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can someone tell me if the myth is true?


**AWD** Aficianado
My wife and I used to smoke up all the time.
When we where trying for a child she quit for health reasons, once she was breast feeding it was off limits for her also.
Now she doesn't smoke at all, she's afraid she'll need to be sober in case of some unforseen occurence of epic proportions lol.
I still smoke obviously, I smoke less and never in the presence of my daughter.
My wife had approached me once with respect to the herb and my answer was:

"I shut down my grop ops, I quit drinking, I no longer street race or drive like a maniac, I don't party until the wee hours, what in fuck do I have left...how the fuck am I supposed to blow off steam?"

I don't care that it's illegal, I'm honestly one of those that doesn't care what others think of my smoking, and if being an adult means sucking all the marrow and fun out of my life than just shoot me in the head right now.

We've yet to talk about it again, it seems alot of girls grow out of the smoking after awhile, it becomes an image thing mostly for the kids in my case.
I can understand her choice and respect, I expect her to respect mine as well.

Make shit clear from day 1 but be sure that as much as you can't change someone people do change for themselves and that can lead to a whole slew of bullshit.

:2cents: from the married guy
So my question is, do stoner girls actually exist? or is it a myth? I think that no matter how honest you are with a non toker, they will always be just that and close minded to our cause.

I just sent my girl packing last night because of this reason and i'm starting to lose hope that i will ever be able to find a decent looking girl who shares my passion, or at least accepts it.

my fiance and i smoke and grow together on tha daily!!!

and shiiiiit she supported my smoking and growing :)
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haha..what a funny thread.
girls like weed too guys! hell, i know plenty of cool stoner chicks..
and i must say they are a diverse bunch too..some of them the girl next door type, some hippied out, some of them valley girls and some of them hipsters.
I even had a chick teach me how to knit last week during a smoke session!
Most importantly i've found my cool stoner chick..
we've been together for a few years now and have been growing together for almost a year. And couldn't be happier =]

But Dude, i've definitely been in yr shoes a couple of times in the past.
Once, I was stoned out of my mind when i met this chick...proceeded to smoke a few times with her..
proceeded to date for a while..weed included
and then low and behold, a few months later after she had me by the b@#$ she decides that im a pothead and she doesn't like it anymore...WHAT?
So yeah, i empathize dude..

Good luck and remember...the pot goddess' are out there


New member
My girl smokes like its cigarettes. She can smoke like no other. The girls in my circle are heavy smokers and we all have come to the conclusion that weed affects guys more than girls. True or not, these are seasoned smoker girls and they can giggle and puff you out of house and home!! My sweetheart and I puff and listen to music, make love, cook, and just about everything else. I couldn't imagine being with a girl who doesn't smoke. I have never been with one who didn't smoke now that I think about it. I guess I just assume everybody smokes...haha.



Active member
Waaaaaaah...............Do stoner girls exist!!!!!LOL,unfortunately,NO...not for anyone who has to ask that question on an mj site,sorry.Looks like its you and your hand again tonite,but hey....smoke up!


hey BIG HERB TREE and Suby....i totally dig your posts

some people do not understand that cannabis is a culture...and not some illegal activity you take part in...I like to compare it to tea time or a coffee break..or having a drink or two...to take the edge off

it really gets to me when people refer to it as amoral...

B. Self Reliant

I've found that a lot of gals are OK with it at first, probably because they don't truly understand what I mean when I say that I smoke "Quite a bit." Then they see me smoke a bowl when I wake up, and they see me take little attitude adjustment tokes throughout the day, then get all stoney at night, and they run for the hills. No different than any other habit that could be seen as undesirable I guess. That having been said, I've been with gals that were totally ok with it, and some weren't even smokers themselves.

Like someone else said, it's a lifestyle for me more than a habit, and anyone that's going to be around me very often is going to have to understand that.


Dang, wish I had a stoner boyfriend so I could smoke all his weed....:D

And one that brings me skittles and Ocean Spray....WOW. How happy I would be!


My wife has only smoked schwag when we were in college.

She does not understand what it means to "be out of weed"

If it has seeds, she would probably smoke them because she has never seen them in the past ten years.

My wife always has to have the last bong hit. If I do a bong hit, I know she will want another one.

All this is A OK with me. my wife is a professional lady, a beautiful woman. And also a medical user. she has had brain, head ,and neck surgery. and she brings home the $$$$

she can do anything she wants.

they do exist.



stoned agin ...
geez, i know and have known lots of serious tokin women, and some are really smokin tokin women :D it just seems i run into 'em, smokin a joint somewhere with some people. i know a lot of folks are very choosy on who they smoke with, but the socializin aspect is something ive always enjoyed; usin your head, of course.
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Just what a grower needs is a good woman pushing him to grow the finest !! My wife loves to smoke and its what help drive me to grow the best I can :)


Active member
They are out there. One of my best friends is a toker girl and we would have chronlympics contests all the time with our friends. Break out ALL the smoking utensils and start with one and smoke bowls from all untill you are to stoned to continue.
She is a wake and bake, through the day and in to the night smoker. Every day lifestyle. We worked together and would get stoned on lunch all the time. I have many other "stoner" girl friends as well. All day every dayers at that.

I also have run in to the same situations with non-toking Gf's. Most have been OK with it at the beginning, only to have it be some huge relationship issue later down the road. All of these were girls that were occasional (social/party only) tokers or non-tokers. None of my friends or GF's know I grow so that was never an issue.
I now have a "stoner" GF that I have been with for over 2 years now and we have been living together for over a year and a half. She does know I grow and loves that we always (well most always) have some of the best weed available. Still does not help me with the grow but will bake me delicious cookies while I garden.
She will keep up with most anyone with reguards to toking bowls.

So they are out there. Took me......11 years of dating to find a cool stoner chick.
in ten years i have never found a decent stoner girl. My ex took e's and stuff but didnt like weed.

Lolagal, i'll bring you skittles and drink :muahaha: i'm a great cook too, especially of stoner munch :D

Would love to have a girl that supported or even helped with my growing, and smoked with me.. nothing better than sharing weed and doing good things with someone you love
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in ten years i have never found a decent stoner girl. My ex took e's and stuff but didnt like weed.

Lolagal, i'll bring you skittles and drink :muahaha: i'm a great cook too, especially of stoner munch :D

Would love to have a girl that supported or even helped with my growing, and smoked with me.. nothing better than sharing weed and doing good things with someone you love

Oh Boy, a new victim....er...boyfriend! :D Nothing a stoner gal likes better than a guy who brings her weed in bed, breakfast and leaves her alone all day with the stash.....:woohoo:


ICMag Donor
Just what a grower needs is a good woman pushing him to grow the finest !! My wife loves to smoke and its what help drive me to grow the best I can :)

I hear you there. The first thing I do after growing and curing plants is to give the wife a bud and have her sample it. If she says it's good than I know everyone else will love it, lol.....


ok, so we've established the fact they exist

now, where? and how do i get one?

well i'm a young guy...so if i were looking for a toker girl, i'd look in college hangouts bars/pubs, etc...

easier still, go to where potheads go....around here (and in many places i suspect), local parks at odd hours is common ground for tokers....find places like this and frequent them...

last but not least, myspace, facebook etc etc...

just remember not to mistake a party girl for a toker....a party girl just wants to get fucked up...a toker will enjoy a quality smoke/high...gl



stoned agin ...
I hear you there. The first thing I do after growing and curing plants is to give the wife a bud and have her sample it. If she says it's good than I know everyone else will love it, lol.....

its always nice when the wife/gf shows her appreciation too :smoker: remember guys if like me you cant be handsome, you can still be handy :yes:


its always nice when the wife/gf shows her appreciation too :smoker: remember guys if like me you cant be handsome, you can still be handy :yes:

Nothing drives a woman wilder than a man with a toolbelt who's fixing something...

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