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you know, rather than writing a long post about how and why organics work and telling the guy that its up to his soil and only his soil to feed his plants, just tell him to bubble his liquid organic nutes with along with a sugar source.

There is no reason to over think organics. Bubble it and be done.

also, one leaf set showing what it is showing doesn't mean a mag def, matter of fact,that plant looks a little too green to me.


her dankness
mexilandrace said:
also, one leaf set showing what it is showing doesn't mean a mag def, matter of fact,that plant looks a little too green to me.
I agree with both of these statements.

I want more than anything else to get a group shot of all the plants in their SOG as they appear now, and as they appeared before the last re-pot. Not out of the room for glamour shots, but the SETUP and SPACING.


mexilandrace said:
you know, rather than writing a long post about how and why organics work and telling the guy that its up to his soil and only his soil to feed his plants, just tell him to bubble his liquid organic nutes with along with a sugar source.
And that will achieve exactly what mexilandrace?


her dankness
As a chem grower I am admittedly taking a stab in the dark at this one, but logically, aerating organic nutrient sources with a food source, in the presence of a healthy bacterial flora, would encourage their breakdown by your beneficials into more accessible components. I don't think that bubbling them in a sterile environment would do much so I would add some type of compost starter to the mix personally.


stinkyattic said:
I don't think that bubbling them in a sterile environment would do much so I would add some type of compost starter to the mix personally.
Exactly, but that question wasn't directed at you, but now you've given him part of the answer. In future, I'd appreciate it if you didn't answer questions directed specifically at someone else.

I'd still like an answer from mexilandrace.


her dankness
Giving him part of the answer? What is this, eighth grade science quiz? I'm sorry, am I to understand that your question directed at Mexilandrace was in fact not to encourage discussion that would provide valuable information to the OP, which I ASSUMED was the point of even HAVING a forum, but instead, to make Mexi look stupid? Wow...

So here's my request to you:
In future, I'd appreciate it if you didn't act like a dink.


stinkyattic said:
I agree with both of these statements.

I want more than anything else to get a group shot of all the plants in their SOG as they appear now, and as they appeared before the last re-pot. Not out of the room for glamour shots, but the SETUP and SPACING.

yea, they've been crammed together from the start.. I'll put up a picture later today.. how did ya know? :nono:

tree, thanks - I'm a good ways in on that thread. Looking back, my question does seem silly and yea, I have the recipe #1 from that thread 'cooking,' in the soiless mix. The only reason why there's nothing added right now is because of terrible planning on my part.


stinkyattic said:
Giving him part of the answer? What is this, eighth grade science quiz? I'm sorry, am I to understand that your question directed at Mexilandrace was in fact not to encourage discussion that would provide valuable information to the OP, which I ASSUMED was the point of even HAVING a forum, but instead, to make Mexi look stupid? Wow...
So you think it's okay for people to come along and counter information already given and yet AGAIN confuse the issue? This is one of the biggest problems on this site and sites like this - the myriad of conflicting advice given out which is invariably poor and usually wrong.

Mexilandrace discounted everything I said by suggesting bubbling liquid organic fertiliser with sugar, which, as you've already said, would have achieved precisely NOTHING. Do you honestly beleive I'm going to sit here and watch bad, wrong and poor advice be given out by someone who clearly doesn't know what they're talking about?

My question was designed specifically to get mexilandrace to justify what he said, you've now conveneiently stopped him having to do that.

This forum is here for people to learn. They cannot do that if they constantly get conflicting and poor advice.

And yes, it was only part of the answer, clearly you don't understand the full answer either. Leave organics to those who understand it, stick with what you know - hydro.


her dankness
DryAndHigh said:
yea, they've been crammed together from the start.. I'll put up a picture later today.. how did ya know?
I know because of the overall healthy appearance of the plants and the appearance of the damage, and the way it is VERY confined to only the sub-canopy leaves.

Tree, 'stick with what you know-hydro'?!

I was annoyed; NOW I consider you to be among the rudest people I've encountered here. You don't know SHIT about what I do or do not know, or have or don't have experience with. Sure, I flower currently in hydro. But my 40+ unique mothers live in compost. I have worked with just about every medium out there, in almost every imaginable configuration, not only cannabis, but also professionally as my 'day job'. I KNOW what the damage from over-packing a system looks like and can identify it on several food crops too. You have NO FUCKING CLUE as to my background and I no longer consider you to be worth trying to impress. SO CAN IT.


stinkyattic said:
You have NO FUCKING CLUE as to my background and I no longer consider you to be worth trying to impress. SO CAN IT.
I know you know very little about organics, judging from what I've seen you write in this forum and not just in this thread either. Do I need to tell you yet again, not to try and treat organic grows like hydro? How many times do I need to say that before it finally sinks in huh?

Worth trying to impress? You won't ever impress me, you're not smart enough.

You're not even smart enough to figure out this guys problems all stem directly from not having pre-fertilised his soil mix. Your solution is to treat it like a fucking hydro grow!

So keep banging on about the leaf canopy and possibly no Nitrogen or definitely not Nitrogen deficient or perhaps even too much Nitrogen, when the problem was caused by no fertiliser being in the soil mix. :rolleyes:


hey there know it all guy, sugar source provides the needed carbohydrates in order for the bacteria to flourish.

The bacteria are all around you big guy, you don't have to do jack to get them but provide a carb source and they will show up. Kinda like you can put flour and water in a glass and magically have yeast with time.

Also once you start bubbling you use the same vessel over and over and holy crap there is your valuable bacterial seeds, even though there is more than enough crap randomly floating around in the air we breath to get it going anyways.

I am gonna go ahead and pick another bone with you that I have.
explain to me how it is you think that flushing has negative impacts on organics?

You have said flushing is a bad thing, so explain to me how flushing is going to get rid of the beneficial micro-fauna in the substrate? you think the they can't hold on to the substrate? they all get washed away in some magically miracle?

It's not like washing your car, some will be lost but more than enough will be left behind that you won't really notice a whole lot of difference. Basically a flush in organics serves to flush out the bacterial wastes(plant food).

And it all leads back to your idiotic assertion that bubbled organics won't ever get micro-fauna in it.

I grow organically, and nah I can't keep up with your little science fair you enjoy putting on but I have a ton of practical experience, and a lot of it says you are full of it.


I am not gonna argue with you at all actually, and certainly not in this dude's thread.

You reek of book knowledge with no practical experience.


her dankness
tree&leaf said:
I know you know very little about organics, judging from what I've seen you write in this forum and not just in this thread either. Do I need to tell you yet again, not to try and treat organic grows like hydro? How many times do I need to say that before it finally sinks in huh?
Where in the holy hell did I say to treat this like a hydro grow? "Dude! Go put your plants in a pure perlite substrate and water them to runoff with GH 3 part! Woot woot! Then they will be happy!!!" Did I ever say that? Or recommend flushing? Or changing the dirt?
Or I can 'bang on' and say AGAIN... this is not the damn dirt. It's the damn dark.

tree&leaf said:
Worth trying to impress? You won't ever impress me, you're not smart enough.
Hey... Remind me to go cry into my pillow tonight. I might forget.

tree&leaf said:
You're not even smart enough to figure out this guys problems all stem directly from not having pre-fertilised his soil mix.
Now, I must note YOUR lack of knowledge... plants can grow in a TOTALLY unfertilized soilless mix, with no additional ferts from any source, up to 5 nodes EASILY before showing deficiencies! I've done it hundreds of times! I don't even START to fertilize until the first transplant, when the young plant has its 5th node and has outgrown a 3" pot of faffards and vermiculite.

tree&leaf said:
Your solution is to treat it like a fucking hydro grow!
Excuse me but how is agreeing with the OP for maintaining a good potting schedule and dense canopy 'treating something like a fucking hydro grow'? How many watts do YOU lose to the floor each month?

tree&leaf said:
So keep banging on about the leaf canopy and possibly no Nitrogen or definitely not Nitrogen deficient or perhaps even too much Nitrogen, when the problem was caused by no fertiliser being in the soil mix. :rolleyes:
You're the one actually banging on- read your posts. Oh hey! Nice use of that smiley! It's as charming and clever as ever!

Idee fixe... FAIL


ICMag Donor
I guess my questions would be

1. Why hasn't the person here checked the ph runoff?
2. How can a plant be full of nutes yet "deficient".....hmmmm lets REALLY think about that one, shall we. Oh wait I know.......ph lockout. Doh.
3. Anyone who disses StinkyAttic is obviously someone who talks without knowing what they are talking about.
4. I think you're lucky your plants are most likely locked out.....because otherwise thye look OVERNUTED more than undernuted. They're almost blue as it is but I guess that could be just camera photography.

If lockout is your issue be careful once you straighten it out.....if you've poured a good amount of nutes in there and you suddenly "unlock" the ph your plants could go from locked out to overload pretty quick.
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ICMag Donor
Since this is such a cheerful, friendly place filled with such friendly and helpful folks I won't be back to this thread.

Who needs the negative vibes from so many members and their "I know it all" attitude?
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