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C99 x Grape Romulan


Genetics looks great, green thumb indeed. Have fun with that yum yum. Will be waiting to hear how tasty it is. :smokey:

So I did read the whole thread and I have to be honest... The A.W. avatar was killing me every time it popped up lol! Kept scaring me! I only say that after later in the thread fellow ICer's mentioned it's a new one. I just thought it was funny. :biggrin:

I'm very high right now btw...


ICMag Donor
I know Frank but if they don't look perfect it drives me crazy

And that is exactly why we admire your grows! Because you refuse to accept anything but the best result possible...more people should grow with that much dedication!!




Active member
ZOO, I already know your crazy, seriously though both 1 & 2 turned out real nice, cant wait to get a report on the smoke and get them in my hands, is GS doing the smoke testing?

Jalisco Kid

Active member
Hola Zoo,
These buds seem bigger then the grom but the pics I remember the grom seemed to have more branches. How does the yields compare? JK


These Grom has way to much stretch and these are more tame but the #1 pheno will yield just like the Grom but the # 2 is the one I like now . It looks alot like C99 is way done by day 54 to 56 and just rock hard nugs . Both will have super bag appeal if that's someones thing


OK guys I've got everything fixed and just put 6 #2 and 5 #1 into flower so now we can see what they can really do


Startin to jar up and #1 yields better and looks like about 2.5oz per plant in a 2 gallon pot flowered at 12 inches and #2 about 1.5 to 2 oz's per 2 gallon pot . Dialed this strain is gonna yield huge next time


Half way thru the new run and with her runnin tight they look much better . I'll get ya pix soon


ICMag Donor
word to my mother...and yours if you like, brother Zoo....

still lurking...hahaha



Here's the only one I ran this last run of pheno 2 and half the grow was with the bad ph but still nice but shit compared to the new run .


Jalisco Kid

Active member
These Grom has way to much stretch and these are more tame but the #1 pheno will yield just like the Grom but the # 2 is the one I like now . It looks alot like C99 is way done by day 54 to 56 and just rock hard nugs . Both will have super bag appeal if that's someones thing

Yeah who wants bag appeal,all those trics just make a sticky mess.lol
Break out a nug for a smoke report,if you did please point my lame lazy ass in the right direction. JK