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Calif. pot dispensaries told by feds to shut down


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
oh snap.......


Active member
See my sig line re: Amador county. It is my opinion that the federal government wants to create a scenario where cannabis use is legal, but only after it's been 'pharmaceuticalized'. I believe they want to take growing out of the individual's hands completely and put it squarely in the hands of big pharmacy and big agriculture, taking the little guy out of the equation altogether. This is our current 'free market' (not very free if you ask me!).

Let me feed of that for a quick sec...Cannabis WILL be rescheduled in the near future. It will probably go to level 2 (that is what the DC pressure want's). In order to keep allowing the sale of medical cannabis as we currently know it, it would have to be scheduled at level 5. ANY other level would require us the purchase through a licensed pharmacy. Which means big business/pharma supplies it. If cannabis gets put on level 2, enforcement would increase...if for no other reason than those big biz/pharma companies using their political clout to protect their profits, esp since they now sell the stuff.

This is why the 'regulate like wine' and the 'regulate like beer' campaigns going on right now are our best way forward. That is the model we need. That is the only model that will allow anyone the ability to start their own canna biz.

The only way to save medical cannabis as we know it, is to legalize it's recreational use. Otherwise it's going to be from a pharmacy and the growers are back on the black market. I'm also pretty damn sure that if it gets placed level 2-4 then we will see an increase in arrests.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
When Obama was asked about the legalization of cannabis he said this was" inappropiate"!!! ???..!!!!!.. You -tube

EXCUSE ME come again..Mr President?? can you say this now one more time for all to hear????

Is this not a kick in the teeth!!!!!!!

Can't say how sad I was to hear him say this but I was not surprised at all after all his is a lawyer so need I say more??
So sad the way this has gone..
Let me say for the record love American's hate their policies peace out Headband 707:)

Not to defend his inaction on marijuana reform but I think what was meant when he said that was the time and format in which he was asked about legalization was inappropriate.

I mean come on as much as we want things to change we must be realistic about it. No President is going to ever be able to just wave a magic wand and say "Okay marijuana is now legal" especially not the first ever Black President early on in his first term. That being said though I never got the impression from anything he said that he would even consider making marijuana legal. Rather the impression I always had was that he feels it's an issue the states can and should decide for themselves. Now granted the whole issue with the dispensaries suggests he's not holding true to that but then it's already been established that Obama was not involved in the decision by these US Attornies in Cali to close down the dispensaries. In fact his official position on record is that as long as people comply with state laws then he sees no need to waste Federal resources pursuing people in compliance with state laws. I believe the way he put it was that it would be an "inappropriate" use of Federal resources.

Another thing to keep in mind is that no President can just change the laws by himself, regardless of campaign promises and anyone buying into such campaign promises is either a fool or overly idealistic. That's just in a normal situation. Add to that though that pretty much every Republican in the house and Senate has pledged to do everything they can to prevent Obama from being successful with anything he does. Even if it means going against a majority of thier constituents. Which is why Congress has been in gridlock the past several years and earned a single digit approval rating. People had a higher approval rating of BP and how it handled the Gulf Oil Spill. It's especially scary too, when you see that Republicans standing against his proposals that play to Republican core vales such as lowering taxes, shrinking Government and reducing the deficet.

I mean come on, think about it. I can just here what people like Rush Limbaugh and all the other Republican talking heads would say if Obama were to aggressively push for legalization. It would likely be something along the lines of "What else would you expect a Black President to prioritize?" :rolleyes:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Let me feed of that for a quick sec...Cannabis WILL be rescheduled in the near future. It will probably go to level 2 (that is what the DC pressure want's). In order to keep allowing the sale of medical cannabis as we currently know it, it would have to be scheduled at level 5. ANY other level would require us the purchase through a licensed pharmacy. Which means big business/pharma supplies it. If cannabis gets put on level 2, enforcement would increase...if for no other reason than those big biz/pharma companies using their political clout to protect their profits, esp since they now sell the stuff.

This is why the 'regulate like wine' and the 'regulate like beer' campaigns going on right now are our best way forward. That is the model we need. That is the only model that will allow anyone the ability to start their own canna biz.

The only way to save medical cannabis as we know it, is to legalize it's recreational use. Otherwise it's going to be from a pharmacy and the growers are back on the black market. I'm also pretty damn sure that if it gets placed level 2-4 then we will see an increase in arrests.

I agree with what you're saying but I doubt they'll ever legalize things in a way that allow the growers to keep doing things the way they've been doing. That would still follow the regulate like beer/wine model. One can make all the homemade beer/wine they want but once they try to sell it they're breaking the law unless they submit to the regulation process and for most growers that would likely be cost prohibitive. If it isn't then Big Pharma would likely lobby for the regulations to be made such that it would be virtually impossible for individual growers to sell what they grow.


Active member
I agree with what you're saying but I doubt they'll ever legalize things in a way that allow the growers to keep doing things the way they've been doing. That would still follow the regulate like beer/wine model. One can make all the homemade beer/wine they want but once they try to sell it they're breaking the law unless they submit to the regulation process and for most growers that would likely be cost prohibitive. If it isn't then Big Pharma would likely lobby for the regulations to be made such that it would be virtually impossible for individual growers to sell what they grow.

In a free market...not much is free. You have to make your own name and you have to pay to play, like paying for a license and paying taxes, health ins. etc... Just like everyone else that is in business. The guy with the tent selling a pound a month to the local club can still flip a coin. Maybe organize a farmers market...or sell to mom an pop liquor stores, it's limitless. The real issue here is the law. Almost a million people a year get arrested for cannabis. That needs to stop. To me that is more important then someones profit. I know tons of growers...tons, and most grow good stuff. But only a few grow really good stuff. Those guys would survive in a free market...not so much the other guys. To that I say sorry but only the strong shall survive.

Also I look at things differently than most. While someone may see this as a threat to their livelihood, I see it as an opportunity. Give me a free and open cannabis market and I will make it my bitch!


Active member
"But only a few grow really good stuff. Those guys would survive in a free market...not so much the other guys. To that I say sorry but only the strong shall survive."

And especially the swift, the flexible, and the most adaptable.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
In a free market...not much is free. You have to make your own name and you have to pay to play, like paying for a license and paying taxes, health ins. etc... Just like everyone else that is in business. The guy with the tent selling a pound a month to the local club can still flip a coin. Maybe organize a farmers market...or sell to mom an pop liquor stores, it's limitless. The real issue here is the law. Almost a million people a year get arrested for cannabis. That needs to stop. To me that is more important then someones profit. I know tons of growers...tons, and most grow good stuff. But only a few grow really good stuff. Those guys would survive in a free market...not so much the other guys. To that I say sorry but only the strong shall survive.

Also I look at things differently than most. While someone may see this as a threat to their livelihood, I see it as an opportunity. Give me a free and open cannabis market and I will make it my bitch!

Well see there's the real issue, we don't really have a free and open market for anything, just the illusion of one with a government that manipulates the market in favor of those who can pay it the most thru lobbying efforts. So the way I see it no matter what rescheduling they do people who grow now and sell to places for distribution to the public will not be allowed to continue the way they are now. Likely Big Pharma will lobby for some sort of licensing/regulating that a big multinational corporation can easily handle but some individual would be stymied by as much if not more so then it just being flat out illegal. So I can imagine a day when anyone who wants to, can grow it, but anyone trying to distribute what they grow would be treated the same as we treat moonshiners.


Active member
Well see there's the real issue, we don't really have a free and open market for anything, just the illusion of one with a government that manipulates the market in favor of those who can pay it the most thru lobbying efforts. So the way I see it no matter what rescheduling they do people who grow now and sell to places for distribution to the public will not be allowed to continue the way they are now. Likely Big Pharma will lobby for some sort of licensing/regulating that a big multinational corporation can easily handle but some individual would be stymied by as much if not more so then it just being flat out illegal. So I can imagine a day when anyone who wants to, can grow it, but anyone trying to distribute what they grow would be treated the same as we treat moonshiners.

I totally get what your saying. That is why it is imperative we legalize and adapt a licensing/distribution scheme modeled after the beer/wine industries.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Its just that I feel sorry for people paying $60+ 1/8. If I had to pay that much I would have to take drugs.
There are 2 shops right next to each other near me. Ive been to both once. The first one I went to was jammed packed full of people buying $20g's and it was loud. The security guard yells my name through a hole in a 1 way mirror and its hard to hear, plus I have a pinched nerve in my back, so it takes me a while to get up. He starts loosing his cool about how I need to hurry, there are people waiting behind me. Ok, so I pick up their top notch for $60 during happy hour, its normally $65(LOFUCKINGL). Its not very good, and they charge per 1/8 no discounts on larger donations. Thats robbery!
I decided to try the other place down the street. There I find a bunch of bunk outdoor strains that smell like mexico and security guards with gang shit written all over them with their posse hanging out front throwing up gang signs.
Ok, so now Im looking for clones and I check out a place down the street. If you were running a crack house, this place would be perfect. Im not sure how they expect normal people to feel about going there. I can only imagine gangsters feeling comfortable going there. Anyhow, they have clones that have been sitting there for weeks growing algae on the rockwool. The guy actually tried to sell me those fucking clones. LOL
There was another place not too far from me that had clones that I decided to check out. When I got there I noticed the clones had a white substance all over them. I decided not to buy any. but I didnt realize that they make you take one with you. As she bagged it I could see that it was PM. They force every customer to take a plant like its required by law. I politely declined, but they insisted that I atleast take it and throw it away. I offered to give it to another customer. Anyhow, their weed was the worst I have burned in years.
The funniest part is the budtender didnt know what Bubba was. I had to point out that it started with Pre 98 on the board(LOFUCKINGL) It looked like crap, so I spent $45 on Chem OG that looked good. They gave me a free bong hit piece of dirty black hash, a nasty pre rolled J that tasted worse than the other herb they had, plus they gave me a free G of some black mexican looking crap, and also a free G of their top notch OG. All the herb sucked so bad I had never felt so ripped off. It was all so dried out and burned really harsh. They were saying that would cost $100 elsewhere. I sure hope not.

its funny how you find anti-dispensary people who act as if its an entire industry run by MS-13s out of roach filled crack houses slanging nothing but pesticide filled mexican brick for $90 a 1/8. ive been in plenty of shops. most run by pretty straight up people and ive seen lots of quality herb and plenty of safe clean shops that are nicer than most dental or medical operations...

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Not to defend his inaction on marijuana reform but I think what was meant when he said that was the time and format in which he was asked about legalization was inappropriate.

I mean come on as much as we want things to change we must be realistic about it. No President is going to ever be able to just wave a magic wand and say "Okay marijuana is now legal" especially not the first ever Black President early on in his first term. That being said though I never got the impression from anything he said that he would even consider making marijuana legal. Rather the impression I always had was that he feels it's an issue the states can and should decide for themselves. Now granted the whole issue with the dispensaries suggests he's not holding true to that but then it's already been established that Obama was not involved in the decision by these US Attornies in Cali to close down the dispensaries. In fact his official position on record is that as long as people comply with state laws then he sees no need to waste Federal resources pursuing people in compliance with state laws. I believe the way he put it was that it would be an "inappropriate" use of Federal resources.

Another thing to keep in mind is that no President can just change the laws by himself, regardless of campaign promises and anyone buying into such campaign promises is either a fool or overly idealistic. That's just in a normal situation. Add to that though that pretty much every Republican in the house and Senate has pledged to do everything they can to prevent Obama from being successful with anything he does. Even if it means going against a majority of thier constituents. Which is why Congress has been in gridlock the past several years and earned a single digit approval rating. People had a higher approval rating of BP and how it handled the Gulf Oil Spill. It's especially scary too, when you see that Republicans standing against his proposals that play to Republican core vales such as lowering taxes, shrinking Government and reducing the deficet.

I mean come on, think about it. I can just here what people like Rush Limbaugh and all the other Republican talking heads would say if Obama were to aggressively push for legalization. It would likely be something along the lines of "What else would you expect a Black President to prioritize?" :rolleyes:

I understand what your saying but lets break this down shall we:
Like they say follow the money :
Who is the federal Gov and how did they come into power? As far as I know they are supposed to be working for the ppl right ?.LOL LOL ? Now that is funny.. As I don't feel like they work for the ppl .. So who are they really working for?.. Who is really pulling the strings and who is putting all these guys behind bars and are they making a lot of money putting half your population behind bars? Who exactly is making money here???... I do believe even your own lawmakers have said "putting ppl in jail for cannabis does NOTHING". So why are they still doing this?? This needs to be answered once and for all enough of this bullshit .. I have heard enough from the president that locks his own citizens up and says nothing about it for cannabis. He is ruining ppl's lives and singing on TV and thinking talking about cannabis is inapproiate Nah,, I think that stinks sorry bra... I have heard enough from all these assholes...... These guys are making things worse not better ..go figure..lol.. It has zero to do with the man's color and ppl bring that up when they have nothing else ... Bush was a far worse president ..I do wish everyone would get off the black verses white crap it's getting old.. headband 707

headband 707
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Active member
LOL^^^ That's a bit harsh don't ya think bullfrog?

So is it only dispensaries that are within 1000ft of schools that have to close or are they saying every single one, regardless, has to shutdown or face getting raided??


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I understand what your saying but lets break this down shall we:
Like they say follow the money :
Who is the federal Gov and how did they come into power? As far as I know they are supposed to be working for the ppl right ?.LOL LOL ? Now that is funny.. As I don't feel like they work for the ppl .. So who are they really working for?.. Who is really pulling the strings and who is putting all these guys behind bars and are they making a lot of money putting half your population behind bars? Who exactly is making money here???... I do believe even your own lawmakers have said "putting ppl in jail for cannabis does NOTHING". So why are they still doing this?? This needs to be answered once and for all enough of this bullshit .. I have heard enough from the president that locks his own citizens up and says nothing about it for cannabis. He is ruining ppl's lives and singing on TV and thinking talking about cannabis is inapproiate Nah,, I think that stinks sorry bra... I have heard enough from all these assholes...... These guys are making things worse not better ..go figure..lol.. It has zero to do with the man's color and ppl bring that up when they have nothing else ... Bush was a far worse president ..I do wish everyone would get off the black verses white crap it's getting old.. headband 707

headband 707

I disagree, it has everything to do with his color. Not just his color though it also has to do with him wanting to be Prez for 8 years vs 4. All I'm saying about his color is there are alot of folks who would think him legalizing marijuana would be a "black thing". He's savy enough to realize that and so he plays the game, Barack "Uncle Tom" Obama. It also doesn't help that so many of us who would like to see marijuana legalized just throw our arms up in defeat by not voting, voting for imaginary candidates and the like. The people's whose wills get best addressed by any politician are the ones who responsibly exercize thier right to vote in large numbers. Currently that would be seniors and since many of the Seniors now were the Baby Boomers, that is a good part of why we've seen the advancements in favor of MMJ that we have.

We could all storm the White House with pitch forks and torches, drag Obama into the streets and tar and feather him before running him out of town and marijuana reform would still be going nowhere. Laying blame at Obama's feet is really just playing the game exactly how the 1% who own 90% want you to do. They're the ones really running things and the smoke and mirror they use to control the public is the two party system that keeps us divided and weakens our power.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
obama was yet another dissapointment....our country is fucked unless Ron wins 2012

It'll be fucked after he wins too because the President can't do shit if the Congress doesn't want him too as the current Congress is showing us with Obama. The President, is just a figure head/scapegoat. Doesn't matter though Ron Paul wont get the nomination, even if the majority of Republican voters want him.

Our only hope as a voting public will have to start with sending a clear message to the powers that be by removing from office every politician they've bought. Getting what we want will have to wait until after that because we've let things get too screwed up.

mad librettist

Active member
If I were a sitting President, having taken an oath to uphold the law and as chief executive, I would direct the justice dept to uphold federal law. I would also vigorously defend the supremacy of federal law over state law. The office is what it is, and you take an oath before you serve. The oath does not have an exception for distasteful laws. Remember how outrageous Bush's signing statements were? Well that is normal now.

A weak presidency but a strong Fed is good. Federal preëmption is good for the individual.

A strong executive is dangerous. States' rights is a backdoor to erosion of civil rights.

Make sense? We need better checks on executive power to end the war on drugs, not a bully president.

el dub

Increasing state rights is only an erosion of civil rights if states are not forced to meet/maintain a minimum standard set by the feds in the U$ constitution and bill of rights, imo.


you guys think if the dispensaries all have to close down, that people will still be able to grow and perhaps donate through delivery services and patient collectives? Or is the whole medical thing in CA about to be abolished completely? Jw..

Let me feed of that for a quick sec...Cannabis WILL be rescheduled in the near future. It will probably go to level 2 (that is what the DC pressure want's). In order to keep allowing the sale of medical cannabis as we currently know it, it would have to be scheduled at level 5. ANY other level would require us the purchase through a licensed pharmacy. Which means big business/pharma supplies it. If cannabis gets put on level 2, enforcement would increase...if for no other reason than those big biz/pharma companies using their political clout to protect their profits, esp since they now sell the stuff.

This is why the 'regulate like wine' and the 'regulate like beer' campaigns going on right now are our best way forward. That is the model we need. That is the only model that will allow anyone the ability to start their own canna biz.

The only way to save medical cannabis as we know it, is to legalize it's recreational use. Otherwise it's going to be from a pharmacy and the growers are back on the black market. I'm also pretty damn sure that if it gets placed level 2-4 then we will see an increase in arrests.
We grok and let me assure you, we are in 100% agreement on this issue.

That's why I'm pleased to announce that CPR (Collective Patient Resources) issued a statement yesterday stating that we'll be supporting both RMLW and RCPA (Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act) and encourage our supporting members to consider voting in favor of these initiatives.