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Call of Duty: Black Ops - 11-09-10


:shooty:Call Of Duty: Black Ops:shooty:

Yup I want it, If you find some good info on this game bring it over.

I really havent found much about the story line yet. At least it's not gonna be old school like World At War was.


cant wait till its out my thumbs are itching for it lol


well if you got an xbox you shoulda just got your second map pack. if ps3 or pc, another map is coming out beginning of July.
My ps3 died a couple months back. No more COD for me till winter when I can justify spending cash on a game system.

Any way to save your account info and screen-name when your system dies?


Yeah, I'm loving Vacant from World at War. I don't have a hard drive for my xbox - I purchased the stimulus package thinking I had enough space to download it. I was wrong. 3 weeks later I said "fuck it" and bought a flash drive to see if that'd work, they're cheap enough anyway.

It worked. I downloaded it. Got put in MW2.. and seen they had a new map pack out. Lol, went right back to walmart to get some more XBL points. I've got 2 mappacks worth of maps to learn. This sucks, but they're sweet maps.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
which company is making this one?If its infinity ward then i may grab it ASAP
Treyarch is developing it, although I have a little more hope now than when they were developing World at War

Infinity Ward had a bit of a shakeup, so its hard to tell how their next project will turn out.


Active member
i LOVED cod mw 1 and mw 2

world at war was okay.. but i wasnt too fond of it.

why does everyone say that mw2 sucks?
and why do i keep hearing that infinity ward is going under? or like they had some problems and all got fireD? anyone know what im talking about?
i LOVED cod mw 1 and mw 2

world at war was okay.. but i wasnt too fond of it.

why does everyone say that mw2 sucks?
and why do i keep hearing that infinity ward is going under? or like they had some problems and all got fireD? anyone know what im talking about?

People say mw2 sucks because the plot of mw2 had so many holes, the only thing that held it together were the great looking graphics. Then there is multiplayer, which hasnt really changed much since COD4, except the maps....oh wait they are forcing the re-purchase of mw1 maps by bundling them with new maps. If you take a look around at other FPS's, Call of Duty is dead in the water when it comes to innovation, thats why people are starting to turn on the franchise.

Play battlefield bc 2 online for a few matches and I'd be willing to bet you agree, not that mw2 sucks, but that it could be much better. This is coming from someone who has over 20 days in both mw1 and 2.

A few of the upper people at infinity ward left(or got fired, i cant remember), then they formed their own studio, and recruited talent from infinity ward's staff.


I'm probably alone here, but I had a lot more fun playing WaW with my friends than I did playing MW2... The last time I played MW2 was probably a couple months ago and I don't miss it at all. I'm really looking forward to this black ops :joint:


Active member
i bought the stimulus pack for my PS3 (MW2 of course) about 2 weeks ago and my PS3 broke about 4 days later :(

My nephew stuck pennies and nickels in the disk slot and fried the blue-ray player. It won't suck in a disk let alone read one. This is my second PS3, my first one was the 60gb from when PS3 was released and this one that just broke is the 120gb PS3 SLIM which is less than a year old. Anybody know if its still under warranty and/or if the warranty that comes with the slim covers damage like this for up to a year?

....Probably not


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I hated CoD 4, 5 & 6 so i definitely won't be getting this. Although they are pretty good games I find them very gimmick orientated and after a couple of weeks I get really bored. Out of them all the zombie mode on 5 was good fun. Really looking forward to Gears3.


Marcellas: Damn that sucks about the busted ps3's. I still got the original 60GB the very first one. I upgraded her to a 500gb what a waste lol!! o well just glad she still runs. I even took it apart to get the dust out. When they start running real loud like an xbox the fan is clogged better clean out.

Anyhow if your slick enough, why not just buy another playstation from Walmart and switch the unit casing with your broken one. then return it. I am not sure on the policies around your house. make sure they take them back like 15 days er something.

Also the void warranty sticker will need razor bladed back on the new unit.


It's gotta have a meaning, no way would they be able to speculate the completion of the game 6 months in advance down to the day.


People say mw2 sucks because the plot of mw2 had so many holes, the only thing that held it together were the great looking graphics. Then there is multiplayer, which hasnt really changed much since COD4, except the maps....oh wait they are forcing the re-purchase of mw1 maps by bundling them with new maps. If you take a look around at other FPS's, Call of Duty is dead in the water when it comes to innovation, thats why people are starting to turn on the franchise.

Play battlefield bc 2 online for a few matches and I'd be willing to bet you agree, not that mw2 sucks, but that it could be much better. This is coming from someone who has over 20 days in both mw1 and 2.

A few of the upper people at infinity ward left(or got fired, i cant remember), then they formed their own studio, and recruited talent from infinity ward's staff.

I fully agree with this....they seem to recycle every year a new COD...same engine same small boxed maps...they dumbed the game down so much anyone can kill anyone...i dont like they way they have little "cheats"...for instance when your zoomed in you can ALWAYS know someone is in front of you cause the foreground in your vision snaps blurry whenever an enemy move into your field of vision...another cheat is it auto aims to some extent and the hit boxes lag so you can not be truely aiming on someone and still kill them

The game is run down and i wont be getting any more COD series

I dont know about everyone else but im a TRUE gamer...i belive in no handicapps and no "evening of the playing field"...and ive been that way since Starsiege Tribes

Battlefield is in the right direction with bullets that have the gravity pull on them and the destructable enviroment...now if only xbox could get more then 16-32 max players...


Also i heard Inf. ward top dogs got the axe cause they wanted to make other games besides the same old COD...so ill be following those dudes seeing whats next for them