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Can you make butter from stems?



Can you make butter from stems? I have a bag that is mostly stems, but has a few sugary leaves I cut off of some dried buds. Do you think this would make good butter. Also how many stems should I collect before attempting to make potent butter?


Do you think this would make good butter.
No. Your extracts are only as good as the material you start with..granted it will be a concentrated form of whatever you are starting with, stems aren't exactly coated in stalked trichomes (unless you mean the stems that were encrusted with bud, should be trichyer then)

its good to try so u know when u get good material tho i say do it if u have at least an ounce


make honey oil.. it'll taste much better :biglaugh: seriously though it will, it will be sweet no matter what where as your baking adventures, if the butter even extracts any relevant amount of goodies, will leave you with a nasty taste in your mouth if your not a good chef hehe the one thing in life i will gloat over is my cooking.. makin some cupcakes tomorrow, wish i had buds to make butter but i dont so i will be using regular oil but hey at least im gettin cupcakes right LOL i'll be thinkin aboot ya bro LOL make some oil if u want an iso tek ill do a write up for u it costs under 3 bucks to do and is awesome for those who cant or dont do BHO