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Calling all psychology students


1. call it a steak
2. serve it on a plate
3. it must be unassembled. its all in the presentation
4. the "steak" must be covered in some kind of sauce and in a non circle shape.
5. the location must be in a very remote town accesible only by logging roads in summer and by plain with only one restuarant and a small market that is often closed where the primary economy is gold mining.

I have seen 25 dollar hamburgers in places that followed the above criteria but the industry wasnt gold mining and they had a cafeteria with a buffet of very fancy food and it was accesible by paved roads.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
ego, someone who does not value money as much as their ability to have exactly what they want when they want

Haha I don't know if its my ego, but thats me! I want what I want and thats it, I don't even look at price tags when I shop and I couldn't tell you what it cost to fill my truck up on my way over. I also throw money at problems until they go away, I'll rebuild an engine just because I want it fresh not because the compression test said so. When I shop online I search form the highest to lowest until I find a price range I can afford. I find it hard to half ass anything, if I can't do it 110% I don't touch it. You get what you pay for in this world, I am a firm believer in that. Only get one chance to live what is a dollar worth when i am dead and gone? I don't know if you could make a burger that cost $58.00 that would entice me though lmao.

Not the greatest qualities to have I admit, but thats me.

"exactly what they want when they want"
The people buying the $58 burger:
Don't care about spending excessive amounts of money.
Believe the burger is more than what it really is.
Have no concept of the relative value of their money or the burger.
Have no other option for sustenance besides the $58 burger.
Are buying a $5 burger on a credit card but are too stupid to realize its really costing an extra $53 in interest and fees by paying it off via the minimum monthly payment.


Psychology major here-

This one is pretty cut and dry (to me at least)

It has nothing to do with telling someone it's so great, etc.

It has everything to do with someone who has the "look at me look at me, watch me buy this because I think I am bad-ass just because I can afford it" kind of attitude. Someone like that must have some type of validation from the outside world that they're better than others-when they truly aren't, they just have more money than the rest of us and are usually rather childish.

If someone has the money and is a "show-off" (aka someone who must be the center of attention) they'll buy one. No convincing necessary. (I call people like that attention 'whores.) People will go out of their way to do things like this-just like the persona who MUST pull out a huge wad of bills and has to be sure EVERYONE saw it-while another person who is secure with themselves and who they are, will do so discretely. Does that make sense?


completely, the ignorant uneducated person chooses to waste energy on these worth -to the to outsider looking, watching this guy, eat this 58$ burg.-

knowing it was overpriced, you say to yourself watching him enjoy with satisfaction. knowing that his sad attempt to show he is greedy, a user of more energy then is necessary..

does a seedling not grow t words light.. why the darkness out there so great.. would you treat a friend to your a 58$ if you were out together? would buying this burg and just giving it away make sense to you? because that deed of supply food to life is far greater the the purchase of this money pit burger.. lol, wtf


Another way of putting it:

Think of the guy who couldn't get a date to save his life-you don't need to talk him into buying a ridiculously expensive car-he does it for one reason and one reason only. To draw attention to a warped view of "self." Look at me, look at me!! Driving this car! (Oh yea, he's getting attention now, and THINKS everyone else sees him as "cool" when in reality, when people do look- it is simply because his "game" is obvious) People with a sound sense of self see this for EXACTLY what it is, and consider this as "loser behavior." (I know I do!!)

So, who is taking psych and what class? Sounds like Abnormal Psychology...??


not taking any, i think next semester for sure,i have become interested in the thinking behind good and evil and energy together progressing to the future surviving and thriving, the basics, the givens the for sures. the truth.
ok so seconds, minutes, hours go to what the dollar. time understand this is true so much wasted on bs and lie, bad shit happened dude. the dollar it only buys oil. we power your oil. who buys debt in $from the USA.. like wtf is this lol
INTERNET a connection of all nation states all people free no reservations right free from oppression of thought? why all the troll/idiots/haters talking nothing, energy all around connected to what...

have you not seen avatar do you not get it

use the biggest connection available for the progress of doing good work..life is really simple, if were here to survive why not use modern conveneice to make easy. is life all that far-out.. surivive as a good people. enjoy the fun things lol u kno, get by..

we have created the weapons to destroy this earth, yet fuck NASA fuck space fuck the backup plan for destruction lets just WORK to pay debt! that we monetized to/sold off, so WORK. advanced no more.. slow the progress halt! future generation you fate is set! WORK. something need to change.. a miracle..miracle gro it please

some of my question of life truths.


You sound like you would LOVE philosophy!!!! (I do....) Awesome subject...stuff you can really sink your teeth into-and a good Professor makes it even better....deep thoughts sort of stuff once you get past the first semester (or two)

--my Father has his Masters in Philosophy. :biggrin:

Oh and no, I haven't seen Avatar yet...but I want to!


it not enough anymore sit back waiting

u need to explain what freedom STANDS FOR... it MEANS TO Sacrifice! work and energy for the future! think! save!

TALKING ABOUT FREEDOM, u kno u want it right people? unleash the fury! SUPERMAN THEM HOES


this make sense to any1??
Second chances are people way of hope for better progress.. believing, the bases that a second chance will be better! when you die that your second chance. this is life think about the future! now


Well-known member
i think you are over-thinking - "a fool & his money are soon parted." look at how many lottery winners end up bankrupt/in jail. they are FOOLS...sounds simple to me, but then, i am a simple man with simple needs & even simpler friends. :biggrin: :booked:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
You guys remember the Carls Jr. commercials right?


Carls Jr. must be a northern deal. I pull this off the web. LMAO. Paris is so f'ing stupid, but I would so love to lay the wood to her.

I'd probably give her a donkey punch at the end.


I'm a big fan of ButtFuckers myself.




I try not to be involved in activities other than Growing Weed so You might not see me in these topics. Lol.


there are some really effed up pipples out there

I lost my desire to proceed in the field of psychology and gave up on the rest of the world in 1996. FTW

that almost as bad as SoCal dispensaries


Reminds me of the Carl's Jr. $6,000 burger, lol. Overpriced is overpriced, some people are dumb enough (and some rich enough) to pay for it.


There are FOUR lights!
I watched a guy at a dead show make $17 in about 10 mins letting people
jump over his box for $1. Just a plain cardboard box.


Thats like Being a Male Prostitute & Charging $6000 for a Girl 2 Lick your ass. It Jus Doesnt Make Sense... Lol.