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can u crop anything thats worth the same or near to cannabis


Cannabis 101
Well I've grown phsicadelic mushrooms In florida.. Had a little company going and then made em into chocolates..(you can find some pics in my albums) That did pretty good for me.. its not considered a cash crop so as long as you keep it cool its very hard to raise an eyebrow....... I've spent tons of money in equipment pressure cookers hepas and laminar flow hoods.. but hey I had fun and did something that I had no idea was possible because no one that I knew had done it before...
very fun did tissue culture for a while.. to keep mushrooms at peek
also almost started a orchid business since you almost need the same stuff... to grow the orchids in the little jars and ship em..... they go for 20 bucks a pop on ebay.


can u crop anything thats worth the same or near to cannabis

sexual favors...


*Stoned User*
Ginseng is a good cash crop. But it does take 7 years to mature and doesnt grow everywhere. Of course you can buy 3-4 year cuttings but even so its still takes some time. The most expensive ginseng is naturally grown ginseng which can bring in about $500/lb but with nature-grown, there are some drawbacks, primarily rippers. Some areas have laws against rippers but even that does little to deter most of them. And really the only alternative is to grow in artificially shaded ginseng which brings a much lesser price tag with the same time restrictions.