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Can clones grow as large as the mom during veg?


Sorry if this has been posted but I couldn't really find any info on this.. Seems most that I saw on here were flowered quick for SOG, or small with a few large colas.

I'm sure clones can be topped/tied down, but I haven't seen it as much compared to seed, is there a reason? Is this because clones don't have the vigor, or that their maturity is same as mom and so they're on the last leg of their lifespan and can't do all the branching out as efficiently?

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Sorry if this has been posted but I couldn't really find any info on this.. Seems most that I saw on here were flowered quick for SOG, or small with a few large colas.

I'm sure clones can be topped/tied down, but I haven't seen it as much compared to seed, is there a reason? Is this because clones don't have the vigor, or that their maturity is same as mom and so they're on the last leg of their lifespan and can't do all the branching out as efficiently?
Seeds producte plants which have branches.

Removing branches and rooting means that you're now growing a branch. Taking cuttings from the 'branch plants' gives you a branch of a branch.



weed fiend
They're not on their last leg until you put them in 12/12. Mothers, clones and clones of clones can be kept years in veg.

In my experience, clones branch sooner than seed plants. Your un-topped seed plant will typically "tree" while a clone will "bush." Aren't Tom Hill's giant bushes from cuttings?

IME, you can train a clone in the same process you train from seed. They're not gonna look identical but it's all fractal.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
ok i dontm know what the hell any of these posts are saying, the link may have some merit, but i aint clickin it.

a clone is a cutting from a plant whether it be mom of a plant that you are going to put into 12/12. all this "growing a branch of a branch" chit is going overboard.

all of my ALL OF MY GROWS have come from cloned plants. i always like to run (the word escapes me right now) . . . .awe yes "turnkey" grows. thats where you kep clones on hand so theat when you have one grow that ready to be chopped down you already have clones in place to start up again right away. no need to be waitng all over again for seeds to sprout and then go through the hassle of waiting to see if they are male/female and blah blah blah.

i dont know what the hell a "branch plant" is to be honest, just sounds retarded in the realm of taking cuttings and growing. if your taking a cutting from a clone then thats no big deal. if there is some sort of problem that your experiencing then it may jsut be the strain that you are grwoing that may have some funky traits that your noticing.

right now 4 of the plants that i have in my cab right now are cuts from clones and they are just as bushy, if not bushier than their mom!! so if you want to know if a clone can out do its mom, i would say hell yes, matter of fact thats what you would want it to do!!!

i keep my mos at about 2-3 feet tall, but whatever i put into flower i flower out to about 4-5 feet so i EXPECT my clones to outgrow their moms!!! lol
If the mother is grown from seed then no. Seed grown plants have what's called hybrid vigor, meaning they'll grow a percentage larger and faster then any clones.
The deal with a clone is that it is as old as the original mother, so if you take it from a mature plant, it will already be mature, even if it is only 3" tall. It has already gone through the sprout up fast and then start branching out stage. You can see this happen as your plants grow from seed because when they start out their branching will be opposite, and as it matures it will switch to alternate. You can most definitely grow a clone out to be just as big as the original mother, and bigger, with no adverse effects. If anything it will actually improve your yield because the plant is mature to begin with, so the structure of its growth will be different. You can top clones and do anything else to them, just like you would with a plant from seed. The only difference is that the clone will already be mature. If you top a clone it will split apart into at least 2 more tops, just like a normal plant would. If you continue to top those ends you will have a clone that forms branches, I hope that makes sense.
If the mother is grown from seed then no. Seed grown plants have what's called hybrid vigor, meaning they'll grow a percentage larger and faster then any clones.

If the clone is taken from this mother then it will still have the same hybrid vigor as the mother did, it doesn't just go away.

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