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CALM in Toronto Raided, Closed Temporarily

For immediate release: Wednesday, March 31
At approximately 3 p.m. this afternoon, 51 Division officers raided a medical cannabis resource and support centre. C.A.L.M. has provided support for patients with debilitating illnesses that range from AIDS, cancer, glaucoma and MS for years. The police arrested 4 individuals found on site and confiscated their medication. The Queen St. location was targeted despite the fact that all individuals in question had federal licenses to possess, store and/or cultivate medical cannabis.
For further information, please contact:
Ron Marzel T:


very sad, {he Queen St. location was targeted despite the fact that all individuals in question had federal licenses to possess, store and/or cultivate medical cannabis.}
Is it even legal for them to do this? Or is it the authorities letting people know they are watching med growers that they dont exceed their limits. I would imagine that all charges will be stayed, just more intimidation, just what sick people need.
In any case this shit will go on indefinitely until full legalization. And thats all about who you vote for. Life is all politics. We do hold the power, if every pot smoker in canada showed up in Ottawa at gov hill and demand full unqualified legalization, even the American ass kissers in power now would have to concede.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah I'm a CALM member, those pricks ... They were nice ppl in there too I hope all is well peace out Headband707


I wonder if the people inside the shop were really federally exempt or just members of the dispensary. For some reason I though that the cops knew that actions like this go nowhere in court. Maybe they just dont give a fuck!
These people, my friends, are ATP holders, as well as club members. They are sick people, this is an outrage.

There is no doubt that they have federal exemptions for medical cannabis.

I'd also like to mention these are good people who give a lot of their energy to help patients, and our cause. They care about making sure patients can access high quality, meds. The best club in Toronto. I hope they re-open soon.


Active member
I'm really bummed to hear this, those crooked pricks got nothing better to do than pick on sick people? This is such a disgrace...
Ahh thats really dumb!!!!!!!!!!Good job wasting money,and hurting the patients in need of there meds.And what did they get from it.My prayers gose out to the family's affected by this stupidity.



Active member
I bet the cops also went looking for any kind of information about the dispensary's membership information as well as its financial records.

This whole thing may be more about intimidation and information gathering then it was about busting medical cannabis patients. This gives me a bad feeling and I'm wondering if we'll see a lot more of these raids in the future.
Just to let you know, at least two of the people mentioned in the press release have been released after around hours in custody. No word yet on my other two friends, my thoughts are with them. (I admit to doing a bit of stress-eating of cream-puffs last night.)
Apparently more than 4 people were unjustly arrested yesterday. most were let out during the night. everyone is in court this morning. so sad :(

headband 707

Plant whisperer
They are great ppl

They are great ppl

These people, my friends, are ATP holders, as well as club members. They are sick people, this is an outrage.

There is no doubt that they have federal exemptions for medical cannabis.

I'd also like to mention these are good people who give a lot of their energy to help patients, and our cause. They care about making sure patients can access high quality, meds. The best club in Toronto. I hope they re-open soon.

Agreed these guys when I meet them were really helpful and nice . I hope all works out for them sending nothing but good vibes anything I can do let me know peace out Headband707:)
Ok. Just found out everyone got bail.some great community members stood up and supported our founder. But this is just the start of tHe fight!


Active member
The government in Canada I think is targeting these compassion clubs and dispensaries because they want medical Cannabis patients to buy and use the government's sponsored and grown stuff.

They don’t want us using the stuff we choose because it works too well. If everyone was using their crappy stuff we wouldn’t see how good Cannabis is at treating and relieving all the many aliments, symptoms that respond well to Cannabis. This way the anti-Cannabis crowd can say “see it doesn’t really work all that well”.

They’d rather we use their Cannabis which usually isn't that great in quality and too limited in the number varieties to choose from. They are trying to control the source for which patients get their medicine for their own political views and agenda’s.

Please be careful everyone when getting your medicine because I see this kind of thing happening more frequently in the future until legalization. Also support those who were caught, all my best wishes and thoughts go out to them.
We will be holding a protest of the unjust police raid on CALM, here are the details:


Sunday, April 11, 2010
1:00pm - 4:20pm
40 College St. - Police Headquarters

Protest the RAID by 51 DIVISION against CALM Medical Cannabis Club

At approximately 3 p.m. on Thursday March 31st, 51 Division officers raided a medical cannabis resource and support centre. C.A.L.M. has provided support for patients with debilitating illnesses that range from AIDS,cancer, glaucoma and MS for years. The police arrested 4 individuals found on site and confiscated their medication. The Queen St. location was targeted despite the fact that all individuals in question had federal licenses to possess, store and/or cultivate medical cannabis.

More details to follow...
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