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C99 experts invited...Skunk pheno C99??? Make S1's???

Uncle Remus

I've been throwing this around in Rez's C99 thread...The more I think about it, the more I want to investigate it...This is an open invitation for all you C99 experts out there in ICland...

A little backround on myself...Started growing hydro bubblers about 3 years ago using local bag seed...After "some" success I found this website and greatly improved my growing skills :headbange I have approx 10 grows under my belt and discovered C99 about a 1 1/2 years ago after smoiking some with a friend...First grow with her was a Female Seeds Xline offering purchased from the Boutique (right on)...Nice, fruity, but not so powerfully...Did 2 more grows with the clones

Then I came across this thread here:http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=47110&highlight=feminized

Luck would have it I was chosen to get some of these and I grew out 3 of the seven seeds that were good and found a nice pineapple momma...Grew this out 2-3 more times until tragedy struck...Lost my clones to grower stupidity...So about 6 months a go I popped 2 more looking for a replacemnt pineapple keeper, and BOY did I find one...During early flower the keeper had more of a grapefruit pheno smell and was bushy as hell and I almost thought about not taking clones...Yield looked great so i ended up keeping it over the more pineapple smelling pheno...Space is limited so yield is important to me...Liitle did i know what I found

Peeps this has got to be the stinkiest, dankest shit I have ever smoked in 20 years of token...I has an overpowering odor of skunk and Skittles candy that permeates everything...Forget about having a 1/4 or 1/2 oz of this on you...It totally smells up my whole apartment (3 bedroom) when I'm chopping and trimming it...My car smelled like it for 4 days after having a 1/2 oz in the glovebox for like 6 hours...Not to mention 2 hits off a fresh bowl leaves me stoned for hours at a time...4 hits off a spliff??? NO WAY

I'm thinking of having a go at making the Colladial Silver stuff (whatever it is) and making some S1's...How much variation can I expect in the seeds? What are my chances of getting this pheno again? This is some KILLER smoke and I want to make sure it dosen't get lost

Here's a link to Rez's C99...Looks similar to mine:http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=80744

Pics from last harvest...Second run from clone:

From the pics above and in the threads mine sure looks very similar to Rez's C99 so I think its the real deal....Anyone having any info on a skunky C99 pheno please sound off...After hunting and searching forums all over I have never run across any threads on someone having one...Maybe I found a special keeper?

Sound off peeps...Throw some stuff at me

Uncle Remus gives this pheno a MAJOR :yes: :canabis: :dance: :headbange
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I'm thinking of having a go at making the Colladial Silver stuff (whatever it is)

Colloidal silver. It's very easy to make your own at home, you just need some pure (.999) silver, and an adapter (ie. 9V) to run electricity through it. I made a step-by-step thread about it here:

The first thing I used it on was C99 (GN Collection). The most pineappley pheno I've ever had was from the GN Collection.

Here on the left is a GN Collection C99 i grew about 2 years ago, and on the right is the first of my feminised ones which I harvested recently - you can see she stayed quite true ...



I've had several skunkier smelling c99's. I had one that was even bright red, stank like a skunk right out of the seed, crazy red stems which happens alot with c99 - but the leaves were a dark burgundy as well. It was during a seed viability test, so I sprouted about 50 of 'em with no intentions of keeping them, to see how my seed storage was going - I just have a crapload of c99 seeds. Lo and behold this gorgeous little red plant pops out, it sucked because I wasn't in a position to keep the dang thing. That was 3 years ago or better, and I still miss that plant....
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Uncle Remus

whodi you need some macros for my opinion

Heres a few:

NoDowntime I've had several skunkier smelling c99's

I see...But did you ever have one that was almost unbearable? If you leave a jar open the whole ENTIRE apartment reeks to the high heavens...My cousin brought home a 1/2 oz and kept it down in the basement (where he sleeps)...He said with 1/2 hour the entire house reeked...He ended up having to move it in his car

Hmm thought I might have stumbled onto something different...Funny I cant seem to find anyone reporting this type of pheno before...Sure glad I decided to make this the keeper...What a find :headbange


Heh heh, I dunno how stinky it would have gotten, I doubt it would have been anything like what you are talking about though! I had to pull them all after 3 weeks just checking for runts mutants and germ rate. Who knows, it mighta ended up smelling like 3 week old wet socks at the bottom of the clothes bin. Had enough of that smell pop up unexpectedly, heh. BLECH@

Congrats, sounds like you found your alpha plant, I've been looking for almost 9 years now and have found some decent stuff, but nothing that made me as excited as you seem to be.

Work with that little beeecha, have fun seeing if you can isolate it and perpetuate it. That's where the real good times begin, right?! Enjoy! :headbange :headbange


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !

as far as i know, S1 are best for breeding purposes, and most of the S1 you'll find will have a little lack of vigor. But if you do some selection on the S1 and then make a backcross that could be great ! Even only a selection could result on great phenotypes.

but i don't know how the c99 breed so far, it seems that phenomenal ended up with great results !

All the best for your job :)


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