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the guy who found a nugget under his bed 3 years ago - wtf man? How can you not look under your dusty, dirty bed for 3 years man? That bud must have been FILTHY! hehe...

There is another thread on this site from a while ago and the consensus was that once the buds were dry they should be at a very minimum vacuum sealed or do the co2/nitrogen thing and once stored in the freezer it will cure and when it comes out, its banging... I think the important thing was that you had to dry it first because the moisture levels could result in mold or something...
I keep weed in the freezer for security purposes. My frost free freezer has kept it for over 10 years with little loss in quality. In glass jars with screw on lids it does dry out a little. I can take a bud directly from the freezer and smoke it immediately without any thawing. Uncured bud will form ice if frozen. Vacuum packed and frozen I imagine it would keep for a hundred years or more.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
the guy who found a nugget under his bed 3 years ago - wtf man? How can you not look under your dusty, dirty bed for 3 years man? That bud must have been FILTHY! hehe...


I'm almost positive he had it in a jar, or maybe some container, as he was saying jar curing is superior to freezing earlier. The pics don't look like a 3 year old dusty bud! ;)

Back to the original topic, I never freeze herb I intend to smoke, so I'm not entirely sure about that. I did find a sealed jar with herb from a harvest well over a year from the time I had found it, some Bubbleberry. It was at a time of no herb, so it came in REALLY handy. It had cured so nicely, and I would dare say it was perfectly cured. Didn't lose anything in terms of flavor or potency, rather it gained, was probably some of the best cured flowers of that cut I and others have ever smoked.

So I would go with (a) properly sized and sealed widemouth jar(s), IMHO. :wave:


I've stored bud for up to 4 yrs+ with no problems without freezing or refrigeration. The taste just gets better with age, and there was little change in potency that I could discern. Keep 'em in glass jars out of light and temperature fluctuations, open the jars periodically (1x/month+) after the initial cure is done and you shouldn't have any problems.

If you live in a hot climate, as long as you keep them temperature controlled (like an AC'd house) and out of harm's way you should be fine. They'll last at least a year easily. A safe is also a good place to eliminate temperature changes.

But, storing it in something Like This would be pretty cool, too. A thermoelectric cooler - no noisy compressors, just take the racks out and in the jars go. Save that one for really special bud, and break 'em out for the right guests! :)

Maybe even do some stealth construction for a cubby hole to fit that unit, with a dummy air vent ducted into another room for the heat...a ninja storage cubby, hmmm...

Personally, I vacumn (lightly) seal and freeze everything after harvest and drying, I feel it preserves the integrity of the medicine. I make sure it is good and dry before I do this. When I need some, I take a package out, let it come to room temperature and then slice it open, and it smells and tastes exactly like the day I froze it. I then take what I need and jar it up and cure it... I always have some curing, and when I get low, I start another jar....

I will say, if you freeze it, it becomes very delicate while it is in the frozen state, so don't throw your frozen meat or Tv dinners on your weed in the bottom of your freezer!


Cannabis 101
if you vacum seal it and put it in the fridge it will be fine trust me take it out a few hrs later smokable.