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California - SB420 Originator Claims MMJ Profit OK


In a Recent Letter, the Originator of SB 420 Clarifies That Medical Cannabis Providers Can Make a Profit.


By Robert A. Raich

There is a widely held misperception that businesses in the California medical cannabis industry are prohibited from making a profit. In reality, no California law prohibits cannabis-related businesses from making a profit.

Opponents of medical cannabis, however, have done a masterful job of spreading disinformation since SB 420 was signed into law in 2003. That disinformation has become so prevalent that it is affecting safe access to medical cannabis by patients around the state and has prompted retired state Senator John Vasconcellos to release a letter [PDF] debunking the widely held misinterpretation that profit is not permitted for medical cannabis providers under California law.


Robert A. Raich specializes in medical cannabis law. He is the attorney who took both of the medical cannabis cases to the United States Supreme Court. He served on the Attorney General's Medical Marijuana Task Force, where he was Chairman of the Caregiver Issues Subcommittee and was a member of the SB 420 Drafting Subcommittee. His website is www.robertraich.com.

Read more here.
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I'm on a mailing list and received that letter the week before last. I'd tell you who it was addressed to, but it's really not kosher.

In any event, the way I interpreted it, it was likely part of a conversation that involves California's not-for-profit 'business' models with specific regard to dispensation of cannabis, irrespective of whether it's a collective/cooperative storefront or not. The general consensus in this state has been that no one operating such a venture may make any profit whatsoever. This letter was sent to dispel the myth. It was also, again to my interpretation, a response to the federal actions in our state and how that relates to a for-profit model.


Active member
I found this to be an excellent post and read! Thank you to everyone taking part in this thread! And BIG thank you for all & Everything you and your husband are doing SeaMaiden! monkey5


I'm on a mailing list and received that letter the week before last. I'd tell you who it was addressed to, but it's really not kosher.

If you're saying that this letter was addressed to you personally then I get it. Otherwise, what's the big deal, the letter has been made public.