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Cal Elected Officials Blast Federal Attacks

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
And by the way, a sheriff can legally arrest a federal agent.

It happened in New Mexico, and it went all the way through the appeals process and the arrest was held up.

The Sheriff is the top dog within his jurisdiction, no if, ands or buts about it. Its not a pipe dream.

Most sheriffs are cowards though and won't stand up to the feds as they should, and as a result the people get taken advantage of.


Active member
Seriously? Dude, they are federal agents, federal law supercedes state law, how do we not all know this by now? What you're talking about is, all due respect, the definition of a pipe dream.

The fact that federal drug laws supersede state drug laws today is because of the commerce clause. A disgustingly obnoxious extension of power granted by the supreme court. It's complete bullshit. Otherwise, the 10th amendment would make state MMJ programs supersede federal drug laws.

10th Amendment:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Commerce Clause:
Similarly, the Court upheld a ban on the growth of marijuana intended for medical use on the grounds that Congress could rationally conclude that this growth might make enforcement of drug laws more difficult by creating an otherwise lawful source of marijuana that could be diverted into the illicit market:
In assessing the scope of Congress' authority under the Commerce Clause, we stress that the task before us is a modest one. We need not determine whether respondents' activities, taken in the aggregate, substantially affect interstate commerce in fact, but only whether a “rational basis” exists for so concluding. Given the enforcement difficulties that attend distinguishing between marijuana cultivated locally and marijuana grown elsewhere, 21 U.S.C. § 801(5), and concerns about diversion into illicit channels, we have no difficulty concluding that Congress had a rational basis for believing that failure to regulate the intrastate manufacture and possession of marijuana would leave a gaping hole in the CSA. Gonzales v. Raich


Fuck the Clubs, they Fuck the grower, short change us... and we do most of the work... They sit in a cozy little building making HUGE profits"ROBING THE PEOPLE".... And charging 350oz for medicine... Their little label MEDICINE the Clubs love to hide behind... They can all burn all I care... Their nothing but crooks, cheats hiding behind their LIES... They say"CLUBS" that they operate as a non profit... Bull Shit!!! As for You KMK... I'm not a FED just hate the exploitation, and commercialism of the "CLUB" scene...


Active member
Diggin this thread. The Federal Gov needs to back off and mind their own business. Glad to see Cali's not rolling over on this.

Zen Master

Hey Reznhead, why haven't you opened your own co op?

exploitation? take your wares elsewhere or peddle em on the street, they break down that 5 pack so you don't have to. Volume discounts are in every business. 640 street eighths in a 5 pack, thats a lotta risk for a grower to go around handling what you could do in 5 minutes in one visit.

commercialism? should they be shady holes in the wall with a secret pass code to get in? of course its commercialized, its called a business.

regarding 'profits', does it cost you over 1000 to produce a pound? Oh I get it, its okay for you to triple the cost (if not more as it should only cost a few hundred per P), but if they double what they pay the wholesaler, its crazytalk.


Freedom Fighter
As for You KMK... I'm not a FED just hate the exploitation, and commercialism of the "CLUB" scene...

I didn't call you a "Fed"...(Even tho you seem to be ok with them robbing and arresting ppl)...I said that you were 'fed"...it has to do with the saying, "Don't feed the Trolls"-- And IMHO...anyone on this site that supports ppl getting arrested (for ANY reason) for cannabis...is a Troll-- :tiphat:

jump /injack

We have 535 Representatives in Congress who with one vote can make cannabis a class #3 drug which would take care of all legal problems in the United States. It would be on par with baby aspirin as a drug, that would be the end of all arrests. Put pressure on the 535, make it a voting situation, if they vote against making it a class 3 drug work against them and let them know why. Congress critters make over $184,000 per year and with what the steal can go over $500,000, you have to hit them where it really hurts. Just a class 3 drug, let them take the criminality and stick it up their ass, no cop would ever arrest you again, waste of money and court time.
Rezinhead, we get your point you dont like the clubs, lots of people do. go annoy someone with your point of view, this thread is for people who want them open...

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