater what the size of the plant dictates the ec-but what strain and how long veg,so a 1 foot clone untoped would get around 800- 1100 ppm but know what strain,can handlewhat like the afgan haze is a haze cross so if the hazr is more present in the cross nitrogin is not needed in high doses and the a part in canna cocco is more present so use a little less then you use b and you will not find burn on that strain,flushing with coco is recemened so after 5 feedings flush,and remember less is more

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