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Cancer Cure, Moving forward suggestions...


Registered Med User
Alright. so a friend of a friend has a daughter who was diagnosed with brain stem cancer. I met her about 4 months ago, she had a lump on the back of her head/neck, she was on hospice and was only supposed to have a few weeks to live. I had a friend make her some of the rick simpson oil, the dad made a bunch of jolly rancher candies with it and some cocoa butter rub, she has been eating the candies, smoking herb, using the rub, and vaporizing for the last 3 months. they have since took her off hospice, the lump is almost completely gone, and she can hear out of her left ear again that wasn't working.

The dad wants to go public with this information, get the word out.
Im looking for suggestions on what would be the best method of doing this, any suggestions?


Active member

I'd send this guy an email and get suggestions from him. He is an M.D. and very involved in Cannabis. My experience is, his response is slow but, he-himself will respond and with spot on advice. He may want to phone you, too!

A 2nd person with 'connections' of where to funnel this info would be: Lanny Swerdlow; He has his fingers across the nation of activist groups, which is where I'd try to funnel this info. And he has mentioned to me, he knows where that info will help the
'movement' of Cannabis laws. http://marijuananews.org/

This is the kind of news, as sad as the diagnosis of your little patient is, that the activist groups like to use and run with.

AND CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU, YOUR PATIENT AND THE PARENTS...WITH THESE RESULTS! Was any modern medicine used, prior to Cannabis? That would be my only concern, for your patient. I am more afraid of long term effects of modern medicine than that oil.

Keep it up! Your post makes my heart smile and I am sure, many others! jpt


Well-known member
i think posting here wasn't a bad start
i know many here are already believers, but stories like these reach a pretty large readership
best of future luck to the patient, that sounds like a rough condition


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ICMag Donor
High dose cannabinoids will be recognized as an effective cancer treatment in mainstream medicine at some point soon. Studies will prove this someday. As soon as scientific research is fully legalized.

Good luck with your friend. I don't know how to get the word out, but I hope she makes a full recovery.


Lifetime Supporter
ICMag Donor
I would suggest getting the word out by contacting, Rick Simpson thru Janet Sweeney at Phoenix Tears.
Cannabis Patients Network does many cannabis patient testimonials (videos on YouTube) so they could be another option.
Steph Sherer, Founder & Executive Director of Americans for Safe Access (ASA) is another.
Maybe she could also do her own testimonial video and post it on YouTube of Vimeo.
Ethan Nadelmann of The Drug Policy Alliance could be another option.
Cannabis Culture and High Times magazines could pick up the story, if they were informed too.
Donald Abrams, M.D. chief of Hematology and Oncology at San Francisco General Hospital
I'm sure would be interested.
Maybe even Dr Sanjay Gupta of "Weed, Cannabis Madness" fame and CNN's resident doctor.


Well-known member
Good news bro..keep up the dosing and get in touch with doctors like above that can test and see to what degree the regression is and document everything fully if you have not done already.

Thanks for sharing here, its a good start as said by the others and I hope for the best! Thanks again for the good news!


Well-known member
I would wish her the very best.
Hats off to pop and friends who came through for her as they did.

Happy 7

1st thing you need to do is make your story verifyable.
Get written statements from everyone involved. Esp. the doctors, document the timeline, etc.

If what you want to 'get out' is nothing more the than some stuff someone posted on the interwebs it's useless.

Make it so that everyone can check the validity of your claims.
Avoid blanket statements like: 'Cannabis cures cancer.'
Name the specific cancer type, cell line.
A lot people die from various forms of cancer even if treated with cannabis.
State the facts, don't exaggerate and do not leave the impression that you're just another stoner who wants to push his agenda.
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Active member
Helpful suggestions. But I think most of the people in this culture are "just another stoner" types dude or dudette. I highly resen...resemble that accusation happy. :biggrin: It's almost as if you might be saying having that stoner label put on you might be a bad thing. Or that the internet, being the mass communication tool that it is, might be bad. Of course you're not saying that are you? Here?


Registered Med User
Thanks yall for the help and advice.
Update: The docs just got back an mri and are saying its inclinclusive, they cant tell if its cancer there or just scar tissue. So now they want to put her back on chemo, the dad says no and cps threatened to take her if he doesn't put her back on. Shes eleven months past her death date due to the cannabis, they had given up on her, we healed her, now they want to re-radiate her.


Thanks yall for the help and advice.
Update: The docs just got back an mri and are saying its inclinclusive, they cant tell if its cancer there or just scar tissue. So now they want to put her back on chemo, the dad says no and cps threatened to take her if he doesn't put her back on. Shes eleven months past her death date due to the cannabis, they had given up on her, we healed her, now they want to re-radiate her.

This is an incredible story with the weirdest ending. Any news on whether the dad successfully kept them away from her?


Registered Med User
he got another mri and they said the cancer was gone, now he is going to court about it...


Registered Med User
Im not sure, I think hes either sueing the doctors for trying to get him to do chemo when she was inclinclusive to them or fighting cps.

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