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Came back from Disney and was robbed....keep your mouth's shut!!!!!!

I learned a lesson in the golden rules of growing. DON'T TELL ANYONE!!!!!! I went away with the wife and kids to Disney last week,and when we came back I was dismayed to discover that I got robbed!
The dirtbag got my plants,leaving me dry but worst of all,they came through my 10 yo sons window and stole his X-Box 360 he saved up for himself,and nothing else. Of course,he's bummed out and scared which pisses me off the most.
Now,I'm gonna set up shop at my moms until I can figure out a better security system,but other than 3 babies(2 Casey Jones and 1 HPxDC-still not sexed,let's pray for girls!!)I have to start from scratch again.
Of course,plants can always be regrown but my families sense of security can't be as quickly.
I told only a few people,but a couple others did find out by accident so who knows who the slimy culprit is. Let this be a lesson to the noobies!! Unfortunately,we've just declared bankruptcy so hopefully some seeds will fall from the sky....somethings gotta go right,huh?
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; ( if i were in usa i'd send you my freebies.

sorry i got robbed once... it's one of the worst feelings. easily fixed with a 9mm, but where you live if you have that AND a grow it's extra charges.

be glad no one was home, and your family was safe and probably having the time of their lives.
shit happens.....my own damn fault in some ways!!! I appreciate the support,hopefully once I get secure I'll be back.Until then I'll be commuting back n forth to the Cape.


Registered Pothead
Honestly you cant say that your loose lips sunk your ship. You dont know for sure that it wasnt a random act. Shit your sons room might of had the window cracked a lil and that looked like an easy target. either or sorry for your loss.
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lives on planet 4:20
the fact is people (burglurs) hit houses regardless....maybe its someone who you told...but most likely its just a burglury...best to have security system of some kind...if you can afford

but the rule about not telling anyone....should still remain...numero uno


Registered Pothead
dude06version said:
but if it was just a legit burglary why just take the plants and xbox? sorry man, atleast it wasnt the cops or something.
Thats all i would take if i was a thief. Why waste time going through drawers if you got video games and pot?


Registered Med User
Sounds like u was robbed by some kids/teens. a professional burglerrer would of went for jewelery, expensive electronics and personal information/files. Gotta keep them windows locked and get a security door.

Doctor Who

southflorida said:
the fact is people (burglurs) hit houses regardless....maybe its someone who you told...but most likely its just a burglury...best to have security system of some kind...if you can afford

but the rule about not telling anyone....should still remain...numero uno
Wouldn't an alarm system going off be more of a liability due to the fact if you do have a brake in and you aren't home the cops are going in? Sounds like dogs might be the better choice.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Hey stinkfinger,
If I were you I'd pack my shit, move outta town & find new friends. Unless you actually find AND kill the person who robbed you you're fucked. You've made yourself a target for future robberies, you can't even tell a single friend that you're heading to the mall, a movie, a picnic....... how do you know it won't be the same person who robbed you before? gone from your crib for 2 hours or 2 days it'll happen again. PLUS! You've made yourself into a 'get out of jail free' card for this same scumbag (& he'll get caught by the cops sooner or later imo) to rat you out on sheer speculation if he gets picked up by the cops for ANYTHING! ~~ He stole from you once as a fuckin' sneak thief, you know damned well he'd rat you out in a heartbeat. Even if you never mentioned growing again he'd drop a dime on you figuring you have a garden anyway.

If he rats you out some day you might lose your home & child, an awfully big price to pay for loose lips dude. You said it yourself
smellmyfinger said:
I told only a few people,but a couple others did find out by accident.
mind if I ask what kind of 'accident' caused you or someone else to spill the beans? did someone walk in on the grow?


Well-known member
It sounds like you were actually robbed twice in the same week. Once by the scumbags that hit your house and once by the Big Rat Mickey at Disney. Orlando is the only place in the world were you can spend over a $1,000 a day to stand in lines and sit in traffic.

Good Luck. I hope the rest of 2008 is kinder to you!




Active member
You know you fucked up but I can't help but ask this and I don't mean to be an asshole but I got to know.

Anyway, why in the hell would you jeopardize your families safety (especially your sons) by breaking rule number 1? You told people you were growing! Huge mistake and I wouldn't grow so close to my kid either. Cops find out next time and they'll be taking your son. That would be fucking awful. Just remember if someone is sleazy enough to rob you they're sleazy enough to rat you out when they get busted. Just remember that and get the fuck out of town dammit. You need to move. Start up some where else and grow away from your children. Anyway, I hope your shit works out. I really do. If you find out who did it... well, god help there soul. I know if I found the piece of shit that stole from my son and then from me I would make sure the last thing they saw was me.


Registered Med User
Are you a Med patient in a med state under the limit with a valid card and medical records to back it up? Are the people you told fellow med-patients with gardens of there own? If so then your not in too bad of shape, get an alarm for your house or a dog.
Any other scenerio then you fucked up and all the above posts are on the money, get the fuck outa dodge...


lives on planet 4:20
in the least do not grow for a while and take measures to secure your living space...once this is done you can lay low and make future plans

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