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Calif. pot dispensaries told by feds to shut down

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
The dispensary owners should write there local governments and demand the state to do it's job and protect it's law by not assisting federal agents.

Then they should fill a trash can with shake, and a keep a road flare and some lighter fluid on top of it so when the federal government raids them they can smog out the shop with in 30 seconds and get all the federal agents high as shit. They would be so confused if they have no tollerance that everyone on the scene could just walk off. :D


Anyone think that their threat to take personal property around the time that outdoor is being harvested is a bit of a coincidence?

nope, they know exactly what they are doing, timing wise imo

fuc% em'

im a peaceful person but this stuff is starting to get me riled up.

respect to the people in the trenches. good luck and Jah bless!


Game Bred
just saw a piece on faux news of all places...

they were in harborside interviewing Lenette Shawn(direct quotes from faux in bold) "a legally operating small business person "

"105M payed in local and state taxes by a legitimate small business. Why would the federal government interfere "

"these not for profit small business owners are now asking "why would the administration change course" some believe pharmaceutical companies are behind this as they will soon be able to market synthetic forms of the drug

i never believed faux/republicans would stick to their limited government,states rights platform on this issue but, it seems as if they are the only ones standing up for us....


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
So for the benefit of possible cannabis law reform we give up public education, health care, social security etc. and continue to allow the banks and corporations to pillage our country? Makes sense...


So for the benefit of possible cannabis law reform we give up public education, health care, social security etc. and continue to allow the banks and corporations to pillage our country? Makes sense...

Lol I thought ss/education/health care were all fuct now you can't live with it which is it? Just like people protesting wall street because our government is stomping all over them. Perfect at least liberals are consistent. The less the government is involved in any of those 3 things THE BETTER! Constitution is great problem is no one reads it.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
You are correct, they are fucked because the corporate/military oligarchy has milked those beneficial programs dry to pad their portfolios. People are protesting because the Gov is in collusion with the institutions that have bankrupted our economy. Less regulation on those institutions = the harder we the public gets fucked. Not too hard to grasp, even for the "rugged individual". I agree less morality regulation is in order, but by giving more power to those institutions do you really think they will do the right thing?


Professor Organic Psychology
It is pretty hard to not become a political thread when you are talking about the feds closing down dispensaries and forcing media outlets to refuse contributions from our cause. It is as political as it can be.

Myself, I am not an American, not registered to vote in the states. You have to excuse my English as well, as it is my second language. I am currently visiting California (in Northern California now). As a world traveler I have to say that there is no better place to be for someone that loves the herb. I hope that never changes. The best advice I can offer as an outsider is to elect candidates that favor small central government and respect state's rights. Good luck and keep it green California. I really do love it here. So much good food to eat and good smoke.


I love my life
So for the benefit of possible cannabis law reform we give up public education, health care, social security etc. and continue to allow the banks and corporations to pillage our country? Makes sense...

How about give up public education, health care, social security, and NOT give a single fucking cent to banks and corporations?

Personal responsibility for educating our own children, paying our own doctors, and saving for our own retirement is a ZERO cost on others system. The current system is a 15 TRILLION debt on ALL others system.

It is almost like saying we cant get rid of being slaves because master teaches us the letters every other week and allows us to sing for a few hours on Sunday.



Active member

this is a scaretactic. go for the balls.

first they said you became insane, then you become a heroin junkie and now they are going for the biggest scare today.

the children (something guaranteed to make people BRAINLESS with fear)

this is a cruel joke.


Active member
if there was even a single death from mj, im sure that would be the tactic.

smoke mj and you will die horribly and slowly!!! that would be the message.

this a fucking joke.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
How about give up public education, health care, social security, and NOT give a single fucking cent to banks and corporations?
Personally I disagree on the merits of some 'social programs'. Shift the tax dollars we pay from waging illegal wars (drug war included)and padding corrupt pockets, and re-institute programs that benefit everyone. I'm not exactly a 'flaming liberal' and probably share many of the same ideals, gun rights, personal responsibility etc. But ending regulatory systems and checks and balances hasn't exactly worked out very well so far. The corporations/banks have gotten larger and more powerful particularly since the Reagan era (IMO the dems are just as bad, nafta cafta de-regulating the banks etc).

Ideally, making your own way through this world sounds great, but it's not realistic.

Most people in this country could never scrape together the cash to buy a home, or start a business on their own.

Joe Blow gets hit by a bus and doesn't have the cash at the emergency room, just let him die and toss his ass out with the garbage?


Personally I disagree on the merits of some 'social programs'. Shift the tax dollars we pay from waging illegal wars (drug war included)and padding corrupt pockets, and re-institute programs that benefit everyone. I'm not exactly a 'flaming liberal' and probably share many of the same ideals, gun rights, personal responsibility etc. But ending regulatory systems and checks and balances hasn't exactly worked out very well so far. The corporations/banks have gotten larger and more powerful particularly since the Reagan era (IMO the dems are just as bad, nafta cafta de-regulating the banks etc).

Ideally, making your own way through this world sounds great, but it's not realistic.

Most people in this country could never scrape together the cash to buy a home, or start a business on their own.

Joe Blow gets hit by a bus and doesn't have the cash at the emergency room, just let him die and toss his ass out with the garbage?

That's the difference, in short some people believe /have been indoctrinated / or have had it drilled into their heads that you can't possibly make it without the help of bit brother in some way...its just not possible.
This is fundamentally different from what I believe. Your potential is limitless despite what a political party would have you believe.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
That's the difference, in short some people believe /have been indoctrinated / or have had it drilled into their heads that you can't possibly make it without the help of bit brother in some way...its just not possible.
This is fundamentally different from what I believe. Your potential is limitless despite what a political party would have you believe.
For the vast majority of people on this planet your potential is quite limited by the institutions in charge (I call it realism not indoctrination), and giving unfettered reign to those institutions will make things much much worse. Take cannabis as an example. If the drug war were to end today, and the market place was completely opened do you think that any of us would survive? Shit, in Cali it's already happening, as described in another thread, Harborside fucking growers, fucking patients, and pushing everyone else out of business.


For the vast majority of people on this planet your potential is quite limited by the institutions in charge (I call it realism not indoctrination), and giving unfettered reign to those institutions will make things much much worse. Take cannabis as an example. If the drug war were to end today, and the market place was completely opened do you think that any of us would survive? Shit, in Cali it's already happening, as described in another thread, Harborside fucking growers, fucking patients, and pushing everyone else out of business.

So why would you want the government to continue to control ss education and health care?


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
So why would you want the government to continue to control ss education and health care?
If we can remove the corrupting influences of the private sector on our government, it would be able to function in a capacity that would actually benefit the people.


OK if you really believe that I don't. Government is not the answer. Government is the reason for those failures not corporate greed. Like said this is where we part ways.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle.

So the answer is giving absolute power to the corporations by removing the gov from the equation, to do whatever they please? You think they are just going to go away and we'll all be living off the sweat of our own brows? The rugged individual indeed. Hopefully everyone has their own oil/gas wells drilled, enough land to provide food for their families, enough education to treat their own medical conditions etc. Or do you propose that the US population would be content living a hunter gatherer lifestyle?


I see a lot of closeted fascism in some of these posts. but one thing I see is out right fascism in the government the repubs in particular, and a complete lack of understanding by the public at large what that means for a country that sent a bunch of folks to die to stop the spread of it.