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c99 x chemdog grow... any input?


Well-known member
from your last picture id go a week more from experience ,they really put weight on the last few weeks and max out on resin tilthe point that they are rocks ,and the end product is true a mind fuck with sweeet pineapples truly one to keep


Active member
Hey kane.. thanks for stopping by, yeap they deff. are starting to pack on final weight..my temps have been off the wall the last few days... mad 80's to highest its gotten is like 90... more under control now.. but they were started on their flush 2 days ago... will continue to flush for another week and a half or so.

I didn't go heavy/harsh on the ferts... switched off between AN's sensi grow 2 part(veg) and bloom 2 part line(flower),guano tea mix every other watering.. then of coarse plain waterings inbetween..Also used AN's budcandy for the first 6 weeks of flower.. a tsp of earth juice microblast every few weeks... Now everythings been pretty much cut off... hopefully 1.5-2 week flush is enough.. hairs r starting to turn orange rapidly.. sticky is an understatement at this point... will have some more update shots in a day or 2 so you guys can judge! :)


Active member
Ok we have *Day 60* of flower :




And now a group shot of my 2 ladies :D :

......Enjoy.. feel free to comment on how you guys think I'm doing... already started my flush... gonna go another 1.5-2 weeks max with it then be pretty much @ if not close to chop. :)

Looks like 75~ days is the magic number with this one... guess we'll find out soon enough :D


Holy moly......that's cutting it awefull close to animal-porn with those DONKEY-DI.. you are showing here........keep it up man......call me perverted, but keep em coming.....!! My best of karma to you and your upcomming harvest!!!! I'd flush for 10-14 days just to make sure the nasty nutes are as gone as they can be in these beautifull flowers.....10 thumbs up from Ludo....:wave:


Well-known member
you sure are going to get a nice yeild off them plants very good job you got some fun times ahead well done


Active member
@ Ludo... ROFL nice... I needed the laugh... now each time I go in there I'm gonna have that in the back of my mind =p, Deff. am gonna keep the update pics going ;)... as far as the flush goes I intend on 2 weeks minimum just to be sure!

@ Kane... deff. bro, I'm impressed considering it's only 2 plants! :D

.... Stay tuned :)


Active member
Complete BS... this weather is kicking my ass... its getting to be an oven... I'm like on edge atm... these ladies are so damn close to being done... and this heat is killer... been battling 90F+ heat the last 2 weeks...with no a/c... been having to find ways to keep em cool but its like a uphill battle... FML.

Now for some more of my crapshot updates lol..
*Day 67 of flower*






Well-known member
got the same deal myself, heat, heat, heat, and no AC
keep the air moving, and you will get by, my grow chamber temps are 90+, but moving enough air seems to keep everything under control


Active member
Yea this heat is killer =/... on a lighter note I got my order from the boutique yesterday.. record time to - 3days :)

*Day 72 of flower*




I Plan on taking these to day 80+ if they continue as they are.. haven't decended into final stages yet...How they look so far?

Got me some blue satellite 2.2's and some Soma Salad.. got 5 power kush freebies w/ my order... thanks Gypsy! ;)


Active member
Thanks Pseudo... yea they have really taken a beating with all this Midwest heat, BUT they are on their way... Plan on letting them ride till them trichs have more amber.. so a few more days at the very least, the sample bud that broke off from too much weight that I dried a few days ago is dynomite lemme tell you.. and that's an early piece... can't wait to see the finished product on chop day and after a nice cure ;)


Active member
It's deff. a keeper! TG I kept 6 seeds incase I want to run her again :D

*Day 76 of flower*






Active member
Man my days were all off... actually day 87 of flower counting the 10-14 day stretch...Started my harvest today, trimmed about 9 or 10 tops.. still got another 10 or so to go plus the side branches and bottom pop corn buds :D.. looking like a mean harvest for just 2 plants ;)

Got a nice set of milky trichs with lots of amber ones coming through.. going to harvest over the next 3 days.. let them dry up the soil.. and give the bottom ones some light...

*First Hanger*




just do it
whats your lighting? mouthwatering pics.... looking fwd to smoke report , whats it smell like?


Active member
They were vegged under a 6bulb 4ft T5... and flowered under a lumatek digi. 600watt dimable HPS w/ xtra sun 6 reflector.. air cooled.

One plant had more of a pineapple citrus smell... the other one a more musky grapefruit,

Deff. will post a smoke report including final weight soon as it's dry :)


Active member
ICMag Donor
watch your humidity!!!!!!

watch your humidity!!!!!!

dude watch out for bud rot and mold issues arising if you have high humidity anything like in midwest recently.... its an absolute must to have a dehumidified room to dry them buds... it would be ashame to lose em now!!!!!!!!!!!!

great grow mon


Active member
dude watch out for bud rot and mold issues arising if you have high humidity anything like in midwest recently.... its an absolute must to have a dehumidified room to dry them buds... it would be ashame to lose em now!!!!!!!!!!!!

great grow mon

Yea I've been fighting that off for a few weeks now.. only had a few small affected areas that I cut on a few buds.. but I have em hanging in my spare dark non used bathroom with exhuast fan running 24/7.. pretty cool in there with plenty of indirect air movement.

Thanks for the kind words :)

Today I'll be breaking down the tent n giving it a good cleaning.. then finally moving it indoors into the spare bedroom in the basement next to mine... fuck this BS heat.. tierd of dealing with it.. its cold down here... will be easier to manage/keep an eye on aswell.. better than the garage... it served its purpose till winter ;)

Got a nice choice ahead of me..
Seeds to start : Purple Wreck, Arjans haze x cinnamon, Satori, Original haze x skunk #1, Safari mix, Hawaiian snow, nevilles haze, arjans haze #1, trainwreck, El nino, blue satellite 2.2, Soma's Salad, Power Kush, c99 x chem dog kush.... got 10 slots open in my flowering area w/ room to veg even more since I'll be finding some mothers... who to choose who to choose?