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can you have too much?


hey guys , so i 've decided to go organic on my next crop. (after a little feud with fox farm). any way i noticed that some organic ferts are to be used with every watering. my question is how are organics with nute burn/lockout, is it more of less common , more or less severe than compared to chems?:plant grow:


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
I have certainly burned plants with organics that were too "hot" in the past, but many organic ferts on the market are VERY mild, so much so that frequent use is unlikely to cause you any issues. Compost teas spring to mind immediately, but there are quite a few others.


First I watered well. Then I made micronized mix. I went with the coffee bean grinder. It's only three pots anyway.
Fresh Coffee, rice flour, bone meal, green sand, kelp meal, Epsom salts, oyster shell and a little high P sea bird.
I mixed in some coconut powder and top dressed.

Then I took my witches brew ( kelp meal and coffee ) mixed in a previous powder I made a few years ago and watered on top of the top dressing.

I doubt seriously that is too much.. It all depends on the micro-biology.

I guess it depends on what ya mean by Organic..

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