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Calling all Organic Outdoor growers!


Hello, I just thought I'd see if I could draw out some experienced growers who use Organic methods of growing. I do pretty casual organic growing now, but as my knowledge grows I am seeing more ways to improve my methods.

Any one out there who would like to share some wisdom and experience for the community?

My growing has been pretty basic up to now, essentially adding some Horse manure compost from the neighbors stalls, and some Dolomite lime. Thats my basic veg mix until blooming starts when I make a quick tea with high P guano and feed weekly til a week or two before harvest.

This year I'm going to add more exotic organic fertilizers, and experiment with using Guano/molasses aerated teas. Kelp meal is high on my list this season, read a lot about the benefits, and I like it.

Part of my mission this season is to make sure I have a strong micro myco heard this year, since they are the answer to strong organic grows, using some good teas and making sure my soil is well enriched should help that along well.

Any one else?



i also use that horse shit, but only in earlier stage of veggin´, its not so easy to flush it out, do you grow in pots or? because i heard that molasses atracts ants if you use it in the ground, also in the ground theres microlife lives naturally, you can help it with seaweed, its good thing

i would say keep it simple and let plants do their thing

Rainbow Mix It's organic made by Earth Juice and it's all in there. Just mix a cup in your soil and that's it providung you have all the other soil variables in check ( PH, drainage, ect )


Watcha Shrek, the best thing about organic is that it is absolutely free, just takes a bit more work, try to prep your holes early though. Test ph after youve added all that muck & magic, ckicken poo & peats manure can be a bit acidic. Try to think about growing roots more than the top & you'll be winning. For starters think about Nitrogen, chicken muck is full of it, & can be watered in as & when. Pig muck is tops for K, try to get it in early though, mix in at the bottom of your holes, so the roots will find it later on. The best grow tea bar none is comfrey & clover, loads of it soaked in a water butt for a while. Google it theres loads about it. Organic mollasses, are the biz too, I use it when plants start to stretch.
The darkest secret of all dates back to the pre sewage days, it was called night soil back then, when people used to empty the bucket down the end of the garden & dig it in the next day. Contains NPK in exactly the right proportions for MJ.
Dont overdo or all these poo mixes might burn roots hence the reason for prepping holes the autumn before.
Good luck.


That's a very good organ1c post, everyth1ng 1n there makes good sense, been do1ng the same th1ng to my veg garden for yrs.


Forgot to add comrey/clover tea can also be used as a foliar feed, there is evidence to suggest the comfrey can deter bugs when used this way, Leafhoppers dont like it.
Purists may suggest the use of bat guano is unsustainable, environmentally bad & carbon unfriendly, may contain some nasties, Diseases? (ask Ozzie Osbourne) & is probably best left in some dark cave in central america. Chicken s*^%t would probably do the same job cheaper, but lacks bag appeal.
Clover (Alfala) seed could be spread around your holes to provide season long Nitrogen straight into the plants roots, at the end of year simply chop & dig it in for green manure & watch those worms munch it down, worm holes then provide free drainage, improve soil structure especially in clay soils.
I reckon it takes 3 years to get a true organic soil profile. Dont forget compost heap for kitchen waste eggshells etc, & dont forget to put a cows horn in the bottom of it............ Phew, specialist subject marks out of 10 please.
good luck.


Seaweed extracts contain cytokinins, proven bud boosters used in spuds & fruit orchards, used to be a big deal back when? Not too sure of the science, but basically they help plants to cope with stress.Also strong chelating agents. Please consider this before using, the worlds Kelp beds are under threat already without pulling it up for fertiliser. Some of the worlds largest kelp beds off tasmania have disappeared by 70% over a few years due to ocean warming. Underwater Forests of the stuff have simply disappeared, leaving a aqua desert. .The knock on effect......no marine life. I like lobsters. :rant::fsu:


Active member
i use a bulk organic compost thats made locally. whats in it im not totally sure, i know its got rice hulls, grape pumic, granite dust.. i also use Primal harvest guano in the hole. its for flowering. then i use Age Old Organic fertilizer. and iv had great results. in the ground with drip irrigation, average over 2 pounds per plant.

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