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Calling for Discussion on Re-legalizing Cannabis Texas Style.



One in a while I read something from a Texas perspective that just begs for the reader to put on their Hat and Practice their Texan and read what a Smart man in Texas has to say.


For many years I had in my possession four medical prescriptions, issued in 1926, for different patients with various ailments.

No matter what the "illness," the doctors' prescribed remedy printed on the official government form was the same: Whiskey.

Y'all start talking ya hear?

Sounds good to me.. Just get your neighbour Oklahoma involved too.


Texans are a different breed almost. I know because I am one.... with that said our version of legalization imo would kick the shit out of the west coast version. The problem is our version isn't really popular with the politicians. The 'religious right' has a pretty firm hold down here.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
omg pot logic printed in a Texas new paper!!!!! :jump:

maybe the true conservative can finally kick out the religious nuts from their party, and get back to work.


LOL I was impressed too. I wonder if some Texans would even use that page in the bottom of the Cage.

But it did happen!

Good to read.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I can only dream.

Actually El Paso local government is calling for pot legalization in texas and usa.

Texas Legalizing would be the biggest stride toward national legalization I can think of.


Active member
Texans are a different breed almost. I know because I am one.... with that said our version of legalization imo would kick the shit out of the west coast version. The problem is our version isn't really popular with the politicians. The 'religious right' has a pretty firm hold down here.

Well I certainly learned something new today!!! Up until now, I was under the impression that TX was similar to FL's draconian laws...

According to NORML's site, you can get caught with up to 1 lb (up to 4 oz is a misdemeanor), and if it's your first offense.... :groupwave: QUOTE:
* With no prior felony convictions, if convicted of possession of less than one pound of marijuana a judge must impose a sentence of probation with mandatory drug treatment. If no treatment center exists within the jurisdiction, the judge may waive the treatment requirement. They judge can also waive all fines.

I have never wanted to live in TX until today!!!

However, I don't recall seeing the word "cultivation" at all. Can anybody tell me what it's like there, law-wise, for a personal grow-your-own-stash??

Guest 88950

JTG, thx for the info. im from Tx living on that draconian peninsula in the south and that article speaks the truth.

imagine if the same approach was taken towards Cocain. a legal market for C would IMO instantly end the violence associated with C being illegal and end the war between the cartels and their countrys govt. the money saved by slashing the dea's budget b/c C and Cannabis are legal could be put to good use like updating & protecting our power grid.

maybe the govt going broke is a blessing in disguise.

btw, i have never tried Cocaine and im not attempting to violate the TOU so if something shouldnt be in my post please dont ban me. erase it or let me know and i will.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
people that want drugs to be illegal still will never want them legal. They dont think with logic. they think with fear, or faith. neither is logical in the situation. This is Texas. They just added creationism to their text books. They ignore fact and teach lies, and religion to their children as scientific truths. That is bat shit crazy. They also took all the people out of the text books that talk about keeping religion and government separate. They also took out everything about mexicans helping fight at the battle of the alamo. Between TX and AZ some crazy right wing racist shit is going down in the south. it is totally fucked down here. Racist are coming out of the wood work and jumping on the tea party bandwagon. the shit is scary.


I certainly disagree with some of that assessment Hash Zepplin. Do you feel the text books was appropriate before? Its unfortunate that politics have to creep into education but your sadly mistaken if you think that its a new development. So you think its racist that they added the black founding fathers back to our history books? Is it racist that they say the country is a constitutional republic? ... sigh
A study of the history of US laws pertaining to marijuana and it's use as a recreational and/or medical drug reveals an obvious collusion of commercial interests and government officials. The significance of this connection reveals that these laws were enacted with the intent to promote the ability of specific individuals to profit in the absence of a natural resource.

Marijuana has been independently studied for many years and is not known to cause the many physical illnesses and social problems that are associated with legal drugs such as tobacco and alcohol. Alcohol and tobacco are directly attributable to hundreds of millions of deaths over the years worldwide. These two drugs have taken a larger toll on humanity than all wars in recorded history. There is no significant medical use of either of these two drugs, they are basically recreational, yet they remain legal and available.

In addition, tobacco and alcohol are responsible for tens of billions of dollars in additional health care costs in the USA every year.

Marijuana has many commercial and medical uses that have been known for thousands of years. The laws restricting possession of marijuana began in the early 1900's. Wikipedia has a concise history everyone should read.


The USA has laws against the private cultivation and processing of poppies and coca. There are laws prohibiting the manufacture of methamphetamines and LSD.

While I agree with these laws, the government allows pharmaceutical companies to commercially manufacture and distribute these drugs, sadly excluding LSD, in massive amounts for human consumption. These drugs, along with barbituates and alcohol, contribute to thousands of overdose deaths in the USA every year.

Many times, these drugs cause chronic physical and psychological addiction.

Putting marijuana in perspective, it has many known medical applications without the damaging and often times fatal side effects of legal commercial drugs. The study of medical marijuana has been prohibited by US politicians connected to commercial interests.

The following is an excerpt from here:


Constraints on open research

In many countries, experimental science regarding cannabis is restricted due to its illegality. Thus, cannabis as a drug is often hard to fit into the structural confines of medical research because appropriate, research-grade samples are difficult to obtain for research purposes, unless granted under authority of national governments.

United States

This issue was highlighted in the United States by the clash between Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), an independent pro-hallucinogen research group, and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a federal agency charged with the application of science to the study of drug abuse. The NIDA largely operates under the general control of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), a White House office responsible for the direct coordination of all legal, legislative, scientific, social and political aspects of federal drug control policy]

The cannabis that is available for research studies in the United States is grown at the University of Mississippi and solely controlled by the NIDA, which has veto power over the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to define accepted protocols. Since 1942, when cannabis was removed from the U.S. Pharmacopoeia and its medical use was prohibited, there have been no legal (under federal law) privately funded cannabis production projects. This has resulted in a limited amount of research being done and possibly in NIDA producing cannabis which has been alleged to be of very low potency and inferior quality.

MAPS, in conjunction with Professor Lyle Craker, PhD, the director of the Medicinal Plant Program of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, sought to provide independently grown cannabis of more appropriate research quality for FDA-approved research studies, and encountered opposition by NIDA, the ONDCP, and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

United Kingdom

In countries such as the United Kingdom a license for growing cannabis is required if it is to be used for botanical or scientific reasons. It is referred to as a "controlled drug". In such countries a greater depth and variety of scientific research has been performed. Recently several habitual smokers were invited to partake in various tests by British medical companies in order for the UK government to ascertain the influence of cannabis on operating a motor vehicle.

Commercial interests fund our national news media and pay bribes to our elected government policy makers. Until this flow of money is prohibited, the people of the world will be subject to criminal manipulation from our news media and government officials.

The citizens of the USA, Canada, Great Britain and other European nations are subjected to the death grip of propaganda spewed out by commercial advertisements, news media and governments.

The only way to bring sanity and honesty to government and news media is to completely isolate them from all monied interests.

It's very disturbing knowing how manipulated we are by the people we pretend to elect. Unknown to most citizens, these politicians are all bought and paid for by special interest groups that want to control every aspect of our lives.

"What a country!"


Way to go Texas. Maybe Willie Nelson and ZZ Top can light up at home someday without the threat of prosecution.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I certainly disagree with some of that assessment Hash Zepplin. Do you feel the text books was appropriate before? Its unfortunate that politics have to creep into education but your sadly mistaken if you think that its a new development. So you think its racist that they added the black founding fathers back to our history books? Is it racist that they say the country is a constitutional republic? ... sigh

I think just think it is wrong to change history to brain wash children. I would hope they would just be accurate


already happend ... your probably subject to that revisionist history ... do your own research bro draw your own conclusions. Read the book the real george washinton to gain some perspective...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
oh I know the history books were fucked when I was a kid too. It wasnt right then either. I dont think they should sugar coat history for kids either.
Well I certainly learned something new today!!! Up until now, I was under the impression that TX was similar to FL's draconian laws...

According to NORML's site, you can get caught with up to 1 lb (up to 4 oz is a misdemeanor), and if it's your first offense.... :groupwave: QUOTE:
* With no prior felony convictions, if convicted of possession of less than one pound of marijuana a judge must impose a sentence of probation with mandatory drug treatment. If no treatment center exists within the jurisdiction, the judge may waive the treatment requirement. They judge can also waive all fines.

I have never wanted to live in TX until today!!!

However, I don't recall seeing the word "cultivation" at all. Can anybody tell me what it's like there, law-wise, for a personal grow-your-own-stash??

In Texas weed is kind of like cattle rustlers, the penalty is the same, wanted dead or alive. Live weed or dead weed is treated the same in theory. Of course live will weigh more, and live will often suggest commercial/redistribution.

Texas is not so bad as people think. Strong home is your castle law. Hard to get search warrants. Penalties not as harsh as one would think. People including cops generally don't care so much what you do in your home. Even somebody got off on medical need in Texas over the past year, and the arresting officer said if the guy had been smoking in his house instead of his front porch there would have been no issue.

It also depends heavily on the county where you live though. Oh, and how you look. I am a well off middle aged white guy who does not want to promote the illegal drug trade nor deal with the hassle of finding a hookup. A plant or two a year in a closet gives me little worry in my situation. Regular precautions of course (odor control, multiple layers of locks and such).

Texas though is strange though --people talk about how important it is to be free of the state (especially the feds) yet there are many blue laws, dry counties, etc. Somehow its OK to be oppressed by Rick Perry but not so OK to be oppressed by Obama ...

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