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Can I Slow Vegetative Growth?


I made the mistake of starting my seeds two weeks apart(couldn't afford the whole batch at once), and now I have some plants two weeks ahead in veg than the others. To make matters worse they're sativas and getting damn tall(basically ready to put into flowering soon). Can I safely slow their vegetative growth so the other batch can catch up and flower them all together, and if so, how? Due to space/financial constraints, I can't afford to set up a clone/veg room now, so moving a batch to a different room isn't really an option.


Weed Cannasaur
Top 'em, they'll get shorter but branchier.
If the newer batch are indicas while the older ones are sativas you really should plant on training the sativas well using pretty much every method you like and leave them some space to grow to. Sativas can get huge.

Look up SCROG which I think is the best idea in your case along with excessive topping, around every third node or so.

Another idea is to give them 2 more weeks in veg and move to flowering. The new ones won't start flowering anyway and will stay in veg.
Just get some platform to raise to newer plants to the light while they veg.

Good luck.


Second what was said above and you can also lower the temperature in your grow room it will slow the growth.



Captain Expando
They do make growth inhibitors. Spray on and it will slow growth. I've never used it with herb, just veggies and flowers. I'm sure it would work though. Local nursery should carry it.


Thanks folks. I'm gonna try the SCROG idea(picked up some poly chicken netting today). Now I just need to do some research into topping.


Use less light.. not farther away, fewer lumins..
and bluer light, rather than red..


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Thanks folks. I'm gonna try the SCROG idea(picked up some poly chicken netting today). Now I just need to do some research into topping.

Topping sativas just pisses them off and makes them grow like crazy. Great for outdoors, not so much inside, esp if you're trying to stall growth. Stick with LST or ScrOG.


Weed Cannasaur
I top my sativa dominants all the time and I keep them short this way.
I sometimes top every third of forth node and while they do grow like crazy, they stay short, just ultra wide.

Another thing I forgot to mention is what I think the best way to train crazy sativas - supercropping.
You partly break the branch and let it drop to the side you want it to stay in.
Look it up.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i must agree that i top pretty much everything everything including sativas. topping is better done when you dont want rapid rootgrowth (so dont do it at the same time as up-potting.)

i wouldnt recommend any other way of slowing the growth, in fact i believe that the best plants are the ones that dont get stalled by a growth check - sometimes they never quite get back that same vigor imo.


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