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Can a l.e.o. sell marijuana?


Active member
Can officers sell felonious amounts of cannabis (ounces-pounds) to a suspect?

If so, what is the law? wouldn't they have to, by law, arrest there suspect immediately for committing a felony? can they let person move all of the herb and build a case on it while selling more herb to the person?
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ive seen lots of videos of police selling drugs large amount or not to suspected drug dealers. And everytime as soon as they agree to buying the product and hand over the money , they arrest them ... its just a money scam to give the department more money.

Also when police bust a crack house , some times they will dress up undercover and act like they are the crack dealers at that house and bust anyone that comes looking for some.
^ what he said. a lot of times they'll arrest both the person selling and buying just to cover for the officer/informant.
This reminds me of when I was 19 stoned off my ass sitting in my buddy's back room(he called it the stoner room) smoking a bowl and he walks in with a local cop(fully uniformed) who was holding a 50 gallon trash bag(my heart just sank with bowl in hand sitting in front of a pile of mj). Then says "what's going on here fella's". He then sits down hits the bong and proceeds to sell my boy this giant garbage bag full of weed, bust not included. Another time A friend and I had gotten pulled over, he said he smelled mj we said we had smoked a joint, he said no, no i smell fresh mj. He finds the QP in the trunk along with the two footer joker bong(I loved that thing), takes the mj and the bong puts it in his car and tells us to have a nice day, goes back to his car and then proceeds to drive away. So I say they can do just about anything they damn well please, crooked ass bastards.

This has absolutely nothing to do with this thread other than the title but yeah I'm stoned so it's o.k.
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They can have the weed, smoke you up, sell it to you, then bust your ass...

Sounds fair, eh???


you bet they can sell it. my brother bought some from a cop. he has talked to a guy for quite awhile at a bar for months. cops like to have a few drinks after work just like anyone else. weed talk went on for a few months and this cop sold him bags from his confiscated stashes. Then it turned into a lb here and there. Then 6 lbs of good stuff for dirt cheap and thats when he busted him. He worked police in a few citys over it turned out. Probably making money for himself for awhile with the smaller bags and when the evidence room had 6 lbs on the shelf he probably used that for a big bust to make him look better. So yup dont buy drugs from cops.
i was at a headshop once buying a decent 30 dollar glass bong. guy next to me is like "hey, you get down with trees", i was all like "uhh yea".. next thing you know he is trying to sell me shit "i got that fire, i got that fire etc"..so im like yea im cool man, because i had just picked up an 1/8" so he gave me his number and i went on my way.. fast forward like a month later im dry and my guy is dry to... so i call the number he gave me and i must of been off by one digit because i got the answering machine to a female sgt for cspd.. so i hung up and never called again.. i knew it was a cop number he gave because i looked up the cspd office online and all the numbers had the same first 3 numbers... like how a college phone system is set up *** 4532, ***4533 etc.. so i lucked out because i would have def fell for it i was desperate at the time, i also learned a valuble lesson never buy anything from someone in a headshop lol....


Yeah, I've heard unfortunate stories. Some highschool senior sold a cop a joint and was arrested and sentenced for a mandatory of like 10 years. Only because he was within a certain mile radius of a school zone.


They can have the weed, smoke you up, sell it to you, then bust your ass...

Sounds fair, eh???

Sounds pretty fucking fair to me. If you are that stupid to put yourself in that position, you deserve everything coming to you.

Last time I got herb from a random person... ahhh, never.
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I was once watching a sting on the show Cops. They were crack dealers busting the buyers. A couple of guys pull up and ask to buy. The "dealer" walks up to the car, asks what he wants, pulls out the rocks, and then the driver just snatches the shit and jams the gas.

Dude totally robbed the cop before they could bust him! LOL


:rant: Are local sheriff used to be Mr. Big his main problem was when others sold, But things have changed for the worst now you can't tell who anybody is I liked things better before all the snitches and organized drug task force shit, it used to be if someone was a rat he was pointed out now its seems like you can't trust nobody, I know one thing people have changed, a dog don't even have sense any more you tell a dog to get out of your yard and it just looks at you :violin:


Get two birds stoned at once
If you ask a cop to sell you pot I bet he'll take your money and freedom. They put female 5-0 out as street girls and once you make an agreement and pay for "service" they bust.

Cops smoke bud too, seems like theres always a ton of cops getting busted because their department starts testing all of a sudden.. I know a guy who was a cop for a few years who smokes, the story's he tells about other cops haunt my thoughts sometimes... cops can be real hypocritical bad people and their job requires lying on a regular basis so I don't think there is anything some cop out there wouldn't do to bust someone.


Active member
I know for the most part the can sell it. but say they gave some dude a pound of herb and he is selling it. wouldn't they have to bust him right away? are they allowed to let you commit certain felonies, not bust you right away and then randomly arrest you? it seems to me they would, by law, be forced to arrest you when you commit the crime.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Nah, they can sell it to you and come back and visit you later, allowing you to 'act in furtherance of the criminal activity'

In other words, they're gonna give you all the rope you need to hang yourself.


668, Neighbor of the Beast
Happened top a buddy o mine years ago. Set him up to buy 10 lbs and then nailed him right after they delivered. Charge was conspiracy to possess a controlled substance and some other crap. They kept the money and the car and the charges held up in court as it was all recorded.


Active member
nite tiger...so what you are saying is that a fed and give someone herb, let them sell it to other consumers (a criminal act on both sides), not have to arrest them, by law, and repeat the process in order to "build a case"