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California hemp pilot program




• Central Valley farmers could grow it in pilot program
• ‘Family farmers are missing out on a golden opportunity to grow hemp’

Legislation that would allow the cultivation of industrial hemp in the Central Valley counties of Kern, Kings and San Joaquin plus Imperial County in Southern California was approved by the Assembly Wednesday on a 46-19 vote.
Senate Bill 676, authored by state Sen. Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, allows California farmers to grow industrial hemp for the legal sale of seed, oil and fiber to manufacturers.

“Hundreds of consumer products containing hemp are made in California, but the manufacturers of these goods are forced to import hemp seed, oil and fiber from growers in Canada, Europe and China,” says Mr. Leno. “Family farmers are missing out on a golden opportunity to grow hemp, which can help expand their businesses, create jobs and stimulate the economy.”

Mr. Leno says hemp requires little to no pesticides and herbicides, can be grown as a rotational crop, and grows quickly with less water.

"The requirements for crops to be a minimum of five acres with identifiable signage and requirements for lab analysis reports indicating the THC content in the crops will assist law enforcement in clearly distinguishing the crop from marijuana," says Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood.

THC is short for tetrahydrocannabinol, the chemical found in marijuana, a plant related to industrial hemp.

Hemp has a “deep history” in the U.S., Mr. Leno says. The Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria crossed the Atlantic with sails made of hemp, and both Thomas Jefferson and George Washington grew hemp, which was legal tender until the early 1800s, he says.

Today, industrial hemp is used to manufacture a vast array of foods, clothing, personal care products and building materials. The nation’s hemp market is currently valued at $400 million annually, and more than 55 percent of the U.S. hemp product companies are based in California, he says.

SB 676 now returns to the Senate for a concurrence vote before heading to Governor Jerry Brown’s desk.


they should make industrial black tar also, sell it to Germany to pave the autobahn. then we could keep one or two schools open.


Active member
California's Governor Jerry Brown vetoes industrial hemp bill

California's Governor Jerry Brown vetoes industrial hemp bill


Almost two decades ago, I stood up at a Jerry Brown presidential press conference and asked him, in front of all the media and hundreds of people, about industrial hemp as a solution for many of the world's problems. If we'd had industrial hemp since then, I am certain that we wouldn't have so much pollution and terrorism, and we wouldn't be in the economic dire straits we're in now. This ban has GLOBAL repercussions as well, beyond reckoning.

The hemp-banners appear determined to destroy the world. Now we know why the Feds have been harassing pot growers and medical marijuana users, so they could intimidate governors to screw up our children's futures and keep their prison-industry, oilmongering and pharmaceutical buddies in $$$$. Sue them and throw them out of office!

To his credit, Brown did say that he wished the Federal anti-hemp law could be overturned:

In a veto message, Brown said federal law considers industrial hemp to be a regulated, controlled substance, and that failure to obtain a federal permit would subject California farmers to federal prosecution.

"Although I am not signing this measure, I do support a change in federal law," Brown said in a veto message. "Products made from hemp - clothes, food, and bath products - are legally sold in California every day. It is absurd that hemp is being imported into the state, but our farmers cannot grow it."

Yet, Brown is in the perfect position to help change that law, as the head of a major American economic engine who surely has many legal eagles at his disposal to protect his state citizens against the Federal thugs. Pass the bill, then deal with the issues - force the Federal government's hand! He would have millions of American supporters stand with him.

"Hemp production would create millions of jobs!"
Here's the solution the Occupiers are looking for - THIS ban on industrial hemp is what they should be protesting.

"Hemp paper is what the drafts of the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution were printed on! American Founding Fathers like Washington and Jefferson grew hemp. It was illegal NOT to grow hemp in the early days of American colonization. The first American flag was made out of hemp! The U.S. government promoted hemp production for 'victory' during World War II."


Active member
"It was illegal NOT to grow hemp in the early days of American colonization."

how times have changed and hopefully change back again!

I hope they get the go ahead, hemp rocks, awesome potential on boosting economy and families livelihoods.


Active member
Such a shame the blind cannot see.....it would do so much good for the country as a whole...Give farmers a "come back crop"..its grown in Canada, what problems do they have?

Space Case

Well-known member
What, hemp? Isn't there still some oil in Central and Southern Cali that we can suck up? How about polluting the Sacramento delta and the San Francisco/San Pablo bay? Hemp will fix all that, we can't have THAT!

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