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Can you grow in Florida now


New member
Yes, can you grow in Florida now,, Please let me know,,THANK YOU-----------:)[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]lorida[/FONT]Florida[/FONT]
Florida is giving the people who voted on medical weed the damn run around. They just won't do like the other legal states and be fair.


Active member
From what I learned from emailing I get from Floridaforcare the problem is that the exact people that fought against MMJ are now the very same people that are in charge of implementing new laws for it.
Here is what they are proposing:
No patients shall grow there own
4 authorized growers
No smokable products
No edible products
Low THC only
Capsules with oil only
Patients must renew script every 90 days
Cost of appt. 400.00 ( no insurance)
Keep donating to Florida for care
John Morgan may run for governor
Show up for hearings and bitch!!
Thank that POS Rick Scott


Well-known member
Premium user
From what I learned from emailing I get from Floridaforcare the problem is that the exact people that fought against MMJ are now the very same people that are in charge of implementing new laws for it.
Here is what they are proposing:
No patients shall grow there own
4 authorized growers
No smokable products
No edible products
Low THC only
Capsules with oil only
Patients must renew script every 90 days
Cost of appt. 400.00 ( no insurance)
Keep donating to Florida for care
John Morgan may run for governor
Show up for hearings and bitch!!
Thank that POS Rick Scott

Jebus thats some bunk shit right there man! Might as well not have done anything! Things will change but sounds like its gonna be the same for a few more decades down south.

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
How long befor you can grow legally ----this year-----:dance013:

Will not happen this year, next year or the year after that.

How's that for a prediction?

Jebus thats some bunk shit right there man! Might as well not have done anything! Things will change but sounds like its gonna be the same for a few more decades down south.

Southern Mafia - if you aren't connected, you don't get to play. And nobody plays until the Mafia figures out how they will get theirs first.

If you want to get to the head of the line all you have to do is have enough money to get there.

Why do you think a carpet bagging potential felon POS like Rick Scott paid $100 million to get reelected to an office that pays $130K a year in salary.





This fuckwit thinks he can jump start the state economy by encouraging the development of jobs in the fast food and hotel sectors. Oh and by slashing the benefits to the elderly, sick and disabled.

Between the "support" he gets from his Big Pharma buddies and all of the other "interests" that take care of his corrupt ass, he's done pretty well for himself despite being despised by the majority of Floridians....

And don't get me started on the collection of mouth breathing, knuckle dragging "whut can I dew fer yew Mr Lobbyist" legislators we've elected to the state house and senate in the last 15 years.

Almost 30 years ago I went to Nawlins for my honeymoon and I was accosted by an activist in the French Quarter who railed about how my tourist spending was propping up a corrupt government in Louisana - a state government that was rated as the most corrupt in the country at that time.

If he's still alive I hope he has a small measure of satisfaction at the complete shit show Florida has provided for the nation in the last 12 years.

If it wasn't for the existing agreements with the Seminole Indians and all the senior citizens hypnotized by Fox News all day, these scum bags would legalize all gambling, dog fighting, cock fighting, prostitution, child labor, child prostitution, elderly slavery and maybe then cannabis.

They DO have priorities you know :rolleyes:


Active member
Thank You Dawn Patrol,
You have articulated concisely the overhaul scheme of things in our Sunshine State. There is some hope... There are several bills in U.S. Senate just to unchedule marikuana across the board but this is still the south and as long as that bald headed prick is still the Godfather Big Pharma, Law Enforcement, and the prison industrial complex will fight tooth and nail against what the voters will wanted.
John Morgan is testing the waters for a Gubernatorial run. Can you imagine how good it could get with him?

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Thank You Dawn Patrol,
You have articulated concisely the overhaul scheme of things in our Sunshine State. There is some hope... There are several bills in U.S. Senate just to unchedule marikuana across the board but this is still the south and as long as that bald headed prick is still the Godfather Big Pharma, Law Enforcement, and the prison industrial complex will fight tooth and nail against what the voters will wanted.
John Morgan is testing the waters for a Gubernatorial run. Can you imagine how good it could get with him?

Thanks Beanzy. Don't fall for the US senate action to reclassify cannabis, that would make it schedule II and squarely in the hands of Big Pharma. Can you imagine a scenario where that's a good thing? They can't patent anything, can't make bazillions of $$ so they make a shitty medication, and charge out the ass for it so it's legal and prescribable, but nobody can afford it and because it's a crap product no one wants to use it after they try it.

I'd like to think John Morgan is the answer but common sense tells me never trust a lawyer. Everybody has their price, it's just got to be negotiated.

Lawyers know that as well as any businessman and Morgan is no different. He tells a good story but when the rubber meets the road I really don't see anything being different than what we have today.

Remember - don't believe words, believe actions.

If elected, Morgan will make some noise about cannabis and then blame the lack of progress on the legislature. End result - nothing significantly changes.


Active member
Well I meant to say 'DeSchedule' that is the only way acceptable to go. Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii has sponsored that bill. You arfe right by the time the bought and paid political thieves get their hands on it it will be schedule 2 or 3 needing a licensed pharmacist and standards only big pharma can deliver. Here is the latest message I got from Ben Pollara from Florida For Care which has got mt blood pressure up.
25 million dollars to buy a license to grow and sell marijuana in Florida, eh?

That's exactly what happened this week when Canadian marijuana giant, Aphria, announced a deal to purchase CHT Medical for $25 million (U.S.) dollars. They now plan to raise an additional $35 million for a Florida marijuana business they say is worth close to $200 million!

Experts have said the medical marijuana business in Florida could be $1 billion or more a year by 2021, so these Canadian investors are essentially valuing one of these licenses at 1/5 the total market.


Because they think their armies of lobbyists, lawyers, PR people and consultants have cooked the books in Tallahasee to lock down this market for years.

You know precisely what that means for patients:

High prices
Poor diversity of medicines and strains
Availability will suffer
Patients will suffer. They'll have to decide between the poor house and the black market.

And on the black market, they'll be breaking the law.

That's right, under current proposals, the possession of marijuana that wasn't purchased from an MMTC is still a crime for a qualified patient.

If Florida for Care isn't successful during this legislative session, this could be what patients have to face.

It would be an unacceptable result for me. It would be devastating for patient access.

Folks, we've been here before. We've proved that The People can beat the big money special interests.

Help fund Florida for Care's efforts on behalf of patients, eh? Make a contribution today, please.

Thank you,

Ben Pollara


Well-known member
Premium user
Its totally fucked up! Only oil capsules?! IS that the law as it was voted on? Who ever put the measure together should have done a better job.

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
I saw an editorial from Ben Pollara in the Tampa Bay Times. Guess who is writing the verbiage of the new proposed laws. Thats right, the Sheldon Addleson/Mel Sembler funded assholes who spent millions opposing the amendment in the first place.


Now do you think there's any chance for a reasonable MMJ law to ever be enacted here in the first place?

Southern Mafia gonna get their's first, and they don't want product, they want cash.

Space Case

Well-known member
I don't think what Florida passed qualifies by definition as "legalization" or "medical marijuana" of any type. What they legalized is the monopoly of one more botanical extract they didn't have before. And almost no one is getting it.


Well-known member
This state is retarded. If we want change we need a bunch of pro gun democrats to run for office. That issue and stupid ass abortion is the only reason republicans get elected in this state. Or if people woke up and stopped voting for either party cuz theyre both corporate puppets and just picked one of those other guys lower on the list with npa by their name then maybe we would have a chance. Every republican I know votes that way based on guns or abortion or more recently because they dont like black people. Some claim fiscal bullshit but I call them out quick when they start that democrat socialist bullshit. I tell them look at what we have its called corporate socialism. Corporations like walmart and mcdonalds pay so low we the taxpayers have to subsidize most of their employees incomes with foodstamps and healthcare but its not those peoples fault that the only job they qualify for is slave labor. What we have now is by definition socialism except it doesnt benefit society it benefits corporations. Democrats are no better if you disagree with them your called a gun nut or racist or best yet I was told it was my white privilege that allowed me to vote for a 3rd party by a white girl no less. Political parties are turning our people against each other. It needs to be poor vs rich but they got the very poor and the barely surviving fighting each other over the trickle down when they take a piss on the middle class.

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
This state is retarded. If we want change we need a bunch of pro gun democrats to run for office. That issue and stupid ass abortion is the only reason republicans get elected in this state. Or if people woke up and stopped voting for either party cuz theyre both corporate puppets and just picked one of those other guys lower on the list with npa by their name then maybe we would have a chance. Every republican I know votes that way based on guns or abortion or more recently because they dont like black people. Some claim fiscal bullshit but I call them out quick when they start that democrat socialist bullshit. I tell them look at what we have its called corporate socialism. Corporations like walmart and mcdonalds pay so low we the taxpayers have to subsidize most of their employees incomes with foodstamps and healthcare but its not those peoples fault that the only job they qualify for is slave labor. What we have now is by definition socialism except it doesnt benefit society it benefits corporations. Democrats are no better if you disagree with them your called a gun nut or racist or best yet I was told it was my white privilege that allowed me to vote for a 3rd party by a white girl no less. Political parties are turning our people against each other. It needs to be poor vs rich but they got the very poor and the barely surviving fighting each other over the trickle down when they take a piss on the middle class.

Well said P-NUT- the longer they keep dividing us, the more successful they are at keeping power and the people for actually getting what they want.

I've had and owned guns all my life. Gun control has been a political issue since before I was born. The NRA is just as responsible for keeping people fearful of gun restriction/confiscation as anybody else.

I just don't understand anybody that actually fears gun control legislation. The war on drugs has proven to be ineffective and so would a war on guns.

With all the guns owned in America do you actually think any branch of law enforcement would willingly sign up for house to house searches for firearms even if the legislation to outlaw firearms could actually be passed?


Active member
From what I learned from emailing I get from Floridaforcare the problem is that the exact people that fought against MMJ are now the very same people that are in charge of implementing new laws for it.
Here is what they are proposing:
No patients shall grow there own
4 authorized growers
No smokable products
No edible products
Low THC only
Capsules with oil only
Patients must renew script every 90 days
Cost of appt. 400.00 ( no insurance)
Keep donating to Florida for care
John Morgan may run for governor
Show up for hearings and bitch!!
Thank that POS Rick Scott

amen to that brother on the fuck rick scott part


Before hemp oil was legal you just bought it at the health food store.

People and their desires for government approval. Let them pay thousands a year for useless indoor hemp oil. I hope it makes them feel good that the government now benefits from this.