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camo plants with sevin dust


hey everyone,do you think a light dusting of sevin dust could help disquise plants.choppers are really bad where im at.thought maybe the white may throw them off.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I suffer from extreme air cover as well. I have flyovers every day because i live within 10 miles of the airport where they take off from.

I dont think the sevin dust will help you at all.

We've learned around here that if you have real, heavy eradication flights, the only hope you have of a harvest is to plant only a very few plants per site and spread those few plants out at least 20-40 feet apart. Then plant numerous sites. Cannabis can be seen with just a single plant but 10-20 plants are hard to miss from the air. They stick out like a wedding dick in cotton pajamas.

Another trick is to plant in spots where they arent lookiing so much. They search the boonies and farmland, get a little closer to civilization.

Keep everything youve got crossed and if youre religious, pray!

Ive seen them repel down and cut 3 plants, ive seen them miss 20 plants. Its a roll of the dice but next year you can plan for the bastards. Usually, the have regular flights- this fall, try and see what times of day and on which days their flying.


thanks for your input d.s,just sitting around thinking of ways to make it to harvest time.the ol eye in the sky has got me 2 out of the last 3 years.

Zen Master

you want to camouflage your plants by putting white on them????? and not to mention just that, but a white powder that will decimate the local bee population?



where i am growing there some sort of white flowers growing all around.thought it might blend in nicely.im worried about my plants being seen not a damn bee or two.


i guess your probably right dextro.even though it is used on vegatable plants,it probably would not be a good idea.oh well it was just a thought.

Zen Master

where i am growing there some sort of white flowers growing all around.thought it might blend in nicely.im worried about my plants being seen not a damn bee or two.

so clip white flowers from a craft store onto your branches instead of dusting your nugs with a toxic powder.

the only reason I mention the bee shit is because Sevin is insanely toxic to bees and will literally destroy every single hive that it gets introduced into. You yourself will be the cause of killing every bee (a vital insect to produce the food that you yourself are going to eat today[not just honey]) within a half mile radius... not just a couple of them...

I know that its the 'hippy' shit to want to save some vital aspects of our environment, but you don't have to go out of your way to fuck it up either.

edit: not trying to come off like an ass. Knowledge is power though. Using clip on flowers is a common practice for outdoors.


like i said zen master it was only a thought.and by the way you may not be trying to come off like an ass,butin all reality you probably are one.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Zen Master, the 1lb of sevin he would introduce into the enviroment is irrelevant when the cornfield, soybean, sunflower, tobacco crop on the farms surrounding him are spraying actiguard, arobat, seldane, Roundup and Broadban by the ton. Not to mention the automobiles around him pumping out tons of carbon dioxide, the leaking gas station tanks into the ground water, good lord get some perspective..

At least youre thinkin about the problem jagdog. If i thought it would work, i would be the dusting the hell out of mine too.

Ive been using Liquid Sevin Concentrate for just over 20yrs, sometimes at triple dosage, along with a rotenone/pyrethrins concentrate for knockdown power for the whiteflys, leaf hoppers and cut worms.

When growing guerilla, you either kill the bugs or they kill your plants. Guerilla plants cant be tended too every day and sometimes its 2 weeks between visit. I cant spray some half assed chump bug killer and walk away saying " oh i hope i get to harvest some weed this year"..
I grow weed and try to grow lots of it. Spraying 30-40 big plants requires a 5 gallon sprayer and 20 gallons of water, a fulll bottle of bug killer and 1/2 a days work.. Theres no place in that scenario for neem oil , nature loving type products. I have to know the bastsards are dead and the problem is taken care of when i walk away. Sevin, Rotenone, pyrethrins all break down in sunlight within 4 days. I dont spray for 30 days before harvest, but these products are safe and if youre not using them in my neck of the woods, youre hunting for a good connection to buy your weed from this winter.

I got my fingers crossed for you jagdog. We'll talk later about how to grow without them finding your weed...