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Calcium Def.? This one should be easier.


Active member
Thanks to everybody, all of my plants are now doing great...except one. Burkle. I'm pretty sure it's a Ca deficiency, and I haven't been spraying much of anything lately on the plants, so would a foliar of Cal-Mag work for me?

Also, a question about rockwool, should I still water a pH 6.5 if I have some moms that were put into rockwool, then put into soil? That's the way I recieved a couple of these plants, cloned in Rapid rooters, put into rockwool, and then transplanted into soil. Thanks guys.


Take Five...
You may have a lockout issue from incorrect ph or shifting ph. Is this problem getting worse?

6.5 is what you want the soil to be so you have to adjust the water/nutes up or down to sway it to 6.5. Testing the runoff will give you an idea of where the media is by the result. If you put in 6.5 and 7 comes out, your media is raising the ph. Next watering the ph of the water needs to come down in ph, but gradually. 6.4 next time, 6.3 next time etc etc. Plants do not like steep and/or sudden ph swings.


Take Five...
Also, if they are sitting on a basement floor it could be to cold for them at some point in the 24 hr cycle. Get the temps up and/or get them off the floor on some styrofoam or plywood and lumber or bricks.

Are they too light green or is that just the pic?


Active member
Indeed, Hound does know her shit! :listen2: :wink:

Pete, my run-off was 6.2 last night on the Burkle, should I just raise my pH at watering and/or add some Dolomite lime to the mix (soil)?


It's not a calcium deficiency it's a mag deficiency. So ya cal-mag would fix your problem fine. Are you using a reverse osmosis? Try adding calmag until you hit 100-200 ppm depending on which nutrients you use and how much. I dont think you need to use foliar just add some to your water and test the ppm.


Take Five...
Awwww her! I see. :D My apologies. People make the same mistake about Stitch.

What was the ph going in to the pots?


Active member
Wow, thanks for the heads up about Stitch, I guess that I've been making that mistake too! The pH was 6.6 going in...


Take Five...
It's tough to figure gender sometimes here, there have been surprises....

I would give it a few more waterings at 6.6 and see if the runoff will come up a point or two, then drop your nute ph slowly till you are around 6.3 in = 6.3 out.

Has this gotten any worse? You have fed cal mag, right? I think if you keep with the calmag you should be fine. Your ph is pretty good, a little low but not too bad.

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