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California MMJ Plant/Weight Limits are back =(


Active member
So the case I quote in my signature has been depublished because it is going to be reviewed by the State Supreme court. That means it does not carry any weight in court currently. Should the state supreme court decide to uphold the 3rd districts opinion it will be back. But in the mean time if you are over the stupid unconstitutional limits, make sure you have your ducks in a row. If you provide medicine for a collective/coop ask the administrators of your group to provide a notorized letter stating that your medicine is being grown for the collective per sb 420 and AG Guidelines.

Honestly this really sucks if you ask me.


Active member
Can you please elaborate further about getting the collective you may provide for to sign notarized note? Lets say I am growing for a collective/coop what would then be my plant limits?Alot of things you speak of recently freedomfighter apply to me directly and I need to get better understanding of legalities.Pm me if ya want. nuggler


You put your right foot in you take your right foot out. you do the hokey pokey and turn yourself about.

Ya know this is more of an economic move than a medical one. Why not just come out a legalize it with reasonable limits?

Let's hope they refuse to hear the case.


Blue Dot

Why would the SCOTUS decide to hear this case and not the san diego case.

Aren't both kinda SB420 cases.

Either SB 420 is wholly constitutional or not, there is no picking and choosing from SB420 IMO.

It's either go with SB420 or eliminate it and go back to 215.

strange days indeed.


Freedom Fighter
Either SB 420 is wholly constitutional or not, there is no picking and choosing from SB420 IMO.

To my understanding, a Senate Bill may add to a Voted in Law, as in the Dispensaries...but cannot take away from it, as in the plant count--


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Im still trying to understand why any federal governement or the state of california has power over an individual to tell them they cannot grow or use a plant that has been on this planet for thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years.

Because we gave them that power when we decided society needed laws. Depending on the plant, there are thousands of reasons. Many quite valid. With weed, it's money. The powers that be are protecting investments elsewhere that legalized weed would destroy. A short sighted, destructive reason but, money talks.


Active member
Freedom I really like what you do for this community, keeping us on track and all.

I was wondering if a doctor rec to grow more plants is valid in the court of law.