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California will Vote on Recreational Pot in Nov

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AUMA I couldn't care less. There are leicence given out to those who want to business in the weed game, homegrowers can home grow 6 plants. Blaggards will tell you to vote against anything that makes the sellers have less buying power...

That's how it should be with 6 plants like Holland.. Prevents organised crime to some extent.. Leaves it wide open for big buisness to put out some meds.. If they're shit or contaminated you don't buy from them and go elsewhere or grow your own but @ $1k a pound you can't afford to have it trimmed :) I don't know what to say about it other then it's fucked up the scene for you in my opinion as your only gonna be allowed personal amounts and store it. Indoor is another thing depending on the vote.. .

Holland does not allow 6 plants.....
I live here.
This thread is about AUMA not MNS. Does Shanti even grow in Calif?
20 years isn't really recent; out of context

Price depends on the gas for the armored trucks obviously...hard to calculate at this time


Single growers are 10 a penny Shcrews. I know the profits were mad high in cali and across the states and I respect that but he's another level entirely.

He's backed by millions and has a team of Mr burnes type high priced laywers and the experience and the genetics to put you all in harder times..

Be honest anyone that wants to grow MNS seeds can get them, they are pretty easy to buy as MNS is a small seed biz, and sells a fraction of the amount of big seed sellers. They all charge to much for seeds and will have to face legal competition, that will cause prices for herb and seeds to fall, fall, fall. Seeds can be sold for $.10 each and still make a good profit, if you know how to grow correctly in a greenhouse or outdoors. The Cannabis seed biz is bloated from high profits, all this will change. Agriculture does not normally make 5-10 or more times investment, Cannabis and seeds do, this will change.

This will be big.. I hope that nobody gets hurt and that everybody can get along but the fact is you don't grow as much as the cartels to prevent importation so you won't stop Shantibaba, the quality is still not there nationwide and that is what his will be like.. HUGE! You might have to start to sell indoor as OD to folks who will buy from you to make ends meat.. That is what I expect.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yeah, to the weed prices have not budged in years. An ounce at the dispensary I went to 7 years ago charged about $520 an ounce, $130 a quarter ounce. Very high quality and pricey even for then I guess but... That dispensary is out of business now but most ounces I see listed on the web around here are between 2 and $300. I have not bought any in 7 years.

Hard to say what the end user will pay after taxes on growers and users. Cali is tax hungry and could go nuts on pot as they did with cigarettes. The easy money of $3000 a pound is going or gone already? I do not follow the prices that much. I think $2000 is more like it now. 7 years ago I think 4000 or even more was possible.

I have nothing against the small growers-sellers, but reality does have something against paying you the prices you have been getting with minimal government involvement.

Mate Dave

ICMag Donor
Holland does not allow 6 plants.....
I live here.
This thread is about AUMA not MNS. Does Shanti even grow in Calif?

Shanti will be in the USA next year, however his licence covers him from now Sam so he could be in there on the sly..

As for the seed game.. I don't think he's ever been interested in that :)

I didn't say holland allows 6 plants Sam mate it was one of the yanks who said. 'Don't bring that Dutch model here" I think..

You all get 5 in Holland with no lamps or watering systems so I gather.. I've seen how big you can do 1 of them so I can imagion how much actual work you get off of 5 that big.. I've only ever see Kangativa get taller plants than yours but nothing near the size of the one in the glasshouse picture of yours.


Well-known member
AUMA I couldn't care less. There are leicence given out to those who want to business in the weed game, homegrowers can home grow 6 plants. Blaggards will tell you to vote against anything that makes the sellers have less buying power...

That's how it should be with 6 plants like Holland.. Prevents organised crime to some extent.. Leaves it wide open for big buisness to put out some meds.. If they're shit or contaminated you don't buy from them and go elsewhere or grow your own but @ $1k a pound you can't afford to have it trimmed :) I don't know what to say about it other then it's fucked up the scene for you in my opinion as your only gonna be allowed personal amounts and store it. Indoor is another thing depending on the vote.. .

yeah you did

Mate Dave

ICMag Donor
Holland has 5 dude.. You get 6, you lucky gits ;) So I was slightly wrong. It was more to prove a point than a mistake to get you to do some trolling. I was refering to the 6 you get as the same rules as Holland but you don't even have to... It's still better then 0 plants :) 6 outside with no restrictions.

Nice of you to waste your afternoon on me thank you..


Back with some interesting finds!!

Firstly; here is the most honest & realistic interpretation of the events that occurred between Scott & Peter & company ( that I could find)

"Five items in the indictment were testimony to a federal grand jury by Imler and two members of the LACRC, who were given limited immunity, meaning they couldn't plead the Fifth Amendment to avoid testifying.

According to Imler's testimony, McWilliams had approached him about an exclusive growing contract and claimed that he, Peter, would be the Bill Gates of medical marijuana - none of which was anything that the feds needed to make their case. McWilliams nevertheless considered the testimony a betrayal. Soon, Imler began receiving death threats. "He did what he did and he's gonna get caught," a cryptic McWilliams told me. "Not by me, but word's gonna get out."

For his part, McCormick claimed Imler had dropped the dime on McWilliams's operation. During the discovery process of his trial, McCormick had obtained a memo written by a West Hollywood Sheriff's Department detective concerning information from a confidential informant who McCormick insisted was Imler. Dated five days before the Bel-Air bust, the memo contains no indication that the Cl was Imler, who, in any event, was in Atlanta at a Methodist conference the week the informant squawked. What's more, according to an affidavit from a DEA agent, the feds knew about the pot mansion two days before that memo when, on July 22, 1997, they'd busted a woman named Susan Korski on a charge of possession of quantities of weed and cocaine. She fingered McCormick and said he was growing marijuana in a "castle-type" house in Bel-Air.

The attempt to malign Imler as a snitch was obvious payback for the LACRC director's previous public criticism of the outlaw style of the Bel-Air grow and for his honesty in front of the grand jury. For McCormick and McWilliams, the buck stopped everywhere but Liberty Castle, which had bustled with members of the hemp community: growers, dealers, celebrities, ganja groupies. The informant could have been any one of the human traffic that visited the Bel-Air mansion. But this very controversy begged a larger question: If they were operating under the law as they claimed, what was the big secret? McCormick never went for a stealth policy, never tried to work quietly with politicians and law enforcement, as have many major cannabis clubs in California with varying degrees of success. "



Next ; As Letitia Pepper states; and a few informed members have noted:

"Furthermore, as I’ve already noted, no city nor county can do what the State itself cannot do. Since the State of California could not lawfully ban patients from cultivating marijuana — a right protected by the California Constitution — it cannot give its political subdivisions a right it does not have itself. Additionally, cities and counties cannot use the police power to forbid an activity protected by the California Constitution, so they cannot ban cultivation.

Nor may cities and counties impair such a right by the imposition of taxes and similar controls. Under Prop. 215 this is a right; under Prop. 64 it will be a revocable privilege, and therefore subject to being taxed and permitted out of reach. "


These are facts friends.

Also; I thought this was interesting.

" PS — My computer was hacked, more than once, my email account was compromised and I lost most of my contacts, and, as I noted above, Facebook refuses to recognize my password, and every time I create a new password, I get stuck in a loop that never lets me get to the final step that gives me access.
Is this a coincidence? I do not think so, given Sean Parker and friends’ involvement in trying to pass this POS Prop. 64. So please pass this info on to FB by posting it to your pages. Thanks! "

Imagine that. Illegal censoring is a common tactic used by the honest man with nothing to hide; correct?

I have seen those against AUMA being censored multiple times by multiple people. Any group or idea that adheres to trash philosophy like that; should be immediately opposed & removed.


Let's take another look at our "Humanitarian hero" ; Sean Parker.


Here is a statement with an alarming amount of truth to it.

"Sean Parker didn’t make a contribution, he made a business investment that he expects to pay off," Johnson said. "And why shouldn’t it? The initiative practically eliminates his competition by decimating the medical marijuana provider network. This is strictly a big-business monopoly model that permits a single company to control growing, manufacturing and distribution."

But; his team says : "[Parker] has no investment or interest in the marijuana industry nor any plans to enter it," Kinney said. "He's supportive because he is a social justice advocate. Like pretty much everything the opposition tries to throw at us, this is jello that doesn't stick."

Remember that. " Social Justice Advocate"

"Ex-Facebook President Sean Parker donates another $1.25 million to pot legalization campaign "

I stated previously ( and will prove at request) that Parker has donated far more money ( As a long time Clinton Supporter) to her campaign; and her "Foundation" . Far more money than he has spent on his " legalization bill" .

Now...... As an American ( and especially as a Californian) there is nobody with a brain that was supporting Hillary while Sanders was still in the race. ( Unless you are a manic old woman). Sean Parker was supporting Clinton though... I am personally wise enough to not trust an individual who undertakes such bold hypocritical actions. Trusting liars ( especially greedy & filthy rich ones) is a fallacious course of action; that is guaranteed to lead us to ruin.


tessarecting, again, you know absolutely nothing about this. You keep digging yourself deeper with these incoherent posts.

"What do you think it costs to grow herb outdoors or in a unlighted greenhouse in Calif.? If legal the costs will fall, fall, fall, you sound exactly like the growers pre passage of 215 they all denied that prices would fall if 215 passed, they were wrong.
-SamS "

Outdoors will be getting banned;first of all.

You mean ; grow 6 plants per residence? ( Indoors) .

I think you mean... the price will; rise ; rise; rise...
Unless you are an extremely wealthy Corporate Capitalist with a giant warehouse.

AUMA is going to increase price and birth new life into the black market. You sure have an interesting way of thinking.

This is legal. AUMA is not.

Any questions?


Active member
California guys need to post to reddit, especially the trees section there. Currently there are a few threads there that have thousands of upvotes and hundreds of replies all FOR the legalization of this bill.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Any questions?

Are you aware that all the imperfect points in auma can be ammended?

Same goes for the good points, which means it is easily ammendable, which is good, as time passes it can be ammended to decrease tax and restrictive regulations. This is how it has been happening all over the world, not just CA.

Ending cannabis prohibition has been an ongoing thing, step by step. You think breaking the grip that interests have in keeping cannabis illegal can be broken in just one voting process?

Do you have any idea how bureaucracy works? Or are we gonna close our eyes in denial and hope having to jump through the hoops will just go away if we ignore it?
Someone thanked me in my rep for pointing out you know nothing about this for the 5th time. You should be asking yourself the same thing. I get that you're trying...but try with some integrity. Try to be relevant. I think honestly for the sake of staying on topic you better not even.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Someone thanked me in my rep for pointing out you know nothing about this for the 5th time. You should be asking yourself the same thing. I get that you're trying...but try with some integriry. Try to be relevant. I think honestly for the sake of staying on topic you better not even.

Are you aware that saying "you don't know what you are talking about" over and over again does not constitute an argument?

I think you are afraid of the reality of how the game is played, so you cry foul.

You do not even realize that as a caregiver (I'm assuming you are one) you are in a very good position after auma passes... you are gonna be sleeping on the laurels or are you gonna get well informed and ready to keep on playing under auma? That's the question.
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