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Cal-Mag Plus and organic soil?


So I am wondering if Cal-Mag Plus is good to use in organic soil? I use LCs peat based mix (peat, perlite, worm castings, lime) mixed with recipe #1 (blood, Bone, Kelp) and for some reason keep on getting cal-mag deficiencies around day 30 of flowering. I am growing a 70 day Ak-47 pheno (could be a cal-mag hog?). I am going to try to up my powdered dolomite lime amount next round, but I need to fix my cal mag problem that is beginning to show up this round, before it gets out of hand. So is Cal-Mag Plus a good product to use with organic soil? Will it harm the microbe life in the soil? Will it cause a ph issue (I normally don't worry about ph with organics but never used cal mag plus)? Have you used Cal Mag plus with an organic soil mix, and what dose did you use? Thanks everybody :)


Active member
So I am wondering if Cal-Mag Plus is good to use in organic soil? I use LCs peat based mix (peat, perlite, worm castings, lime) mixed with recipe #1 (blood, Bone, Kelp) and for some reason keep on getting cal-mag deficiencies around day 30 of flowering. I am growing a 70 day Ak-47 pheno (could be a cal-mag hog?). I am going to try to up my powdered dolomite lime amount next round, but I need to fix my cal mag problem that is beginning to show up this round, before it gets out of hand. So is Cal-Mag Plus a good product to use with organic soil? Will it harm the microbe life in the soil? Will it cause a ph issue (I normally don't worry about ph with organics but never used cal mag plus)? Have you used Cal Mag plus with an organic soil mix, and what dose did you use? Thanks everybody :)

Your strain may need more like you said. I have a Power Plant that drives me crazy with the mg deficiency. I upped the dolomite, use cal-mag in my watering and use epsom salt as a foliar and I still barely keep the leaves showing a mild deficiency from week 2 or 3 of flower forward. If someone has an answer to this fight (beside changing strains) I'm all ears.

Good thread


If it's chelated using EDTA it would be BAD to use on soil. The little critters will hate it to the point of dying...lol.


Your strain may need more like you said. I have a Power Plant that drives me crazy with the mg deficiency. I upped the dolomite, use cal-mag in my watering and use epsom salt as a foliar and I still barely keep the leaves showing a mild deficiency from week 2 or 3 of flower forward. If someone has an answer to this fight (beside changing strains) I'm all ears.

Good thread

Maybe it isn't the lack of mg, but rather something that is blocking or making it hard for the plant to absorb it. Excessive Potassium can cause a magnesium deficiency.

Personally the only time I ever saw the need to use the Botanicare product called Cal-mag was when I started using R/O water. Mixing Dolomite lime into the soil before hand with the occasional epsom salt treatments should be more than plenty to get a plant through to harvest.


Thanks for the replies :)

I'm pretty sure it is a Calcium/Magnesium deficiency. Since I'm 30 days into flowering I can't foliar feed. I'm basically looking for a good way to fix this deficiency right away, and Cal-Mag Plus is the only thing I have seen or heard of. Are there other fast acting ways to cure a Calcium and Magnesium deficiency that won't harm my microbe life?


so EDTA is bad?, because I checked out botanicare's site and sure enough Cal Mag Plus is chelated with EDTA. I just found out that Botanicare does make two organic based products called Huvega (for magnesium) and Calplex (for calcium) does anyone have any experience with either of these?


In soil hell yeah.

right on. I will definitely stay away from Cal-Mag Plus in soil because of the Iron EDTA then. What do you think about Organicare's (Botanicare) Calplex and Huvega? Calplex is derived Calcium Carbonate and Huvega is derived from Magnesium Sulfate? If I used the two together I'm thinking that it will be the best solution to my cal/mag deficiency, while protecting my precious microbe life?

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Use only OMRI listed products and you'll have no worries of nasty stuff that kills of your microbes. Add some shrimp compost to your list of soil amendments.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
this may sound odd but if your grow is small i would try to find a mineral water that is high in calcium and magnesium and then use it to water - perhaps check and correct the pH first.

my tapwater is high in both and i have never seen cal/mag def, not even in powerplant.



follow your heart
ICMag Donor
GH organics makes a cal/ mag but you need to check into it, not sure how it's made

and I don't know what else, I've been out of the game for a while.. you get rusty fast..

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Molasses is a great source of mag, cal as well as iron. Use only organic, you can find it at all organic specialty shops or in your local grocery store in the organic section. Use once a week up till you have 3 weeks left. I use to flush with molasses/water, but have found that the mag makes the bud taste a bit harsh and it won't burn evenly.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
^ I have heard about mag and harshness, I wonder about lime then in soil???

I am not a pro grower by any means so I cannot comment, but I wonder about all the products containing mag in them which we use far to close to harvest...


New member
Botanicare does make two organic based products called Huvega (for magnesium) and Calplex (for calcium)

anyone have any experience with these?

and any other input on if watering with molasses is a bad idea in terms of taste at the end? I've been using it up until last watering (meaning every other watering until then and just plain water for the last "flush") Never any harshness though. Everything's always tasted lovely


New member
I guess Botanicare's organic line is called Organicare and you have to buy the calcium and magnesium separately. The magnesium one is called Huvega and the calcium is called Calplex. Both are OMRI listed for whatever that's worth. I have no experience with them, but am gonna get some and try adding this to my compost teas.

I grow OGs organically so if I can add calmag into teas without killing microlife that would be awesome. I always add extra dolomite lime, but sometimes they just need that lil extra. If anyone can post suggested amounts of TBS to add of the Huvega and Calplex to a 5-gallon compost tea, that would be awesome.

Mud Man

Sumthink Stinks
this may sound odd but if your grow is small i would try to find a mineral water that is high in calcium and magnesium and then use it to water - perhaps check and correct the pH first.

my tapwater is high in both and i have never seen cal/mag def, not even in powerplant.


Yo VD / CC, how do you guys de-chlorinate your tap if you do at all? ???

How many days do you let it sit or bubble for??

cheers man
