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Californians, Do the moral thing and vote yes in November!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
This is the time to put any greed or paranoia aside and vote yes on this bill. Do the right thing. Help America move past pot prohibition. California leads the world in progressive thinking, and that thinking can revitalize your state, and stop the jailing of innocent people at the same time.

The Bill might not be perfect but it is a good start. Just like prop 215 was a good start.

read the article


New member
I couldn't agree with you more. Even if you have a problem with taxation and regulation this bill is a start- think of it more as a statement you are sending to our ignorant government! If you think the current situation is ok right now just because you have your medical card in California you must not be keeping up with the new regulations they are trying to pass in most cities- things will start going backwards before you know it. Lets stop playing around and get out and vote YES this November for the Regulate, Control, and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010!!


Active member
This is the time to put any greed or paranoia aside and vote yes on this bill. Do the right thing. Help America move past pot prohibition. California leads the world in progressive thinking, and that thinking can revitalize your state, and stop the jailing of innocent people at the same time.

The Bill might not be perfect but it is a good start. Just like prop 215 was a good start.

read the article

I will NOT vote yes on this. This is my state and I do not support this bill. It is very monopolistic and written so that certain people will profit a whole lot and regulations will be in place to prevent their competition from arising.


Active member
if it will keep 1 person out of jail, the vote should be yes, how could anyone want someone to get arrested, if so , they are partly responsible for the action , and very bad karma.
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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I will NOT vote yes on this. This is my state and I do not support this bill. It is very monopolistic and written so that certain people will profit a whole lot and regulations will be in place to prevent their competition from arising.

well you are very minded and short sighted on the subject. If this state passes a bill then other states will pass one as well. Their bills will be different, and provide different markets. If you cant compete in Capitalism it is your own fault anyways.

Back to what I was saying now. When other states pass better bills it will cause the cali bill to be changed to keep up. The people will make sure of that.

The point is you have to start somewhere and you have to have delayed gratification. That means making some sacrifices now to ensure the future is better. Americans just dont have it any more. Because of the credit system Americans have become stupefied consumerist sheep. They want everything exactly how they want it and they want it right now and cant look into the future to see how that might cause actual real problems. You being uneducated and unable to compete in the market is not a real problem for the whole of the country. What is a problem though is losing the chance to help bring an end to the drug war.

So what I say to you is, expand your mind, and your freedom will expand as well.

People have been trying to re-legalize this plant for too many years already for you to go and vote no and fuck it up now because it isnt just how your feeble mind likes it.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Only vote no if you want the government controling your body more.

Only vote no if you want the government controling your body more.

If you are still voting no on this bill please consider the fact that you are FINALIZING the government's right to tell you what you can and cant do with your own body.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^go fuck your self. how am i trolling this is my thread? fuck off. why would you give me bad karma? I was nice to you, and you are a dick anyways, but now i'm done being nice. You gave me negative karma because you have no way to express your opinion in an educated manor, thus proving your narrow mindedness

You have only proved that you are a troll and not I. I have never even been to oakland. BTW 390 didnt make it past the health comity. the bill you like is dead. I liked it better too, but it is dead.

GET A FUCKING EDUCATION YOU DICK. AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY THREAD IF YOU CANT BE A DECENT HUMAN. ONCE AGAIN GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


also think about how nice prison will be because real karma will get you for voting no and helping the federal government further solidify and continue the drug war because people like you cant see past your own tiny dicks.
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Active member
How does this bill impact the medical user though? Will doctors still be able to perscribe usage?

From my (limited) understanding it will eliminate medical usage and make general usage legal. Doesn't this remove protection(the little that we have) from say corporate firings?


Garden Nymph
I do not think it will impact Prop 215.

At any rate, I really agree with the competition part which HZ brought up...Just like with Wal-Mart. They may have the lowest prices and there might be a Wal-Mart every five miles, but I still shop at mom-and-pop stores and the like. If you provide a quality product, you'd best believe I'd buy from you than the shady low-quality producer.


Active member
How does this bill impact the medical user though? Will doctors still be able to perscribe usage?

From my (limited) understanding it will eliminate medical usage and make general usage legal. Doesn't this remove protection(the little that we have) from say corporate firings?

This law does nothing to 215. nothing.


Active member
I will see you dont last here if you keep it up you stupid mother fucker

The name calling is in poor taste. Please quit. What state do you live in? Is there not a sub-forum for your state? I think you would be better suited taking your frustration out by trying to get laws passed in your own state rather than calling me names.


Hey Hash Zep,
will you give me a dollar if I vote yes?

hehe j/k - I'll do it anyway just because it makes sense, and I voted yes on 215 too. Even though this prop has been given the number of a past failure (prop 19), I think it will pass. With the choices for the gubnerchip of this state, why not give them something they never thought would happen to deal with in their first term?

Payback mofos, before you even get the chance to screw me you politicianholes.

Stay alive folks. Keep the faith. Medicate or party with MMJ or RMJ, its a God-given plant, right?

Lets vote it in just to give the legislature hell.

Grow your own and know what's in it.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Now....calm down Hash Z....

There is no need to get embroiled in profane verbals about this subject, although I feel your passion for this bill to be passed in Cali......and no-matter what details within the bill that are not absolutely perfect...it is as many have voiced a start in getting cannabis normalized/legalized so keeping many people from getting victimized by the law.....and for sure many other states should follow, then perhaps the rest of the world....

If someone is not in agreement with voting 'Yes' then that is their right......but I see that as shooting themselves in the foot somewhat....

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^I only got angry because what he said to me in the bad rep box he gave me just for starting this thread and sharing my opinion. I Went off on him to put my foot down about being a dick for no reason. not for disagreeing with me. The thread has already moved on, and he seems to have moved on as well. The next post was civil and just fine. He shared his opinion with out continuing with his former attitude. I assume I can be nice again.

I have no problem with people having different opinions, I never rip on those who stay civil. It's like Ricky from trailer park boys says. "I'm a pretty nice guy, and I wont fuck with you as long as your not a dick, but if your a dick you better watch out cause I'm gonna fuck with you big time" lol it comes from being the oldest of 7 children in a poor family. lol


IMHO I will punch that No box 100x NOOOOOOOOO!!!

No means no lol, the bill is so convoluted it’s pathetic. It needs to be further thought out and re-written until they get it right. They say be careful what you wish for, so don’t do it for the wrong reasons. We all want it legalized but it has to be done right the first time and I don’t mind waiting a bit longer to get it right. That bill is backed by big pharma and they have sunk millions into trying to slide it on the ballot last minute (which they succeeded in doing).

It doesn’t tie into prop 215/420 but I’m sure if this abortion of a bill gets passed they will someday down the road cross paths. Either way I would really encourage folks to read the bill top to bottom at least twice and read it carefully. Remember folks billion dollar slumdogs (big pharma) is not someone we want running the show here. Well thats my humble opinion and I can’t wait to punch that NO box come November.

If they really want to do the right thing let’s get this wonderful plant knocked down to a schedule 2 drug at the very least. I want it done the right way is all I’m preaching fair enough.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^to begin with thank you for sharing your opinion with slandering me and giving me bad rep.

like I said the bill isnt perfect. but it will lead the way for other states. you have to legalize in one huge state or two before the federal government will consider it.

Also Big Pharma wouldnt support this bill. they cant do anything with pot until the nation legalizes because they have to obey federal law. a small state only business doesnt, so they can profit from this where large national companies cant.

also this is chump change for big pharma, they dont need pot money.

oh and also the same families that own big pharma also owns the private prisons system


Active member
What state do you live in?

It doesn't matter what State any of us live in because it will end up effecting the world. I suggest that if you want people to not give a shit about your state and the people who are going to continue to be arrested in your state you might want to find a site with "International" not in the title, maybe start a site "MY State pot".

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