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Can you OD on MJ???



Mabey if you ate a LOT of pure hash its possible. I wouldent even try it.

As far as smoking it, You would probably die quicker smoking grass clippings, or sunflowers.


You can, and I have, gotten sick from excess canna consumption but I'm talking about smoking lots of hash and/or eating canna foods. Combine the two to excess and OMG. For sure you can end up taking a not so fun ride puking your guts out. As for OD'ing to the point of death...lol....but can kill yourself with alcohol poisoning.

Biggest problem I've seen is when peeps ingest a bunch of canna foods. They're very hard to regulate mainly cause you don't know how to dose, most don't eat canna foods and the unknown strength of the 'product' makes things worse...you sometimes don't know it's too late until it's too late. Much less frequently I've seen people get sick off smoking hash...but is possible, without consuming canna foods, over a few day period...all of a sudden it's like where's the toilet...lol...not funny cause I've been there.


Registered Med User
At least when you overdo canna its not as bad for you as, ohhh.... say.... TYLENOL?


Freedom Fighter
GET MO said:
At least when you overdo canna its not as bad for you as, ohhh.... say.... TYLENOL?

Yeah...legal, over the counter medication-- Killed my brother in law's brother-- Was taking mass amounts for a tooth ache...and it shut down his liver-- He was over 300 lbs--


It's scientifically proven that even small doses of Tylenol (acetominephan) causes liver damage. Every time you take some Tylenol, even at the recommended dosage, you're damaging your liver.


Damn. I try to take that shit as little as possible, but i know alot of people that pop tylenol like candy.


Well-known member
ureapwhatusow said:
Just Weed

if OD = death no

if OD = vomit,"strobe light vision" = yes, very rare. once happend to me when we tried a who can take the most gravity bong hits contest

if OD = complete mental freakout = yes, very rare. seen it, gave cookies to someone who never smoked, strong cookies, 1/2 was good enough, he ate 4-5 and later thought he was dying, told his wife call paramedics, he got naked in front of whole family and confessed he was having an affair on her (kind of like cop who ODed on brownies)

Thanks everyone for the comments. I think one thing that some people missed in the my original post is what ureapwhatusow points out above.

OD does not mean death. Yes death can be associated with OD but it means taking too much of something, causing bad/severe reaction. I have never had this happen by smoking just by eatting it.

Vomitting until my stomache was emtpty of the contents which happen to be hash.


Cannabis can be contaminated by all sorts of things.

Cannabis can be contaminated by all sorts of things.

Mold, mildew, pesticides, fungicides, insects and their waste, salmonella and other bacteria, etc. might not have an effect through smoking, but might definitely have an effect through eating.


Filtering out the hash or even cooking won't always remove or neutralize these contaminants and the negative effects they can have when ingested orally.

Getting freaked out and throwing up is one thing, but actually getting physically ill and vomiting for hours is another, and IMO a sign of something else going on.

How many people here wash their hands before handling their pot?

Do you think your dealer(s) washes his/her hands before handling your pot?

How careful is your grower(s) with his/her chems and bat shit?

Do you think your grower is thinking about you eating the end product when he/she is trying to get rid of spider mites or when they don't get rid of the spider mites?

Has your grower and/or dealer ever been inspected by the Health Dept., and have they been trained in the proper handling and storage of foodstuffs?


I got food poisoning once from eating at Wendy's, but I don't think I ODed on Wendy's.



SinsemillaJones said:

How many people here wash their hands before handling their pot?
I do. Then again, I generally wash my hands frequently.
Do you think your dealer(s) washes his/her hands before handling your pot?
Most likely not, but I would hope that dispensaries atleast take some precautions in keeping things professional and clean
How careful is your grower(s) with his/her chems and bat shit?
Couldn't tell you, but thats why i'm growing my own.
Do you think your grower is thinking about you eating the end product when he/she is trying to get rid of spider mites or when they don't get rid of the spider mites?
No, but they are thinking that someone is going to smoke this, so they don't spray anything nearing harvest. Neem, insecticidial soap, etc generally have broken down after a week, if not less time (I know neem actually says it can be used up to the day of harvest, although I wouldn't). The last week or two of growing there shouldn't be any chems,ferts, or spraying, so theoretically the sprays will have broken down. Lets not forget also the drying and curing time which allows any sprays to further break down before being smoked.
Has your grower and/or dealer ever been inspected by the Health Dept., and have they been trained in the proper handling and storage of foodstuffs?
Thats going to be a big Negative haha

Thats my take on those questions :joint:
SinsemillaJones said:
Mold, mildew, pesticides, fungicides, insects and their waste, salmonella and other bacteria, etc. might not have an effect through smoking, but might definitely have an effect through eating.


Filtering out the hash or even cooking won't always remove or neutralize these contaminants and the negative effects they can have when ingested orally.

Getting freaked out and throwing up is one thing, but actually getting physically ill and vomiting for hours is another, and IMO a sign of something else going on.

How many people here wash their hands before handling their pot?

Do you think your dealer(s) washes his/her hands before handling your pot?

How careful is your grower(s) with his/her chems and bat shit?

Do you think your grower is thinking about you eating the end product when he/she is trying to get rid of spider mites or when they don't get rid of the spider mites?

Has your grower and/or dealer ever been inspected by the Health Dept., and have they been trained in the proper handling and storage of foodstuffs?


I got food poisoning once from eating at Wendy's, but I don't think I ODed on Wendy's.


I see you're absolutely clueless about where your food -produce and veggies come from.

Have you ever seen Mexico's idea of 'sanitation'??? They still use human shit as fertilizer....
what about the illegals picking your crops??? I'm sure they wash their hands often- seing as how they often com from areas without running water.


I'm not saying our food is totally safe, lol.

I'm not saying our food is totally safe, lol.

G33k Speak said:
I see you're absolutely clueless about where your food -produce and veggies come from.

Where do you see that?

I didn't say anything about where our food comes from.

Even with food safety regulations, food still sometimes gets contaminated and people get sick, so don't you think that a totally unregulated "food" might be able to get contaminated and make people sick as well?

I'm not saying all growers are careless, but some are, and even when people are trying to be safe accidents can happen.

Are you saying that because peppers and tomatoes can be infected with salmonella and e-coli, that cannabis can't be?


Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
hamstring said:
Can you OD on MJ???

MJ MJ MJ, everyone seems to be totally hooked on Michael Jackson on this site.

I suppose you can OD on Jackson, if you put "Thriller" on repeat...

I have heard of people having bad reactions to cannabis, even in small amounts. Some people I know are allergic to smoke in general, or have an allergic reaction to cannabis smoke. For instance one person I know had to go to the hospital when their throat swelled and airways closed due to an allergic reaction to the smoke (though they are sensitive to all kinds of smoking).

Some people are also simply highly sensitive to cannabinoids in general (be it via smoking or other form of ingestion) and thus may have a bad reaction to imbibing cannabinoids in moderate to high doses.

Of course, as with anything, there is always going to be a small amount of people who for whatever reason have bad reactions and cannot imbibe.

In most instances with bad trips I would say mindset and setting play a large part in the occurance, more than the actual drug itself and amounts involved.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Check this out:


He didn't OD, but he tried as hard as he could. :rasta:
Just a lot of sweating and coughing and being really, really high.

Basically impossible to OD on mj, but sure enough you can have real, real bad experiences on it.
I ate half of a real potent mj brownie years ago, guy who made them put an ounce of finely ground weed into every batch. They were so potent that even a hardcore stoner was advised to only eat a quarter of one. I ate the quarter, didnt feel anything (this is how all bad edibles stories start, lol) and ate another quarter.
Well, an hour later I'm sitting in a chair, unable to move, barely conscious. I must have looked like a heroin addict nodding off in his chair, but it sure didn't feel pleasurable. Felt ill and numb. Took that whole day and night to wear off, in the morning had a sick hungover feeling but was ok.
That experience was so bad I laid off mj for 2 months...


Custom User Title
I'd say if it were ever achieved, a small person would have to eat a few ounces of super potent BHO or something.
666 mg/kg ORAL-RAT LD50;
482 mg/kg ORAL-MOUSE LD50;
525 mg/kg ORAL-DOG LD5O;

This is just for THC. Say you've got a 60kg person. (132lbs)

You've also go some 50% THC BHO. (These aren't real numbers, I'm pretty sure extracts can get that high though.)

To get to the point of 500mg/kg, you'd need to eat 60g of extract. Let's not test this, ok? :bashhead:
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It really depends on what you consider an overdose.

My wife has "overdosed" on edibles, resulting in discomfort, neusea, & vomiting.

Most people, including the DEA agree that MJ doesn't contain enough of its active ingredients to be toxic enough to shut the body down, but different people who use cannabis in different ways can experience negative symptoms & even death related to the smoking of herb, mostly because, any and all forms of smoking are bad for the body. Just ask Harland Williams, his daddy died smoking a joint, however, this was a heart attack related to smoking, not a condition caused by the active ingredient in MJ.

Weedman Herb

The name of this thread should be "Am I a lightweight?". Chances are ... if you're not a lightweight that is ... some other imbalance was exacerbated by said stoned condition ... like low/high blood sugar ... dehydration ... etc.