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Can I Add Anything To Make For A Better Yield?


All I hear about LED's sucking are from people who have no experience with them, So it's hard to take it as honest advice. As I stated above I was just wondering if there was anything I could add to my nutrient schedule to help. I know using an HPS would help but again, at this point in time it is not an option.

If I can continue to get 2oz x 2 plants every grow Im fine with that. That would be more than enough to keep me stocked. If I could turn that into more, that would be much better.

Thank you

due to lower temps and a better spectrum, your buds might be actually better than HID produced ones.


Active member
Wonder if anyone has every done a side by side using the same wattage with leds and hids.

Wonder how much better a 400w hid would do compared to 400w of led's.


Autos are for pussies!
Wonder if anyone has every done a side by side using the same wattage with leds and hids.

Wonder how much better a 400w hid would do compared to 400w of led's.

seen it somewhere on here.. The hid def. yielded a lot more.


i get this question from alot of growers, I used to have a shit ton of answers.
best thing you can add to get more yeild?
another week of flowering time.

seriously dude, they werent done yet.

I have been growing for a few years with close to 50 harvests under my belt. I always thought I was done at the right time.

Last go around I let them go and go and go. Much better product. Hell they probably could have gone longer
pictures are looking good man, like I said before, just veg them out to around 30-36 inches and if you really want to add a new product look for something that will give them a carbo load.. I like Big Swell by soul synthetics, i swear it boosted my yield and made the nugs much denser and fatter. Also you really need to scrog, pick up a botanicare hortitrellis at your local shop or find something that you can scrog with, it will make a world of difference. Don't be afraid to bend and tug the crap out of branches, they will come back!

good luck
You're gonna run into root zone trouble if you keep using molasses I think.
And yes..if you want more yield..I think you said you do...better light.