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Can an HPS light/Elec Ballast get you sick?


New member
I have a 600w Digital Greenhouse HPS ballast. It's electronic. However every time I plug it in I seem to get light headed dizzy nauseous.

I get a weird freshly cut grass smell.

I've opened the ballast and it doesn't show anything burnt. Capacitors look fine and all.

Same thing for the Mogul Unit.

I contacted Tony and he said that it's much like a pc and there are no burning gases in the ballast.

So could my bulb be leaking something?

Any idea? It's about 1-2 years old.


Active member


Just slip out the back, Jack, make a new plan, Stan
Don't need to be coy, Roy, just listen to me
Hop on the bus, Gus, don't need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, Lee, and get yourself free


Well-known member
Listen dude...you got a digital ballast or older magnetic ballast.....or...something that was.advertised as cheapo digital ballast thats just an electric ballast.

Questions #2. Do you have any sensitivity to sound or any metal plates of anything spine or head.

Dude, take a pic of your ballast.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Maybe it is producing ozone??

What does ozone smell like?​

Have you ever heard the phrase “smells like rain?” Well, people who say they can smell a storm coming are correct. What they’re really smelling is ozone. In fact, the word ozone is derived from the Greek verb ozein, which means “smell.” This is particularly fitting given the strong aroma of this chemical compound.

Ozone has a distinctive smell that humans can detect even in small concentrations — as few as 10 parts per billion.

Here are some of the ways the smell of ozone is described:

  • Metallic
  • Like a burning wire
  • Like chlorine
  • A “clean” smell
  • Sweet and pungent
  • Like an electrical spark
Knowing what ozone smells like can help you detect whether there are high concentrations in the air. Because there are significant health risks associated with ozone exposure, the smell of ozone can alert you to take necessary precautions.

What are the health effects of ozone?​

Ozone, at the stratospheric level, protects you and the Earth from harmful UV radiation. If you have ever worn sunscreen before heading out to the beach or park, you are likely familiar with the harmful health effects of UV radiation. You use sunscreen to protect yourself against skin damage, including cancer, which is caused by this type of radiation. These aren’t the only damaging effects of high exposure to UV rays, though — cataracts and a suppressed immune system can also occur. This is one of the main reasons scientists are very concerned about the depletion of the protective ozone layer and how to restore it back to its natural state.

However, on the ground-level, ozone is a pollutant that has a plethora of other negative health effects, even in relatively low amounts.

Who is most at risk from exposure to ozone?​

Though breathing in ozone is dangerous for everyone, there are certain groups of people who are at a higher risk of developing health problems from the gas. These include:

  • Children*
  • People with asthma
  • Older adults
  • Outdoor workers
  • People with vitamin C and E deficiencies
(*Children makes this list because their lungs are still developing, and they are more likely to be active outside than adults are. Children are also more likely to have asthma.)

What are the symptoms of ozone exposure?​

Even in healthy people, ozone exposure can cause significant health problems. Most of these issues are related to the respiratory system and lungs. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the effects of breathing in ozone include:

  • Induction of respiratory symptoms
  • Reduced lung function
  • Inflammation of airways
Studies have found that even short-term exposure to ozone (up to 8 hours) can cause symptoms such as:

  • Coughing
  • Chest tightness
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Throat and lung irritation
  • Pain when breathing deeply
Many of these symptoms are linked to the narrowing of the airways. Thankfully, these ozone exposure symptoms can be reversed. However, the effects of long-term exposure may not be reversible, making it critical to control the amount of ozone you and your family are exposed to.

The potential long-term effects of ozone exposure include:

  • Susceptibility to respiratory disorders like asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis
  • Scarring of the lungs, causing long-term impairment of lung capacity (or the volume of air that the lungs can expel)
  • Reduced ability of the immune system to fight bacterial infections in the respiratory system


Well-known member
Question #3. Ive actually witnessed something pretty bizzarre with a electronic cmh ballast, freaked me fuck out. Like from a good company, great, the best actually, i figured it out, and sometimes its not entirely their fault as it seems crazy but is technical...idk...also do you run like any...like...radio station or something oit of close proximity? Any other shit than internet


Well-known member
Actually seen second hand ,same ballast ...according to report fucking ignite, but i dont accredit the story bc people are really prone to operator era or plain ignorance, im curious to know make model. Ive ran alot of diff ones with no prob except an electric cmh and older mag 1k hps ....that ..we think somehow effected my room mate that had some metal shit that was pretty unique going on. The cmh 315 , when running a good many here and there DEF affect wireless service and clarity on local chanels and am radio it seems, but im talking of maybe a dozen or more.. .... not a whole lot but a little fuzz blast across all the tvs when light ON would flip , or when running cmh bulbs instead of hps for veg bc we had 5000k bulb i beleive. Wierd shit dude.

Im an led guy now as finally got the performance we need. Dude, honestly, if you still want to use HID, switch the ballast and get a good one....the ones that have warranty and been around a while. Aint worth fucking around and piece of mind is priceless.

Ah, also...theres always......LEDS,.....dude theres some bangers out there, get what you pay for.

Retire the ballast! ✌️

Oops just seen digital greenhouse, take pic of outer casing, ill know which one you got. But waste of time, retire it dude.
Id only run something like digital gh maybe 2 yr at constant action,
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Well-known member
Whatever the single jacketed ushios were when first came out....5500k , single jacket bulbs run with no glass fixture, extra UV for frost factor, extra bad on eyes, im now a believer. Protect uour eyes , everytime counts
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