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Can an airconditioner push exhaust through carbon scrubber?


I went to my local hydrostore recently and stumbled across a hydrofarm acan13 12000btu air conditioner with an open box price tag for $100. (It retails for over $500) I needed it anyway because i had extremely high temps with 1000w hps.

So the unit has two exhaust tubes that fix to a small rectangular panel which is sized to fit a standard window. I was hoping that i could build a small rectangular scrubber to fit the exhaust flange/panel. My concern however is that the air conditioner will not on its own be able to scrub the air out of the room.

Would the a/c have enough power for airflow? Would the exhaust be hot air and will that affect the scrubbing power?

thoughts? thanks guys.


rick shaw

Score,great deal. What is the temperature and humidity of the exhaust?
Activated carbon filters effectiveness diminishes with heat and humidity.


I'm not 100% but I think 1 pipe is intake and the other is exhaust for the condensing part (the part that gets hot) of the a/c unit. The evaporator (the part that gets cold) dose not use outside air in most cases. What this amounts to is I don't see the need to scrub that air. Just my :2cents: Which isn't much lol :tiphat:
hell of a deal btw


Registered User
If it's like the one I had, the tube on the right side is the intake... the one on the left is the exhaust. These are just for the heat exchange.

Behind the face of the unit is a filtered intake for cooling the atmosphere... with the front grills for the return back to the room.

Fan for the heat exchange tubes isn't that strong... not enough to attach anything like a scrubber to it. Tough enough running it any distance longer than the tubes. If you did try to do this, the a/c wouldn't work very well.


you guys are right, one is intake and one is exhaust. i left it to run for 20 minutes or so and it didnt seem too cold but maybe it wasnt long enough, or maybe i need to charge the freon?


So if i tried to scrub it, it wouldnt work and the air conditioner would be less effetctive?

and by the way i meant to say i got it for under 100, 50 to be exact. :) i know, im shocked too


sorry to inform you but that ac is garbage even for the price you paid.
don't bother scrubbing the air via the AC. it does not have enough cfm capabilities.
if you want to exhaust the room's air out via the ac, then you need to detach the cold-air intake and leave it to suck air out of the room itself (with no carbon filter). not efficient at all imo. don't bother using co2 and some of the cold air is going to be sucked out as well.
the only way i know to control the odor of a portable, is placing ona gel in the back of it where the room air intake is (not the intake hose, but the square opening usually on the bottom). if you want to "clean" the air coming out, then using one of those expensive in-line duct corona discharge units might be an option (i.e. Uvonair CD-800 and using a duct reducer).

all portables and window units leak odor. some more... some less.

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