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good luck ff

good luck ff

hi ff, :)

well i got two in early flower, one sat pheno
one indi pheno :) from nirvana cal-o hope
it's good.



I tried the DP Calio. It was my first grow ever. It must be pretty hardy since I was a Newb and made just about every mistake. The taste was a fruity & hashy but not Orange. The smell was of Orange not like a orange peel either. Just orange smelling. I hear the AE77 Clone tastes like cream soda tho. Mmmm. Cream Soda.



I've had purchased some "orange kush" (unconfirmed) but it tasted like tangerines and was a knockout killer stone... if I could only find the orange parent of that plant, I'd be happy, hell even the orangekush again, would be lovely



I picked up some DP cali-O and plan on starting them soon. I have a DP Orange Bud ight now and I am gowing it out. I would like to compare the cali-O and the Orange Bud. Maybe now I will germ a few cali-o seeds this winter and see what it is all about. I also have some DP-Bluebey started. Wish I had space to cross BB and OB. Sounds interesting.



Avid Lerner, there is a strain, Orange Krush, where they crossed a Cali-o with Blueberry, I think BCGA has the F2s available.



Orange krush

Orange krush

This is the first place where I have seen wishes turn into reality so quickly. You guys ae the bomb!

I will have to get this strain and grow out some females.

BCGA, they sound expensive. It seems to me, the canadian seed companies are relatively expensive compaed to other seed companies I have purchased fom.. just my $ .02

Thanks for the Orange Krush info. I am looking for the more exotic strains than available on the streets to gow out. Why bother gowing what everyone else is smokin, when you can smoke anything you can grow?

Avid Learner


calio seeds s1

calio seeds s1

I was just cruisin heavans stairway and saw the calio clone in seed form for $100 usd for 12 seeds, the ae77 clone.



Active member
thanks for all the great replies!

I am not a fan of S1 seeds or fem strains watsoever. The probability of finding the "right" pheno is very poor at best. I have read countless threads regarding selfed seeds and from what I have read I would not reccomend them to anyone. A hermie is a hermie is a hermie. But then again Life Teaches us that there are exceptions to every rule.

my buddy big eggy grew it too... the name alone is enticing.... in reality I would rather acquire the actual clone than waste time and money attempting to find the right pheno..... its more than just a hobby now :p

00420 how much do those strain run in the clubs.... and are they authentic in most clubs? I am not familiar with them :alien:


AE77 orange.....

AE77 orange.....

.......is the elite clone from a calio pop. have it just havent tried it yet. any calio seed will be like any other seed, diff phenos and such, would still be lookin for the killer girl.

from what i gather TFDs orange is about the best around in seed form.

as for the clone, there are plenty of orange clones around bein touted as AE77, have to hunt up the real deal.



friendlyfriend said:

I am not a fan of S1 seeds or fem strains watsoever. The probability of finding the "right" pheno is very poor at best. I have read countless threads regarding selfed seeds and from what I have read I would not reccomend them to anyone. A hermie is a hermie is a hermie. But then again Life Teaches us that there are exceptions to every rule.

selfed seed is as good as the stock used to make um. yep theres shit out there, and theres good selfed beans also.
all plants will hermie, couple male flowers a few seeds or a ragin herm that polutes your entire grow. Ive seen males, herms in selfed seed, but nothin to stress over as of yet. I even think scorin a male from a selfed seed pack of killer bud is a bonus.

I scored a beautiful purple nutted male in my current grow of selfed purp kush, have clones of him, not as stretchy as most of the plants and very heavy stalk. actually had two males out of four seeds sprouted. trashed the one due to weak branchin and a spindly stretchy growth pattern.

sorry for ramblin, later FF



full time daddy
friendlyfriend said:

00420 how much do those strain run in the clubs.... and are they authentic in most clubs? I am not familiar with them :alien:

the clones are 8 bux each. no matter the strains. it should be authentic... but you never know guess we will find out after its growen :)


Cannabis Creeper
Hey Friendly, CBF
i just aquired a AE77 Cali-O clone..i have smoked this one b4.. smells and taste like oranges... Hey Friendly After i flower one out and see what i have... i will send you a sample to do a report on.. .most likely it will be after the first of the year.. KEep It Green and STay Safe.. HE