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Cancer is a fungus ? Cure it with PH ?


Smoke Buddy

Great discussion here!

Some folks think that a great way to stay alkaline is a daily dose of unfiltered RAW apple cider vinegar. It is good for you in many ways. Its sort of funny that Hypocrates, the father of medicine, used acv and honey as his main prescribed meds, yet this article says the effectiveness of the remedy and the theory havent been researched... thats just strange...

here is a little info:
•Alkaline Acid Balance

Some alternative practitioners suggest apple cider vinegar as part of a diet to restore alkaline acid balance. The theory behind the alkaline diet is our blood is slightly alkaline, with a normal pH level of between 7.35 and 7.45. Our diet should reflect this pH level and be slightly alkaline. All foods we eat, after being digested and metabolized, release either an acid or alkaline base (bicarbonate) into blood. The foods that people tend to overeat –- grains, meat, dairy products -- all produce acid.

Proponents of the alkaline-acid theory believe that a diet high in acid-producing foods leads to lack of energy, excessive mucous production, infections, anxiety, irritability, headache, sore throat, nasal and sinus congestion, allergic reactions and makes people prone to conditions such as arthritis and gout. Despite being an acidic solution, some proponents of apple cider vinegar believe it has an alkalinizing effect on the body, which is why one to two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in water is recommended as a daily health tonic. Although it's a popular remedy, the effectiveness of the remedy and the theory haven't been researched.



Totally agreed, this is a fantastic forum and I have to say I am personally thrilled to have a place to go where I can be with others who share my passion for a very special sacred plant (not to mention a FUN hobby - doing my second run ever, and my first in organic soil. I may be hitting tons of newbie roadblocks, but I don't think I've EVER had so much fun!), but also, I am so happy to find others who are also open to having an open-minded discussion about some really amazing stuff.