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CA Marijuana Legalization Initiative to Qualify for Ballot Today

Legal in one state limits you to corps that only operate in that state. As long as it isn't legal on the federal level the large corps will not come in.


Game Bred
that bullshit "protectionist" attitude sounds like you could qualify to be the next drrug czar sick boy!

way to support prohibition!!!

maybe the mexican cartels coud put you on the payroll or at the very least send you a fruit basket at christmas time.

the fear mongering you spew is awesome!!!!

if we take your predictions as gospel:
evey grower in cali will die homeless in the street
philip morris will risk their multi billion dollar business by breaking federal, law
7-11 and wal mart will take the same risk to sell phillip morris's product
huge corporations will grow waaaaaay higher quality bud that growers with decades of experience.
and medical law will be wiped off the books.

is that an appropriate sumation of the bullshit your hiding your greed behind?


big buisness, small buisness. Walmart style grows ruining it for the underdog blah blah blah..

I see the argument.. but if you want this plant to remain illeagle im sorry for you.


Just Call me Urkle!!
I fully understand both sides of this. Well name calling ("Lazy Fucks") is not called for, I feel the frustration that people are experiencing. This isn't just a product, IT'S A WAY OF LIFE- A 'CULTURE'!

What I feel is that both sides are right! I wouldn't put 'financial gain' over people's freedom either. But it doesn't have to be one or the other!

If anyone with half a brain applied themselves right now THEY CAN DO ANYTHING UNDER OUR CURRENT LAWS! "THUNDERKLE" Is probably like many I know who have dedicated a great deal of their life to perfecting their art. And, like it or not, The powerful Tobacco industry is putting A HELL OF A LOT OF 'MONEY' OVER MANY GROWERS 'FREEDOM' TO MAKE A LIVING!

As Johnny Lydon (PIL) said: "big business is very wise". We need to beware of who we are getting in bed with! If your fine with the Walmart model of cheap crap pushing out Craftsmen and Artisans, than fine.

Right now Californians consume (as I said above) between $870 million and $ 2 billion worth of medical marijuana per year! That's where Phillip Morris' love comes from!



Again, that's where Phillip Morris' love comes from! Where are the Moonshiners of the 20's and 30's who claimed their product was too 'refined and superior' to be massed produced? WHERE ARE THEY?! They could never have imagined how lucky we are right now! By not being completely legal- the prices remain high enough to provide a living. By applying and using the laws that exist- NOBODY HAS TO GO TO JAIL!!!

Corporate America can't believe that the small grower has the nerve, THE AUDACITY!, to have that $2 Billion going through the common man's hand!

Indeed 'this is NOT a love song'!

What is so hard to understand about this? Right now things are lovely in Cali and it just needs to stay how it is, with more clubs opening and more hydro shops bringing money to the local economy local folks can still live comfy by using that spare bedroom they have but that's not going to be able to happen if it goes legal and the only thing that's going to change is where you can get it. As of now anyone with a med card can grow as many plants as they need. Let it go legal and watch bills get passed for it to be hard to get a commercial license to sale to stores and you will need that license to be legal. Then they will make that price for renewal expensive for the common person ect taking away from us and making it corporate and if that's what you want and you say you've been at it for years Hammerhead that blows me away as I KNOW folks up north that been in it for 30yrs and I share the views of those folks that don't want the crop they have fought for and lost loved ones over to drop in price making it not worth the work. I know I'm not the only one feeling this way, I was just like you a few months back like YAY!!! LEGALIZE IT!! FUCK YEA!!! Till ALL my friends that grow and my Grandma's boyfriend started pointing out all the shit that's going to happen if it in fact does go legal.

What's going to happen to the Oregon Medical growers who already have a hard time competing with the outdoor crops of Cali every year? Folks like to throw the word "Cartel" around a lot here saying I'm just supporting them wanting it illegal but it's really YOU guys that will be helping them make TONS OF MONEY! Do you understand how much more profit they will make in states like Wyoming where a ounce of bammer $250!!! Take that super cheap super good legal Cali weed over state lines into states that still have it illegal and sell it for 4x the price they got it for. The Cartels are hoping like hell that it goes legal :tiphat:


So it said 25 sq ft per household... so if you are growing in a 1 ft by 1 ft surface area per planter you can grow 25 plants? Sounds good to me.


What is so hard to understand about this? Right now things are lovely in Cali and it just needs to stay how it is, with more clubs opening and more hydro shops bringing money to the local economy local folks can still live comfy by using that spare bedroom they have but that's not going to be able to happen if it goes legal and the only thing that's going to change is where you can get it. As of now anyone with a med card can grow as many plants as they need. Let it go legal and watch bills get passed for it to be hard to get a commercial license to sale to stores and you will need that license to be legal. Then they will make that price for renewal expensive for the common person ect taking away from us and making it corporate and if that's what you want and you say you've been at it for years Hammerhead that blows me away as I KNOW folks up north that been in it for 30yrs and I share the views of those folks that don't want the crop they have fought for and lost loved ones over to drop in price making it not worth the work. I know I'm not the only one feeling this way, I was just like you a few months back like YAY!!! LEGALIZE IT!! FUCK YEA!!! Till ALL my friends that grow and my Grandma's boyfriend started pointing out all the shit that's going to happen if it in fact does go legal.

What's going to happen to the Oregon Medical growers who already have a hard time competing with the outdoor crops of Cali every year? Folks like to throw the word "Cartel" around a lot here saying I'm just supporting them wanting it illegal but it's really YOU guys that will be helping them make TONS OF MONEY! Do you understand how much more profit they will make in states like Wyoming where a ounce of bammer $250!!! Take that super cheap super good legal Cali weed over state lines into states that still have it illegal and sell it for 4x the price they got it for. The Cartels are hoping like hell that it goes legal :tiphat:

Do you think the police should arrest, fine, and imprison people that are busted growing/smoking weed?


Just Call me Urkle!!
Do you think the police should arrest, fine, and imprison people that are busted growing/smoking weed?

Sure don't that's why they should get a med card like everybody else that's a smoker did. No matter what you use it for it's medicinal should it be if your just needing to relax, or get a appetite maybe help you sleep ect. Right now it's damn near legal anyway here why change it all it's going to do is take it out of our hands and put it into big business :tiphat:


Its hard for me to get my head around that.
Keeping somthing illeagle just to keep it out of hands of big buisness? Dosnt seem right to me personaly. Its like taking advantage of the laws and (which we are against). Using weed regulations to keep it from being commercialized.

I DO think every lazy person should have the RIGHT to walk down to the corner store and legaly score a bag. Why not?

I personaly am a user more than a seller. I love smoking more tahn making money so if weed was marketed by big buisness it wouldnt hurt me to bad. But if your into for the money.. sorry.. start a meth lab or somthin.

And I dont see "big buisness" as even a realistic threat. I mean phizer could put the farm in pharmasudicles if they wanted to lock down the game with medical mj.. but its not accepted like that. its been a closed culture for to long.
And look at amsterdam, not like they have problems with big buisness, just more competitive breeders.

Just my opinion... FREE THE WEED

:thank you:


Well-known member
it is interesting to see the huge respect given Phillip Morris and other tobacco companies and their 'abilities'
if you look at their corporate culture and skill set, they would probably suck big time at MJ, likely wouldn't even be a contest
there may well be big corporate winners eventually, who they will be is likely unpredictable
big companies usually are very incompetent outside of their core businesses


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Sure don't that's why they should get a med card like everybody else that's a smoker did. No matter what you use it for it's medicinal should it be if your just needing to relax, or get a appetite maybe help you sleep ect. Right now it's damn near legal anyway here why change it all it's going to do is take it out of our hands and put it into big business :tiphat:

Cash croppers will never want cannabis to go legal. It's very obvious that you are very concerned about the money. You have this idea that big pharma/tabaco are going to ruin it for ya. I can say it again maybe you will here it. They will not touch cannabis as long as it is illegal federally. If you can grow top shelf meds you wont have any problems getting it sold. Change scares many stop being so paranoid that your world will end if it goes legal. I will let you guys continue this discussion.


Just Call me Urkle!!
See you get the wrong impression of me cuz I don't like cash croppers and greedy growers like the asians in my area busted with 900+ in one house 500+ in another and stealing power ect and I am worried about the money I've said before I have plans to have a legal med grow that will help fund my homeless program to help the unfortunate get on their feet and learn to grow and make money to take care of themselve's and I just don't see that being able to happen if it goes legal.

I understand the federal part and that's also why I think it's stupid cuz I get the feeling they are just going to kick in more doors and arrest folks on other charges and it will be stupid shit way dumber than going to jail for a plant...


Just Call me Urkle!!
Did you happen to read the Feds stance on the bill? A WHOLE BUNCH more are going to go to jail once this bill goes into play. I said it was just a way to put more folks in jail and look what they are already saying... You have more protection under 215 than Prop 19...


Active member
Did you happen to read the Feds stance on the bill? A WHOLE BUNCH more are going to go to jail once this bill goes into play. I said it was just a way to put more folks in jail and look what they are already saying... You have more protection under 215 than Prop 19...

LMAO...that's a good one!

Lets see here....the Feds account for a measly 1% of marijuana arrests.


In Cali...over 60,000 misdemeanor arrests every year that will stop after 19. Those are under State law.

What do you think the feds are going to do? Hire more DEA to start busting people growing in a 5x5? LOL

Why try and spread FEAR? What is your real beef with 19?


Active member
What is your real beef with 19?

I've said before I have plans to have a legal med grow that will help fund my homeless program to help the unfortunate get on their feet and learn to grow and make money to take care of themselve's and I just don't see that being able to happen if it goes legal.

I guess I should pay better attention.

So your against 19 for personal reasons. You say it's to help some unfortunate people, but that then is a contradiction. Vote against a law that would stop the arrest and life long drug conviction on the record of tens of thousands of people..not to mention what this would do for the movement...so you can sell a black market inflated product to fulfill a personal dream. nice


Active member
one last thing...

A WHOLE BUNCH more are going to go to jail once this bill goes into play.

What a bunch of fear mongering bullshit that is! I'm sure the folks at the Justice Dept grin wide and long when they see a pot grower help spread their agenda. Keep up the good work and maybe you will be rewarded and 19 will be defeated. The drug war can continue at full force, Cooley will be able to rewrite the AG Guidelines for 215 and the movement will be set back. Keep it up...you friend of cannabis...what a joke.


Active member
You want to take homeless people and teach them to grow an illegal product to help them get back on their feet?


You want to take homeless people and teach them to grow an illegal product to help them get back on their feet?
It is a noble thought thuderurkle but if it was legal you would be helping them get a job. There will be many positive ways prop 19 could help the less fortunate.



New member
I don't have a secret financial agenda and I will still be voting no. I feel the big corp argument isn't a good one... America is a capitalist society. You can't expect MJ to have a different path through our economy than any other industry. How can you want it to gain acceptance but keep it exempt from the workings of usual financial system?
However, it's a poorly written prop that will create as many problems as it might solve. It's hard enough for medical patients to get access now because of cities making it difficult. Below is a link to an article about LA dispensaries having to struggle to stay open. LA isn't exactly a bastion of conservatism. OC, where I live, is much more. These pot stores have no chance of ever opening here where dispensaries are banned in every city but one. The prop gives too much power to the cities.
Then there's the issue of the protection for patients not including the word "cultivate" so they'll be limited to the 5x5 space as well. And of course, it not being legal to smoke in "any space" with a minor, which is so vague as to endanger any parent.
Mostly though, the prop gives new protections to what IMHO is a small group. Possession under an ounce is only an infraction (just ticket and $100 fine, no jail time) and MMJ users and growers are safe under 215 so the only new group being protected would be growers who don't have an rx. Small group, IMHO. It's not as if the prop would release people currently convicted of under an ounce possession (again not many) or 5x5 cultivation.
It just seems to do more harm than good to me.


"We have an obligation to enforce the plain-vanilla language of the rules," said Jane Usher, a special assistant city attorney handling the dozens of lawsuits swirling around the regulations.