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can MJ grow in regular dirt?

Think about it, doesn't marijuana grow in regular dirt in the wild? I mean marijuana is a natural plant that grows and reproduces naturally in the wild without any human contact. Thats why guerilla growing can be so simple. You just throw some beans out in the wild and let it do its natural thing.
Yes it will make buds without feeding. As I said, it does it naturally. If you want to improve your quality and yield of your bud you give it good soil, good nutes, and good light. It still grows and flowers naturally like it has for the last 10,000 years


icmag recently (?) added a forum for new growers where one can ask just about any kind of dumb question without receiving verbal abuse. fyi. peace-biteme

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
If you want to improve your quality and yield of your bud you give it good soil, good nutes, and good light.
i agree. That certainly does increase one's chances (big time) of successfully harvesting a crop rather than just growing in un-supplemented "dirt" with it's questionable nutrient availability.

That being said I've seen many a hemp plant growing wild all over the place in the mid-western corn-belt states (their are many, many 10's, perhaps most likely100's of millions growing wild there currently) as a residual effect of the "Hemp for Victory" campaign of world war 2 which encouraged American farmers to grow Hemp (they gave them the seeds) as our traditional sources were not available due to various hostile enemy actions cutting off our foreign supply from Asia at the time.

Are bears catholic?
Does the pope shit in the woods?
Thats funny, I almost, but not quite LOL'd. :) :)
I believe the ol' pope used to be an avid hiker so I suspect he carried toilet paper while "in the woods' although i doubt he managed to convert any bears to Catholicism though. ;) :)

Pardon me bbgun80, but I went and looked @ your posts here and it occured to me that you should probably be using the "advanced search function" to search (tab is located at the top of the page) for the key words relative to your current thought/question.

Your currently posting in the " outdoor growing forum ", I would suggest starting your quest for knowledge by searching this particular forum first if you plan on growing outside before initiating what very generally speaking tends to turn into another forum congesting thread with very basic questions that turns out have been answered many times prior to this by the various experienced (which means: been there, done that) type of fellow hobbyist / growers that frequent this site.

I wish you good luck with your new hobby, "growing your own."

IMB :)
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New member
each journey starts but with a single step.
bbgun, plant those seeds boy!
Gonna overgrow the planet!
Them damn plants will grow near anywhere.
be at peace with the beasts.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
it depends on the soil, some will grow crap, some will grow green gold.


Active member
If you amend your native soil correctly growing in the ground is great.

My plants are 8 feet tall ATM.


If you amend your native soil correctly growing in the ground is great.

My plants are 8 feet tall ATM.

Ditto, I have an 8' girl myself in a hole that got nothing but watering crystals and a bit of zoom (similar to plant-tone) at the beginning of the year, nothing else, and it is rivaling some of my constantly fed girls, actually it is my tallest- never watered, never topped, never visited. Man that was a site walking in there 2 months later and looking UP at a girl with beautiful structure and such a vigorous aggressive look to her, I'll be sure to post some pics in this thread as well but it will be awhile, not going back for a month or more, no need to.