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Calimed's coco takes on the Mob Boss


Active member
Day 71 pics:

I should be taking more of Big Momma, she's looking fat n pretty, but, it's hard to hold my hand steady back there. I started flushing Big Momma and lil Pee Wee a couple days ago.

0V1 (still being fed):

Big Momma:

Lil Pee Wee:


No more signs of PM. I've been sucking up any excess water the past few days...maybe that + some defoliation helps.


Active member
That's some ill shit! Summa the most trich covered I've ever seen in here.....

You can already see flush takin effect. Saw your post about you not being sure if you started flushing in time, looks good now, I'd hit it :D but try to flush 14-20 days before harvest and see if that works for you. Saves on the nutes too...


Calimed, yeah looks killer. Insane trich coverage..... I too prefer a longer flush, 2-3 weeks is optimal but appear to be just fine. Yer Zero veg has bulked nicely though next round I'd let it veg fer a couple days, establish that root system and I'm sure you'll end up with cola's that look like Blynx'. Lovin tha pics Cali, keep em comin'



Active member
Took some better pictures of Big Momma:

And a couple more close-ups of lil Pee Wee:

I'll definitely keep flushing for at least 2 weeks unless some radical issue comes up. There aren't too many amber trichs yet and I want this to be a super smooth smoke.

Most of the Big Momma clones have started to root. I'll throw some Rhizotonic in the rez once they all start to show.

It'll be interesting to see how much Zero veg will harvest, I expected it to turn out much smaller.


They look straight killer!
I´m looking forward to the smoke report!!
Can´t wait till my order arrives:)


big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Cali, everythings look great! I'm hoping my Mob Boss fills out more like yours have! Mine look like they'll go around 80+ days but definetly more on the 90days side of things...

I find defoliation works best when you remove the fan leaves that arent attached to any buds since their just huge sinks of energy. I keep the leave's that come from the buds themselves as they seem to provide the energy for those buds to grow. Without those leaves they seem to stop.


Calimed, hoping you see this in a timely matter. From here, it looks like Big Mamma has some bud rot. Whack tha top off an let'er finish up......



Active member
Excellent looking out Steele! You were totally correct, I had me some bud rot, about an inch worth just below the foxtail tip.

I did a quick trim and snipped off the bud rot section (pics later today). I assume the rest of the bud can be kept? It looks green and I cut away all the rotted looking parts.


Active member
Some pics taken just prior to noticing bud rot on the tip of Big Momma:

Big Momma:

Lil Pee Wee:

Zero Veg:

Snipped the tip as suggested, around an inch of bud was rotten. I cut the waste away and am drying the rest of it:

I've never had bud rot and don't know much about it, so I'll be researching what I can do to prevent it in the future.

Now that the tip has been chopped off Big Momma, I will be lowering lil Pee Wee and Zero Veg to the floor and bring down the light a bit.


Active member
Too effin bad bout the rot, hate that... There might be spores on the 'good lookin' pieces you cut out around the rot. And on the plant still.
Keep an eye out, it shows up over night.

Too many nutes later in flower, too much water, high humidity and lack of air exchange can all cause rot. Especially in such dense bud.


Active member
mmmm, smoke tests have been very promising.

The tip in the pictures above weighed about 7 grams dried, minus the rotten part. Those 7 grams didn't last too long, but after a day or so of jarring, some hints to the final flavors were present. Lots of sweet fruit flavors. I want to say something like Durban, but I could be wrong.

The tip smoked VERY well, beyond what I expected for an early cut. Smoking and vaping pleasantly numbed the face, leaving me slightly stuck, but upbeat.

Took another smaller tip a few days ago, which is now just dry enough to vape.... since the last cut, the fruity smell is much more noticeable plucking off the branch. Just shows what good flushing can do. The high is a bit better too.

Took another small tip off Big Momma yesterday, one of the nice foxtails I've been showcasing. This particular bud was a bit taller than the rest of the plant, so chopping it let me lower lil Pee Wee to the floor and the light as well.

Lighting has been tapered down a bit, from 11/13, to 10/14. I've never done this before, but am curious if it will help with maturation.

Zero veg is still being fed, but, I've withdrawn the PK 13/14. The other two plants were run with it all the way until flush, so I'm curious if this does any different.

The fan leaves of Big Momma are turning reddish yellow, while lil Pee Wee's are turning purple.

Pictures in a bit, but here is a teaser. A pic of some of the tip bud:



Active member
Four Big Momma clones are in the tent now and Zero Veg has been flushing for a day or two. Lights are back to 18/6...I am hoping Zero Veg will have time to flush before revegging. Probably should've waited and I like to clean my tent between runs, but I want to get this next run started. The tent will get a good scrub down this weekend.

Not too many difficulties this round other than the one instance of bud rot and a small outbreak of PM(maintained, no issue). I have 3 fans in the tent plus the can fan, maybe I'll add a fourth and buy some DampRid.

Clones are in progress and a few are ready to transplant. I may throw one or two more in the tent, but the rest will be donated.

This time will be a scrog, which will be built shortly. No more droopy branches with half-assed staking!

This weed is pretty strong...I am smoking less than I normally would.


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
everything looks yummy calimed, nice report too

I have tried one of my mob boss's and 2 to harvest in a couple of weeks so looking forward to some more she is an excellent smoke indeed


Active member
For reference, Lil Pee Wee and Big Momma all jarred up...minus whatever I've used already:



CaliMed, really dig some of them pics in post 53-55. Glad you caught that bud rot before it over took more shit. I always watch fer dying, dead brown foliage within tha colas, closer to harvest. Try cutting yer water intake significantly, 'specially during tha flush. Look forward to round 2/3 buddy......

Aloe, nice to meet'cha an' join us.....
