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Active member
it means to me that in the dead of winter .i can call my friends back east buried in snow and laugh. all while sitting out back in shorts and a tshirt smoking my medical mj.
One man, in my opinion, is the best person to help us understand California--Huell Howser.

Hey, I have a tape somewhere of an episode I was in.........

When my Father was born in SoCal there were 5 million people in the state and the Los Angeles basin was perhaps the best place on the planet. When I was born here there were 15 million people and SoCal was starting to suck....We moved to the best part of California (far north) in 1965. When my daughter was born the populaton was over 35 million, and if not for this economic downturn we are experiencing we would be heading towards 50 million folks in this state. Way too many, as far as I'm concerned.
Sadly, I think California living peaked a while ago........


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Coddeling illegal aliens?
Have you seen the nifty billion dollar border art we have installed?